Stanford Innovation Farm Teams

Fall Launch 2013

September 17, 2013


  • The Stanford iFarm Teams Program is a project headed by the Stanford University Office of Technology Licensing. The goal of the program is to accelerate the commercialization of new Stanford invented technologies while providing a unique educational experience to iFarm Team participants. In the past, participants have walked away with an expanded professional network, knowledge of how to navigate common hurdles associated with start-up businesses, and even licensing agreements.

Overall Goals

  • Develop a business plan
  • Find a commercial application for the technology
  • Develop a prototype
  • Survey the industry
  • License the product
  • Form a Start-Up
  • Gain a real world experience


  • Topic: Identify from the OTL Tech Finder (
  • Teams: 5-6 teams comprised of 5-7 people with diverse backgrounds
  • Phases: Team formation, Choose Technology, Execute plan, Final Presentation

End-Point: Potential license agreement or next steps for OTL


  • Stanford Inventors
  • iFarm Team Applicants
  • Stanford affiliates
  • OTL Licensing Associate


  • The iFarm Team program is completely voluntary; there is no compensation for participation; Team members must identify themselves as iFarm Team Program volunteers when introducing themselves to Stanford inventors.
  • The Stanford inventions remain the property of the University.
  • Improvements to existing inventions would be governed by the University’s IP policy (Note: Focus of program is not inventing).
  • The iFarm Team members are expected to commit to participating for 5 months.
  • If the iFarm Teams do not intend to create a startup around their iFarm Team invention, Stanford may use the iFarm Team work product to continue to try to license the technology.

Our Approach and Key Dates

Events: Check website for location and time of events.

  • 09/17/13: Fall 2013 iFarm Teams Launch
  • Speaker:Dr. Jeannie Kahwajy, Presentation on "Team Building"
  • Speaker:Luis Mejia, Presentation on "iFarm Teams Program"
  • 10/01/13: Networking Session and Verbal Progress Report due from Teams*
  • Speaker:Luis Mejia, Presentation on OTL Licensing Process and Patent Basics
  • 10/14/13: Networking Session
  • Speaker:Steve Blank, Presentation on "Business Model Generation"
  • 11/05/13: Progress Report due from Teams* - NO MEETING
  • 11/19/13: 10 Minute Team Presentations on Progress*
  • Speaker:TBA, Presentation on "How to do a VC pitch"
  • 12/10/13: Networking Session
  • Speaker:Matt Abrahams, Presentation on "Effective Presentations"
  • 01/14/14: iFarm Team Final Presentations*

*Deliverables:Teams will provide written and verbal progress reports, as noted above, leading up to the 20 minute final team presentation.

Team Players:

  • Stanford Inventors: When working with the inventors, inform them you are working on a volunteer project for OTL. They should already be aware of the iFarm Program.
  • OTL Associates: They are available to meet in person, by phone, or questions by email. Their liaisons may also be able to answer questions for you if the associate is not available.
  • Mentors: The role of the mentor is to provide advice to teams on a scheduled basis. Mentors are generally sought after teams have selected their first round of inventions and are expected to be available to assist a team for 1-2 hours per week.

“Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.” Demosthenes


Twitter: @stanfordifarm