Stanwood-Camano Little League Registration Fee Financial Aid Request
Stanwood-Camano Little League is a non-profit organization run 100% by volunteers. The strength of our league is found in the many parents and community members that value a quality youth organization that will benefit all children in our community. If you are interested in requesting financial assistance for league fees, please fill out this form completely and return to SCLL as soon as possible.
Personal Information
Player 1 Name ______Date of Birth______Player 2 Name ______Date of Birth______Player 3 Name ______Date of Birth______
Parent or Guardian’s Name ______Home Phone ______
Address, City, St, Zip ______Cell Number ______
Email Address ______Division(s) of Play ______
Does your player(s) participate on any other outside teams during the SCLL season? ______
Does your family qualify for free or reduce meals at school/ (Please check one)
_____ Reduced lunch (generally qualifies for partial aid).
_____ Free lunch (generally qualifies for maximum aid).
_____ No, but there are extenuating circumstances why my player(s) need financial assistance.
Please state explanation on a separate sheet and return with form.
I am requesting the following amount of financial aid $______
Read the statements below and initial each line certifying that you have read it:
_____ I understand that financial aid funds are limited and no one is entitled to financial aid.
_____ I understand that financial aid is for registration fees only. Additional fees may be required for uniform costs.
_____ I understand that I will be required to serve volunteer duties for financial assistance.
_____ I understand that if I am unable to fulfill my volunteer obligations, I must set up a meeting with the League President.
_____ I understand that my player(s) will not be assigned to a team until my request is approved by the League President.
_____ I certify that the above information is true and I have read and understood the statements above.
Parent/Guardian name (please print) ______Parent/Guardian Signature ______
Please circle what you would be willing to volunteer for:
Fundraising, Field Maintenance, Umpire, Score Keeping, Organization at Clinics, Tryouts and Picture Day, Coaching and Assistant Coach, Mariner's day Coordinator, other help?