Permission Slip for Class Related Cell Phone Use

With so much innovative technology available and utilized in the world today, I feel it is important to integrate what I can into my classes to help prepare students for their futures. During the course of the school year I will be implementing some newer methods of instruction and assessment, some of which will entail student use of cell phones for purposes such as recording speaking assessments, calendar reminders, text message reminders of important class information (tests, quizzes, projects etc.) and other classroom activities. Text message reminders will be generated from an online source, not directly from my personal device. Please be aware that some activities may involve Internet access and usage of social networking applications.

In order to apply this new technology; students will need to have access and authorization to use a cell phone. I am sending this permission slip to verify that your son/daughter has permission to use his/her cell phone for the sole classroom purposes explained below. If your son/daughter does not have access to a cell phone during the school day, alternate activities are available. I look forward to educating your son/daughter this year and implementing some exciting new strategies for instruction!


Lindsey Schugars

1. CELL PHONE USE AUTHORIZATION – Activities and Assessments (Please read all options below, use a checkmark to indicate your decision and sign at the bottom.)

______Option 1: I give ______permission to use his/her cell phone for Biology classroom assessments and activities for the 2012-2013 school year.

______Option 2: I do not give ______permission to use his/her cell phone for Biology classroom assessments and activities for the 2012-2013 school year.

2. CELL PHONE USE AUTHORIZATION – Texting and Text Messages of Important Classroom Information (Please read all options below, use a checkmark to indicate your decision(s) and sign at the bottom.)

______I give ______permission to send and receive text messages for classroom activities. In addition it is okay for him/her to receive general text messages to his/her cell phone about important class information such as reminders for tests, quizzes and other assignments for the 2012-2013 school year.

______I do not wish for my son/daughter to receive any text messages about Important Class Information.

** I will not hold Autauga County Schools , the Biology Teacher or Prattville High School liable for any phone charges incurred through Internet access or the sending/receiving of text messages for the specific classroom purposes listed above. I also understand that a text message may not necessarily be sent for every important event, assessment or classroom activity.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date