Marine Science 2016-2017

Syllabus (subject to change)

Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Sunman

Room: 590

Email: (* preferred means of communication)

Phone: 904-547-7300

Office Hours: Classroom - prior to school (8:30-9:00) on a daily basis. Additional times by appointment.

Text: Marine Science The Dynamic Ocean, 2011.

Course Description: Students will study marine science and learn how all aspects of the ocean environment are related to one another. In addition to lectures and readings, students will be participating in laboratory activities which reinforce what they learned in class. Students will be provided with a lab safety contract which is to be read and signed by the student and their parent(s). The contract must be signed and returned before the student will be allowed to participate in lab activities.

Required materials: Students are required to have 3 ring binder dedicated to Marine Science only, pen and pencil, highlighter, lined paper, and dividers (5 pack will be fine).

Wish list materials:

Ø  Dry Erase Markers

Ø  Paper Towels

Ø  Hand Sanitizer

Ø  Disinfecting Wipes

Ø  Kleenex


1.  Be on time. That means in your seat and working on bell work when the bell rings.

2.  Tardies will be dealt with according to the CHS Handbook. (3 tardies = referral to the dean). Students who arrive late to class must sign in on the clipboard by the door.

3.  If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you have missed and make it up in the time allotted by the CHS handbook.

4.  Leaving class for any reason other than an emergency will be kept to a minimum. Please use the restroom during class change. NO PASSES WILL BE GIVEN THE FIRST 10 MINUTES OR THE LAST 10 MINUTES OF CLASS!!!


Assessment: Quarter grades will be based on category percentages.

Tests 50%

Labs/Projects (in HAC listed as Labs) 25%

Quizzes/ Assignments (in HAC listed as Assessments) 25%

*ESE, 504, and ELL accommodations will be used in class when needed.

**Any student caught cheating/copying will receive a zero, no exceptions. Beware the accessibility of the internet. Make sure your work is your own.

Late Work: Late work will be accepted one day late for half credit. If it is more than one day late it is a zero.

Missed Exams and Quizzes: Exams and Quizzes must be made up within 4 days of the original date given or the resulting grade will be a zero. Make up must be scheduled by the student and done on the students own time and will not be allowed to be taken during normal class time. It is your responsibility to come to me and find out what you have missed. Maximum value for a work submitted due to an unexcused absence is 50% in accordance with the CHS Handbook.

Student Conduct:

Students are expected to follow the guidelines as outlined in the St Johns County School District’s Student Conduct Code and as modified by Creekside High School Administration with regards to appropriate dress and behavior. Some examples (not all inclusive):

1. Be on time, be prepared, be respectful, and be willing to give your best effort

2. No Food, Gum, or Drinks (with the exception of water) are permitted in the classroom.

4. No ball caps or other head covering are to be worn into/inside the classroom (With the exception of school wide activities). No sunglasses are to be worn into/inside the classroom.

5. No stereo headphones/iPods/MP3/CD...etc. are to be worn into/or used inside the classroom.

6. Cellular telephones are to be turned off and out of sight inside the classroom. They will be confiscated and turned over to the dean.

7. Backpacks are to be placed under in the back of the classroom on the lab tables. Only notebooks, paper, writing utensil, and calculator should be at your desk.

8. NO TALKING during class/direct instruction. I cannot stress enough how important this rule is for the students. There will be plenty of times when it is allowed, but otherwise no talking with other students during class time. Consequences will result and potential referral to the dean.

9. Follow the Creekside Knight’s Code of Honor!!!

Please join our REMIND system for classroom updates!!

Signature Verification: My signature below, verifies that I have read and intend to fully comply with all the information in this document. If I cannot in good faith sign this document for any reason, I will contact the instructor immediately to discuss or clarify its contents. Please feel free to contact me during the school year if you have any concerns or if I can further help your student succeed.

Parent and Student Acknowledgement:

The signed course syllabus should be returned to Mrs. Sunman for credit.

I/we have read Mrs. Sunman’s Expectations and are aware of the importance of its purpose.

Student Printed Name ______

Student Signature______Date:______

Parent Signature ______Date:______

BEST method of parental contact: ______

I encourage you to contact me via e-mail at any time with any of your concerns:

Sunman 3