Lesson Plan
Lesson Title:IntersectionalityGroup:Date:
National Curriculum Key Stage and Targets: KS3, PSHE
Cross-Curricular ElementsEmotional Literacy, Speaking, Listening and communication
Further Learning Opportunities
Timing / Teaching and LearningCreating a Safe Environment: Establishing the rules / 10 mins /
Establish classroom rules for discussion activities as democratically as reasonably possible (pupils always respect rules and regulations if they have a part in deciding them). These are negotiable but respectful language; giving people space and time to speak; respecting that some things are private and revealing things about friends and relatives without them knowing would not be right.
The rules should be observable to the whole class throughout the lesson.
Focus the Learning - Learning Objectives: Tell students what they will learn, how it relates to their experience, the standard at which they are working and write key vocabulary on the board. / By the end of the Lesson:All students must; be familiar withsome personal identities including LGBT+;Black, disabled; some identities being more visible than others; some people having more than one personal identity.
Most students should; be able to identify more than one LGBT+ person who has another personal identity;say how someone might have negative experiences because of one or more of their personal identities; relate intersectionality to at least one person they know either personally or through the media.
Some students could;say how having more than one personal identity could lead to experiencing prejudice and discrimination for each identity.
Extend / Reinforce the Learning:
Homework: / SUGGESTIONS:
- Write down: a brief story about someone who has more than one personal identity
- 3 waysdifferent types of personal identity and at least two forms of challenge / prejudice they could face
- A short description of how a person with more than one personal identity could feel when they encounter challenge / prejudice
Begin the Learning – Starter: Present new information using Visual, Auditory and Kinaesthetic methods. / 15
mins / Ask pupils to select 4 people from a set group of faces and write short descriptions of them and share with another pupil or small group
Continue the Learning - Activities: This is the main part of the lesson. Provide a variety of challenging, differentiated VAK tasks / activities, meeting the needs of all students and all abilities.
Activity / Apply / Review
New activity / Apply / Review / 50+
mins /
- Activity 2 Match descriptions with faces
- Activity 3 From short biogs identify problems faced by people with variety of personal identities
- Activity 4: Watch a short from a person with more than one personal identity and discuss what person said
Supporting / Developing the Learning – Differentiation:
Where appropriate, identify students and the methods of support and extension to be used. Include support staff meeting notes. / Students / Target groups likely to need support…
Liaise with teacher to ensure additional support is targeted to specific pupil needs / Students likely to need extension work
Design a classroom/school ‘Inclusivity’ poster
Celebrating the Learning - Plenary: Students demonstrate in some way what they have learned. Recognition of progress. Refer back to Learning Objectives. / 10
mins / In small groups pupils to choose one person who has more than one personal identity they want to be put on classroom poster and say why they want to do this.
Pictures of the chosen people to be collated and put on a poster.
Management of Resources
Identify which resources are to be used and how. Include the use of new technology and the use of other supporting adults. / Slideshow
and extra pictures of featured people
Poster sized paper
Equal Opportunities & Social / Moral / Cultural considerations
Identify any relevant aspects of the lesson which develop pupil understanding, skills and knowledge in these areas. / The whole lesson focused on the identities of some people with more than one personal identity and discrimination they (may) face. The lesson aims to raise awareness through presentation, case studies and activities.
Health and Safety Considerations
Identify the major Health and Safety considerations and what needs to bedone to ensure maximum safety. / Usual KS1 classroom H&S risk assessments apply