STARCROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL Personnel and Curriculum Meeting

STARCROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL Personnel and Curriculum Meeting

STARCROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL – Personnel and Curriculum Meeting

Tuesday 24th January 2017 – 1730 – Staff Room

Minutes / Actions
1 / Welcome and and Apologies:
In Attendance: LB, JP, SB, JW, II
Clerk: ND
Absent: ES, NC
Also, Present: Georgie Lax and Tamsin Vanderford
All absence agreed and sanctioned
2 / Declarations of Interest:
None Declared
3 / Minutes of Meeting 6th December 2016:
Minutes agreed they were a true and accurate record.
Proposed: LB Seconded: JP
All in favour
4 / Matters Arising:
5 / Curriculum Reports:
Geography: Full report is attached.
GL explained that during the summer term the curriculum changed back to a single programme. This has now settled and is running smoothly. The Foundation stage has been looked at through “Understanding the World”. GL is in the process of going into the Reception class to view how this works alongside the EYFS, and the Cross-curriculum links with History & Geography, into other core subjects. Trips have taken place at Pennywell, Teignmouth, Dawlish Warren to Farms etc., she understands that a lot of our trips have been very local, but we have so many fantastic places and resources on our doorstep it would be a shame not to use them. Tamsyn Mann, Alex Cross and Paul Collett have also taken their children to Dartmoor to learn about History and Geography.
The Lesson Observations have been taking place, Learning about different countries. The staff try to bring their experiences and understanding to the childrens learning. AC was also observed doing Map work with the year 6 children. New topics have been added, Mountains, Volcanos and Earthquakes. We have been using the Royal Geographical Society as a lot of their resources are Free, GL has ensured that this has been added to the server for everyone to access. Mapping resources from the RGS are free and there is progressive learning, it does over the requirements of the National Curriculum. Things to do: No staff have asked for any more support from GL at this time. Make sure all staff are aware of the free resources and how to access them. Vulnerable groups being looked at next week. To learn more about the EYFS. To view and access the school policy.
LB asked GL how positive she felt this was? She explained that this was very positive and extremely encouraging.
SB asked if there was any merit in us actually joining the RGS? GL explained that we could probably access more areas, but to be honest everything we needed was already free on the site.
History: Full Report is Attached
The curriculum is now a yearly programme, it crosses over again with “Understanding the World” in EYFS. GL expressed and she is keen to learn more about the EYFS goals for 30-50 months.
Cross curriculum links are being used. II explained that we need to ensure that the cross-curriculum links are being used and shown in the childrens books. GL to view books and ensure that this is happening and is clear in the books.
History is used as a main topic and then other subjects are being linked into this. The subject maps are showing that there are cross links with the other subjects.
AC has been viewed teaching the Blitz.
TV viewed teaching the Vikings.
She needs to ensure that the vulnerable groups are making progress, again this clearly needs to be shown in the books and observed. The Historical Association Membership has been renewed and works well. We do have quite limited resources but this is still being looked at. We can order topic boxes if required and have done in the past, we can also access things online. The Poppy Appeal went really well and the children loved being involved. History Squad – would could possibly link with Cockwood, sharing resources and costs. Trips have taken place such as the Teign Heritage Centre, Exeter Museum and Dartmoor.
Unearth Starcross – This is part of a bigger project (see attached leaflet) this will mean the children can work with the Villagers. Kate Green came in to talk to the children about the Project. She is coming in again to work with smaller groups of children and at the end of this there will be a Multi Media Event in the Village.
Things to do: Audit History Resources, EYFS links, keep links with the village history groups, Update Policy.
Literacy: Full Report Attached
TV explained that a lot of the report was covered in the “Ofsted Readiness Meeting”.
The Phonics screening is below National. We are working hard to improve this. Hard work and intervention groups are helping to raise the results. We are all doing all we can at this time, but further assessments will take place next week.
Reading at home is being pushed, an incentive scheme for the children is to be revealed next week, to try and encourage more reading at home.
Reading is not as strong as last year. Accelerated reading and the TA’s in each class are helping with this.
Writing is below, KS2 are working really hard on this.
Spelling and Grammar training for staff has helped massively and things are improving.
LB asked how the KS1 Spellings are being tested? TV explained the process – LB asked if parents could be given feedback on the ones that the children are struggling with, so they can give support at home. TV will feed this back.
Handwriting – there is a big push on this and the progress is being shown, some of the work is being displayed around the school. Yr6’s this year do not have to been the expected standards, but Tv thinks that next year this will change.
Handwriting competitions will be running after half term to motivate the children and make them think about their presentation.
LB explained that when she came into class, you can clearly see the children taking pride in their work, this is evidenced in their books.
This is the 3rd year of the new curriculum and the demands have increased, particularly the grammar, what words do and what they mean within a sentence. There is an expectation that their handwriting, grammar and spelling is being used cross curriculum and being evidenced in their books. All teaching staff need to be on top of this. It is a real balancing act.
Reading – Accelerated reading works well – training is ongoing. The racetracks for years 4,5&6 are great incentives and encourage them to read and understand what they are reading. Guided reading, the groups have changed slightly – phonics, de-coding, comprehension are grouped. There are reading buddies – Yr5 > Yr1.
SB asked if we get any volunteers coming in for reading with the children? We have a few people that come in, but time then needs to be spent training them and making DBS checks etc. In other counties, they have a “Beanstalk” system which can sign up to for trained and checked volunteers, this is not yet in Devon.
Writing – Marking Policy – Pink for positive – Green for Growth. Everyone is using this. EYFS are starting to use them but in a slightly different format. The children are using the Purple pens for editing.
Spelling and Grammar - KS1 are being taught in class groups at the moment, but this may change and they may go back to ability groups.
Assessments there were so many changes last year for Yr2 and Yr6, this has settled slightly. Pupil tracker has been adapted to fir the new curriculum, training has been undertaken. Staff Meetings are taking place every half term. Devon Library Service still being used including topic books. Sapphire Barker has been trained for Library and now oversees this. PTFA have paid for picture library books. The Junior librarians are fantastic, keen and enthusiastic.
Monitors: Pupil Tracker for reading and writings – this data shows which children need intervention.
Interviews have been taking place with staff and have proved productive. Book Scrutiny ongoing and an outside source may be bought in to assess our monitoring.
Handwriting Policy to be bought to Full Governors
Proposed – LB Seconded – SB
6 / Governor Subject Visits:
ND – No reports had come in since the last meeting. ND has sent emails to all governors reminding them to make appointments with their subject leaders. This is ongoing.
7 / Personnel Updates:
II – staff sickness has been quite high this term, but this is a testament to the rest of the staff, how they have pulled together and helped each other out.
MTA closing date has passed and II to look at the applicants.
8 / Policies:
IT and E-safety Policy – Paul Collett
ND explained that C is currently working on the policy, which is a huge document. It is not yet complete and therefore to be added to the next Agenda.
II explained that PC has been commissioned to do workshops for parents on E-Safety, this will be happening next week. This has been bought to the forefront due to a child posting inappropriate things on the internet.
9 / Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 21st February 2017 @ 1730