Saturday, July 9th, 2011, 9:30 am - North Burgess Hall
Bob Everett, President called the meeting to order at 9:40 am, introduced the Board and thanked the members for attending.
The agenda was adopted with the following addition under New Business:
7.4 The 50/50 draw was added;
7.5 Water levels;
7.6 Wild Parsnips;
7.7 Code of Conduct;
7.8 Black Lake Signs;
Motion to adopt amended agenda – carried.
Phil D. read the legal liability waiver into the minutes:
No Director, Officer or Executive Member of the Black Lake Property Owners Association shall be liable for the acts, receipts, neglects or defaults of any other Director, Officer, Member or Agent or for joining in any receipt or other act for conformity, or for any loss, damage or expense happening to the Association through the insufficiency or deficiency of any act made on behalf of the Association, including any loss or damage which may arise as an error of judgment, oversight, or misfortune that may occur in the execution of his/her duties.
The minutes from the 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Association were adopted as presented. Moved by Bob Everett, seconded by Greg H. - carried.
- State of the Lake Report
Bob E. provided the members with an update on the State of the Lake Report content and development. Existing documents are being collected and assembled into a single file for future reference. In addition to the water testing results, it could also contain the shoreline status work done by the RVCA. If people wished to assist with this work, please provide your name to any one of the Board.
5.2. Mining Act – Outstanding Claims Update
Greg H. on behalf of Deputy Reeve Susan Freeman spoke to this issue. There has been little further movement with regards to the 14 mining claims outstanding and discussed last year. She continues to work with the Ministry in trying to get these addressed. Greg reminded members that none of the 14 claims abut Black Lake.
5.3. Zebra Mussel Update
Greg H. updated the members on the status of zebra mussels in Black Lake and that most areas now reported evidence of colonization. Members were reminded of the importance of properly washing their boat hulls before transporting to another inland body of water. Pike Lake now reports two bays with zebra mussel presence. Bob McNichol provided members with an inexpensive option to help minimize the impact of zebra mussels on the water intake drawing water from the lake. Greg H. reminded people to tilt their boat engines up when docked and that further information is available on zebra mussels from the RVCA or online at ‘’.
5.4. 2010 BLPOA Fun Day – Report
Bob McNichol informed the members of the successful golf/fun day held last year but that he would not be able to undertake the organizing again this year.
5.5. Shoal Markers and Insurance
Bob E. updated the members on the information gathered to-date on acquiring proper shoal/hazard markers to be used in the lake. Members agreed that this would be a good use of funds and provide a tangible benefit to all cottagers and boaters on the lake. Bob explained the importance of having the Association insured in advance of undertaking this work to which members also agreed. Bob had received an estimated cost to provide the annual insurance at approximately $700. Once the insurance is acquired, a process to identify volunteer ‘foster parents of the hazard markers will be developed so that individual cottage owners can assist in the deployment and monitoring of buoy locations.
Two motions subsequently were put to the members from this discussion:
1) That the Board be authorized to proceed with the purchase of insurance as outlined: moved by Maureen Morton, seconded by Grant O’Connor – carried;
2) That the Board be authorized to proceed with the purchase of Shoal/Hazard Markers (Buoys) to a maximum of $1,000. – moved by Grant O’Connor, seconded by Jonathan Hooper – carried.
6.1 Tay Valley Township Update:
Greg H. provided the membership with an update on the recent activity at the Township. A new information pamphlet has been released providing a lot of additional information. Greg highlighted the status of the septic inspection program and the focus on entrance permits being required to ensure safe locations along the roads. The strategic Planning process is underway and a number of upcoming dates have been planned. These can be obtained from the website. Greg notified members of the new Roads Superintendent, Mr. John Simcock, and that the department was behind this year on gravelling due to the late and wet spring. A question was asked about whether there had been a change in procedure regarding gravelling as this yeaer there seemed to be far more dust. Greg had advised that a calcium chloride RFP had just been issued. A question was asked about the feasibility of having a series of hazardous waste pick-up dates at the Stanleyville dump site or even the Harper Rd site. Greg would look into it and advise the Association.
6.2.1 2010 Financial Report
Philip D. presented the 2010 financial statements and provided detail on the revenues and expenditures as well as the balance sheet. Paid memberships were down again this year at 81 versus 85 in the previous year. Water testing from the RVCA was accrued at $550 in 2010 however the RVCA has subsequently advised that lake associations are no longer being billed for this service. The members agreed that the 2010 accrual for this should therefore be reversed in 2011. Printing & Supply costs were well down this year due to higher costs in 2009 related to CMAG and printing the code of conduct. A final net surplus of $501 was reported at December 31, 2010. Pursuant to the requirements of the Constitution, a member of the Association not on the Executive reviewed the Financial Statements and activity. Mr. Tony Nichols provided this review and noted all was in order. Philip D. made a motion to adopt the financial statements as presented, seconded by Cathy MacLaren – carried.
6.2.2 2011 Membership Fees
Philip discussed the requirement within the Constitution to set the fees for the subsequent year and recommended that the fees be again held at the current level of $25.00. Philip made the motion to adopt the fee level for 2010 at $25.00, the same level as the previous year, seconded by Mary Wickens – carried
6.3 Motion to Provide a Donation to the Volunteer Firefighters Association:
Philip D. discussed the Associations past practice of providing a donation to the volunteer fire department (last years donation was $150.00). A motion was put to the floor to again provide a donation this year in the same amount. Moved by Philip Dudgeon, seconded by Cal K. – carried.
Greg H. addressed the membership sharing some of the concerns shared with him by the Fire Chief and members of the volunteer Fire Department related to equipment replacement and fund raising. The members discussed the possibility of applying a one-time increase to the donation this year, moving it from $150 to $200. A motion was move by Greg H. to this effect, seconded by Cliff Halliwell – carried.
6.4 Water Quality Testing
Bob updated the membership on the current water testing results indicating all measures were well below the provincial maximums. Sampling continues to be done at multiple sites around the lake, and occurs throughout the year. RVCA signs related to the importance of washing your boat hull prior to launch have been installed. Bob also mentioned a seminar from FOCA related to cottage succession planning that may be of interest to members.
7.1 Review of Mission & Objectives
Bob reviewed the existing BLPOA Mission and Objectives and discussed the importance of periodically ensuring these still align with the wishes of the membership.
7.2 Black Lake Clothing
Betty M. reviewed the various new Black Lake clothing items now available and asked those that may be interested in purchasing something to see her after the meeting concluded.
7.3 Black Lake Website
Members discussed the pros and cons of maintaining a BLPOA website. It was agreed that this would be a good means to reach people and provide a location for historical information. Motion to move forward with a website for the BLPOA – moved by Bob McNicol, seconded by Jonathan H. – carried.
7.4 50/50 & Door Prize Draws
Winner – Frank Brown won $25.50. In addition, a number of Township items were also drawn for.
8.1 President - Bob informed the members that he was willing to stay on as President for another term. No other names were put forward. Bob Everett was acclaimed as President.
8.2 Directors – all existing members of the Executive agreed to stay on for another term if the members wished. No other names were put forward. The current members were acclaimed.
The next Annual General Meeting was set for second week of July 2012 at 9:30am.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 pm.
President / Recording SecretaryDate / Date