Standards of Excellence Checklist by Month
Download application:
August – Collect the following information from the previous fiscal year:
- Section 1, being child-focused
- (1A) Copy of Goals for 2015-16
- (1A) Meeting minutes documenting approval (can be a BoD meeting)
- (1D) Communication from end of previous year (year-end survey, for example)
- (1F) Evidence of advocacy efforts from end of previous year
- (1G) Publication of 2015-16 meeting dates & times for General meetings and BoD meetings (can be email, website, flyer)
- (1H) Volunteer appreciation from end previous year (document all efforts)
- (1I) Forms for awards offered (Golden acorn, Outstanding Educator, etc) in 2014-15
- (1I) Documentation of award recognition from 2014-15
- Section 2, Fiscal responsibility
- (2A) Copy of Budget for 2015-16
- (2D) Copy of Standing Rules for 2015-16
- (2A, D) Meeting minutes documenting approval of each of these
- (2B) Copy of End-year financial review
- (2B) Meeting minutes showing financial review results were provided to membership (may not yet be available)
- (2C) Copy of 2014-15 Year-end treasurer’s report (not June report)
- (2H) Copy of last year’s corporate renewal if incorporation date is March 1 – June 30
- (2F) Signed copy of Nominating committee report from 2014-15
- (2F) Minutes showing election of 2015-16 officers
- Section 3 – Knowledgeable Leaders
- (3A) Begin tracking training of officers. Get the tracking spreadsheet from WSPTA website and begin filling it in. (not yet available. Check Programs tab at
- (3C) 2016 Convention – attach budget with line item highlighted.
- Current year:
- (2C) Copy of July & August financial reports (must be separate!)
- Any of the above business completed at August meeting
September – Continue collecting previous list and add the following:
- (1B) Compile examples of programs, events, or committees that align with goals
- (1E) Dated Fall 2015-16 membership campaign example
- (2C) Copy of September financial report
- (2C) Copy of October financial report
- (2H) Signed/completed copy of Standards of Affiliation agreement as submitted to WSPTA
- (3B) Legislative assembly registrations, up to 3
- (1D) Determining members’ needs – how did you improve or change something?
- (1F) Ongoing membership – Nov/Dec membership campaign example (dated!)
- (2C) Copy of November financial report
- (2E) Minutes showing election of Nominating Committee
- (2G) Copy of current fiscal year insurance certificate
- (2H) Copy of 2015-16 tax filing
- (2H) Charitable solicitations renewal or financials showing not required
- (3A) Update training spreadsheet
- Work on Section 5 IF applying. Read, review, discuss with other board members
- (1B) Ask committee chairs for flyers or information
- (1C) Compile examples of regular communication from previous 4 months. Will likely need multiple examples to prove they are not lone instances.
- (2C) Copy of December financial report
- (2C) Copy of January financial report
- (3B) Focus day registration documented (up to 3)
- (3D) Collect current year examples of information shared from region, state, national, council
- (3E) Copy of documentation from council secretary of at least 2 council meetings attended
- (3E) 1 example of networking from current year1
- (1F) Ongoing membership – Jan/Feb membership campaign information (dated!)
- (2C) Copy of February financial report
- (2H) Coy of annual corporate renewal – current year if date is July 1 – Feb 28)
- (Section 4) – Organize! Package up and mail by end of month
- Review all sections, collect additional examples if needed or available.
- Communicate with your committee chairs for some of the needed documentation.
- Don’t leave it all until February; there is a lot to gather.
- If you need items from someone else (copies of reports, meeting minutes, etc) make sure to ask well in advance and follow up if needed.