Carlton Road Academy

Charging, Remissions and Letting Policy

1 Introduction

1.1 The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of

additional activities, including clubs, out of school trips, residentials and experiences of

other environments, can make towards pupils’ all round educational experience and their

personal and social development. (Throughout this policy, the term °parents” means all thosehaving parental responsibility for a child.)

2 Charging

2.1 The Governing Body reserves the right to make a charge in the following circumstances

for activities organised by the Academy: -

i Academy trips and residentials : All costs;

ii Activities outside Academy hours : All costs;

iii Materials : A contribution towards the costs of materials purchased by the Academy in

relation to items produced by pupils which will be taken home for personal use;

iv Acts of vandalism and negligence: the Governing Body reserves the right to recover part,

or the whole cost, of damage to buildings or equipment which is the result of vandalism or

negligence by a pupil;

3 Remissions

3.1 The Governing Body may remit charges in full or in part to parents after considering

specific hardship cases. The Governing Body invites parents to apply, in the strictest

confidence, for the remission of charges in part or in full. The Executive Headteacher will

authorise remission in consultation with the Chair of Governors.

4 Insurance

4.1 Any insurance costs will be included in charges made for trips or activities.

5 Voluntary contributions

5.1 Nothing in this policy statement precludes the Governing Body from inviting parents to

make voluntary contributions. The Governing Body should make clear that such contributionsare voluntary,that children of parents who do not contribute will not be discriminated against,and that if insufficient contributions are received the trip may be cancelled.

6 Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

6.1 The Governing Body will review this policy at least every two years and assess its

implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout

the Academy.

Adopted April 2013


The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of

additional activities, including clubs, out of school trips, residentials and experiences of

other environments, can make towards pupils’ all round educational experience and their

personal and social development. (Throughout this policy, the term °parents” means all thosehaving parental responsibility for a child.)

All education during school hours is free. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the national curriculum.


The aim of this policy is to set out what charges will be levied for activities, what remissions will be implemented and the circumstances under which voluntary contributions will be requested from parents.


The Governing Body of the Academy are responsible for determining the content of the policy and the Executive Headteacher for implementation. Any determinations with respect to individual parents will be considered jointly by the Headteacher and the Governing Body.

Voluntary contributions

When organising school trips or visits which enrich the curriculum and educational experience of the children, the school invites parents to contribute to the cost of the trip. All contributions are voluntary. If we do not receive sufficient contributions we may cancel a trip.

Parents have a right to know how each trip is funded. The school provides this information on request.

The following is a list of additional activities organised by the school which requires voluntary contributions from parents. This list is not exhaustive:

  • Visits to museums and educational centres
  • Sporting activities which require transport
  • Outdoor adventure activities
  • Visits to the theatre
  • Musical events
  • Professional performances

The Governors will ensure that no pupil is discriminated against by the school’s charging policy. No pupil will be excluded from an educational trip because their parents have not contributed.

Residential visits

Visits mainly outside of school time will attract a charge to cover the costs of the following:

  • Board and lodging (not to exceed the costs)
  • Travel
  • Materials and equipment
  • Entrance fees
  • Insurance costs

4 Insurance

Any insurance costs will be included in charges made for trips or activities.


The academy organises swimming lessons, at no cost to parents, for children from Year 3 to Year 6. These take place in school time and are part of the national curriculum.

Other Charges

Charges can be levied in the event of breakages and replacements as a result of damages caused wilfully or negligently by pupils.


Governors are not empowered to spend money from the schools budget other than for the purposes of the school. Subsidies to an activity/group which cannot be regarded as being for the purposes of the school must be funded from lettings income from other activities/ groups and not from the school’s budget share.

Lettings will be administered using the up to date guidance and scale of charges and payments detailed in the Premises and Services Management handbook.

November 2016

To be reviewed January 2017