MINUTES of a meeting of the COUNCIL held at 7.45pm on Wednesday 23 November 2016 in the Council Offices, Crafton Green House, 72 Chapel Hill, Stansted Mountfitchet, Essex

PRESENT:Cllr M Caton (Chairman), Cllrs C Dean, S Dunn, J Hudson, M Jessup, P L Jones,

J Kavanagh, J O’Brien, R Rands, F Richards, G Sell and D Wallace-Jarvis

ATTENDING:Mrs R Clifford – Clerk to the Council

Cty Cllr R Gooding

Dist Cllrs A Dean and T Farthing

2 members of the public


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs J Richards and J Salmon and from Mr T Lloyd, Assistant to the Clerk.


Mr Woodcock reported that he will be visiting Elsenham Parish Council on 5 December to discuss potential road closures in the event of flooding.



There being no amendments, the minutes of the meeting held on 2 November 2016 were signed by the Chairman as an accurate record.


290b – lighting along the B1383 – Cllr Kavanagh reported that she has received a reply to say that the lights are the responsibility of the developer of Foresthall Park and they will be investigating. Cty Cllr Gooding confirmed that he was awaiting dates from the Highway Rangers and would follow-up on the incomplete resurfacing in Spencer Close.

320CHAIRMAN’S REPORT-attached.



Cllr Dean updated members with regard to the Local Plan. There is no new timetable yet and there are still questions relating to housing numbers and whether to use the 2014 demographics rather than those from 2012; liaison with neighbouring authorities is also being reviewed. It seems that the Government is unlikely to intervene on timings as long as progress continues to be made. As Chair of Scrutiny, Cllr Dean has asked the Planning Advisory Service to return to review the process and their report is due in January 2017. In response to a question from Cllr Jones, Cllr Dean stated that he believed that UDC is at, or close to, its five year housing supply.


Cllr Farthing added that transparency of the Local Plan process had been discussed at the recent Extraordinary Council Meeting – there are numerous records held at UDC, detailing officers’ work, which are available for public scrutiny. He apologised to the Chairman for his lack of attendance at recent meetings.

Cllr Sell stated that the papers for the next Planning Policy Working Group have been made available. At Appendix A, regarding numbers for towns and villages, the triangle of land at Cambridge Road/High Lane is included, but so is land at Bentfield Green. Both have been marked as viable on the report despite a verbal assurance from officers that the Bentfield Green site would not be included. In wider terms, we must not lose sight of developments in other areas such as Harlow North, Bishop’s Stortford North and Gilston – the latter could bring 10,000 homes.

Turning to finance, Cllr Sell confirmed that UDC will be in deficit from 2018. Government finance is changing and there is currently a consultation relating to Business Rates. It is likely that district councils will be able to keep these, although those payable by Stansted Airport will be excepted.

Local voluntary groups: – Uttlesford Community Transport recently acknowledged that its largest donation this year had come from this Parish Council. Cllr Sell will be making a contribution to funds at the Aubrey Buxton Nature Reserve – an increasing number of people, particularly dog walkers, are using the Reserve and they may need to consider creating more formal paths.


Cllr Gooding reported that the consultation on the plans for the new Magna Carta primary school had been presented the previous week. The building will be two-storey but, given the ground levels, the sky-line will be unaffected.

Following public concern about the lack of visible policing in Essex, the Police and Crime Commissioner is putting in place plans to increase the number of Special Constables.

Referring to flooding, Cllr Gooding feared there were misapprehensions about funding. Essex County Council had made available some money but this was for householders to help protect themselves from future flooding rather than for investment into longterm solutions. Cllr O’Brien voiced his concern that there has been no action taken to prevent flooding of the village; many studies have been undertaken but nothing has actually happened. Cllr Jones reminded everyone that no measures can be taken without the consent of the Environment Agency and, although it does take time, the EA are now assessing the three options put forward in their last report. He asked the district councillors to assist in organising a meeting with planning officers and landowners to discuss options for Walpole Farm and Elms Farm. Mr Woodcock stated that good working relationships have been built up and he urged everyone to remember that otherwise it is less likely that progress can be made.


AThe list of payments was approved.

BThe income and expenditure statement to 31 October 2016 was noted.

CThe VAT return to 30 September 2016 was noted – the VAT claim has been received.



AUTT/16/2539/HHF – 41 Lower Street

Proposed partial conversion of, and extension to, outbuilding to form an annexe

No comment.

BUTT/16/2709/HHF – 34 Bentfield Green

Single storey rear extension

No comment.

CUTT/16/3125/HHF – 21 Blythwood Gardens

Proposed demolition of existing rear single storey lean-to conservatory, erection of single storey rear extension, front extension and replacement porch. Rendering of existing brick external cladding.

No comment.

DUTT/16/3191/HHF – Elmslea, Church Road

Demolition of outbuilding and erection of garage

No comment.


Cllr Kavanagh sought clarification regarding the Chapel Hill Residents’ Parking Scheme.

RESOLVEDto accept the minutes of the meeting held on 26 October 2016.


308 – Cllr O’Brien reported that he would be meeting with the lighting contractors again on 28 October. 312 – Cllr Sell commented on levels for capping of finances. 313 – Remembrance Day Parade – since the meeting further suggestions had been received including the provision of more chairs and better positioning of the speakers. At the request of Cllr Jones, District Members agreed to lobby for UDC to lay a wreath in Stansted each year. 314 – Windmill – Cllr O’Brien reported that the Millers wish to discuss with Paul Kemp a few of the items arising in his report.

RESOLVEDto accept the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2016.

327BUDGETS 2017-20

Copies of the budgets and committed reserves summary had been circulated to all members ahead of the meeting, together with an explanatory report from Cllr Jones. Cllr Jones then gave a verbal report referring specifically to the higher than expected surplus in the current year and the forecast for 2017-18. Free reserves are looking acceptable but it may be that certain costs will have to be met which could reduce the final figure.


Cllr Jones reminded everyone that the precept would be set at the Council Meeting in December and urged all members to consider the level of increase. An “in principle” view of 10% was taken earlier in the year, but it may be prudent to set this at 15%.


Following the resignation of Mark Capell-Helm, the vacancy in the south ward was published. No election has been called and it is therefore up to the Council to co-opt a replacement. After brief discussion, Cllr Dunn proposed the following

RESOLUTIONthat Mrs Valerie Trundle be co-opted to serve on the Parish Council for the remainder of this term.

Seconded by Cllr Richards and unanimously approved.


330PLANNING APPLICATIONS DETERMINED-list circulated with agenda.


Meeting closed 9pm