Standing Committee on College Completion and Student Success
February 15, 2018
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Isabella Room, Bovee University Center
Meeting Notes
Topic / Welcome and UpdatesDiscussion / Montague opened the meeting and provided updates.
Action Items / Updates:
- Article has been published about the group that is available to read
- Montague and Pehrsson scheduled to meet with Academic Senate meeting 2/27 to present on the group
Follow-up /
- Keep thinking about questions regarding data
- Check committee website for updated materials
Topic / Dr. Kaleb Patrick Presentation: Hanover Research
Discussion / Patrick: Overview of Research
- What is Hanover? It is a private research corporation that does research on degree development
- Article discusses wanting to increase retention for ALL students (not just freshmen).
- In light of Dr. Roe’s presentation, how can we gather a snapshot of students that need our help beyond traditional supports (office hours, etc).
- How do we catch them and intervene?
- White: they go to MSU.
- MSU has a better reputation and students often leave after a semester here or after being taken off waitlist at MSU.
- Rehm: this leaves us two choices: to do nothing or look into this further and see what we can do
- Patrick: is that data available?
- Malkowski: With the change in data gathering systems used, the data gathered no longer includes such information. We can look deeper to track those that leave but cannot track those that come with prior intentions to leave for a different school.
- Montague: we have every reason to work with these students. We need to find who they are and get information on their circumstances and experiences. Do we want to look at this data? Could it be helped by more hands on intervening, like face to face meetings with their success coaches and advisors?
- Montague: what other data would we like to know?
- Mahon: I would like to look at more data regarding sophomores, juniors, and seniors regarding retention
- How is it tracked when students change from a campus to online program?
- Montague: we are gathering that information
- How do we get information for how a student chose their discipline and the effect that discipline advising has on retention?
- Douglass: Student services mentioned that number one asset students shared was counselor relationship. Students are very aware of mental health issues. These services are important but can be challenging due to counseling center being overwhelmed and the location (lack of ease of access). Could improving these services help?
- Montague: there is currently no wait at the counseling center
- Patrick: Do we find students who are considering leaving taking more online classes prior to leaving?
- Storey: many just leave but a lot of students do supplement with online classes
- Rehm: Roe may be able to provide more information on this
- Kluver: I am compiling a long list of questions that I ask students to help gather more information
- Storey: There is no online tutoring beyond math and writing so our online students are missing that and it could make a difference
- Douglass: what is the impact of student ambassador language during orientation? (example: you have to sign a major before you complete 56 credits versus asking “does anyone know what they want to major in?” what could that impact be?
- Montague: a lot of focus is on compulsory experiences rather than the entire typical experience of a student. May have a better impact if we focus on the more general scope.
- Patrick: is there any timeline for any goal or ideas to be presented?
- Montague: instead of a timeline, focus on 3 overall things we can do that could be implemented next year. Challenge to the group: what are the “vital 3” and continue from there.
- Kluver: can we have a private place to post ideas/suggestions
- Rehm: we have two options that could be implemented as early as this afternoon. We could do yammer or office groups. Yammer is more social media based in look and use and we could make it a private group. Office groups is more like a list serve. I can set it up I would just need a list of committee members to do so.
- Montague: Kate (Caszatt) can send a list to Rehm
- Rehm: or I can show Kate how to do it
- Caszatt: absolutely
- How can we focus intentions while keeping in mind other committees and their work?
- Montague: Jamie sent out advising framework and also getting the yammer site up and running will help keep information focused
- White: do we have a list of all the committees?
- Montague: I am going to pull that list together
- Rehm: I have an idea for a concept map/drawing I can discuss with Evan later that can help organize and focus discussion
- From that information we can invite guest speakers from other committees if we would like more information on what they are doing.
- Patrick: is there a correlation between SOS scores and student success?
- No, they are all anonymous
- Montague: students when surveyed highly valued feedback on performance, clear expectations, and overall satisfaction of experience
Action Items /
- Set up yammer site (Rehm and Caszatt)
- Compile list of committees and their projects they are working on (Montague)
- Put a framework together about other committees, projects, and other components to help focus the discussion (Montague and Rehm).
- Consider speakers we may want to have come in, such as a financial wellness committee member.
Follow-up / Next meeting:
- Thursday March 22, 2018 at noon in the Isabella Room of Bovee University Center
- Light lunch provided of sandwiches, soup, and salad