Standards of Excellence Checklist by Month

Download application:

August – Collect the following information from the previous fiscal year:

  1. Section 1, being child-focused
  2. (1A) Copy of Goals for 2015-16
  3. (1A) Meeting minutes documenting approval (can be a BoD meeting)
  4. (1D) Communication from end of previous year (year-end survey, for example)
  5. (1F) Evidence of advocacy efforts from end of previous year
  6. (1G) Publication of 2015-16 meeting dates & times for General meetings and BoD meetings (can be email, website, flyer)
  7. (1H) Volunteer appreciation from end previous year (document all efforts)
  8. (1I) Forms for awards offered (Golden acorn, Outstanding Educator, etc) in 2014-15
  9. (1I) Documentation of award recognition from 2014-15
  10. Section 2, Fiscal responsibility
  11. (2A) Copy of Budget for 2015-16
  12. (2D) Copy of Standing Rules for 2015-16
  13. (2A, D) Meeting minutes documenting approval of each of these
  14. (2B) Copy of End-year financial review
  15. (2B) Meeting minutes showing financial review results were provided to membership (may not yet be available)
  16. (2C) Copy of 2014-15 Year-end treasurer’s report (not June report)
  17. (2H) Copy of last year’s corporate renewal if incorporation date is March 1 – June 30
  18. (2F) Signed copy of Nominating committee report from 2014-15
  19. (2F) Minutes showing election of 2015-16 officers
  20. Section 3 – Knowledgeable Leaders
  21. (3A) Begin tracking training of officers. Get the tracking spreadsheet from WSPTA website and begin filling it in. (not yet available. Check Programs tab at
  22. (3C) 2016 Convention – attach budget with line item highlighted.
  23. Current year:
  24. (2C) Copy of July & August financial reports (must be separate!)
  25. Any of the above business completed at August meeting

September – Continue collecting previous list and add the following:

  1. (1B) Compile examples of programs, events, or committees that align with goals
  2. (1E) Dated Fall 2015-16 membership campaign example
  3. (2C) Copy of September financial report


  1. (2C) Copy of October financial report
  2. (2H) Signed/completed copy of Standards of Affiliation agreement as submitted to WSPTA
  3. (3B) Legislative assembly registrations, up to 3


  1. (1D) Determining members’ needs – how did you improve or change something?
  2. (1F) Ongoing membership – Nov/Dec membership campaign example (dated!)
  3. (2C) Copy of November financial report
  4. (2E) Minutes showing election of Nominating Committee
  5. (2G) Copy of current fiscal year insurance certificate
  6. (2H) Copy of 2015-16 tax filing
  7. (2H) Charitable solicitations renewal or financials showing not required
  8. (3A) Update training spreadsheet


  1. Work on Section 5 IF applying. Read, review, discuss with other board members
  2. (1B) Ask committee chairs for flyers or information
  3. (1C) Compile examples of regular communication from previous 4 months. Will likely need multiple examples to prove they are not lone instances.
  4. (2C) Copy of December financial report


  1. (2C) Copy of January financial report
  2. (3B) Focus day registration documented (up to 3)
  3. (3D) Collect current year examples of information shared from region, state, national, council
  4. (3E) Copy of documentation from council secretary of at least 2 council meetings attended
  5. (3E) 1 example of networking from current year1


  1. (1F) Ongoing membership – Jan/Feb membership campaign information (dated!)
  2. (2C) Copy of February financial report
  3. (2H) Coy of annual corporate renewal – current year if date is July 1 – Feb 28)
  4. (Section 4) – Organize! Package up and mail by end of month
  5. Review all sections, collect additional examples if needed or available.


  • Communicate with your committee chairs for some of the needed documentation.
  • Don’t leave it all until February; there is a lot to gather.
  • If you need items from someone else (copies of reports, meeting minutes, etc) make sure to ask well in advance and follow up if needed.