AFJROTC Regulation

22 October 2014



Discipline Commander:

The overall job of the Discipline commanders is to monitor the troublesome cadets in the corps, manage detentions, and enforce the disciplinary actions. The discipline commander is also responsible for training discipline representatives over the course of the year so that next year, one of the representatives will become the new discipline commander. Discipline is very important in keeping the unit running smoothly and it is the commander’s responsibility to ensure that the discipline system is being followed correctly by all cadets in the SC-872 unit.

Table of Contents

Chapter One – Corps Rules (Page 3)

1.1 - Corps Rules

1.2 - Disciplinary Actions

Chapter Two - Detentions (Pages 4-5)

2.1 - Detentions

Chapter Three - Discipline Board (Page 6)

3.1 - New Discipline System

3.2 - Discipline Board

Chapter Four - Discipline Representatives (Page 7)

4.1 - Responsibilities

4.2 - Communication

Chapter One - Corps Rules

1.1 - Corps Rules

1.1.1 - The basic Rules of the Corps are as follows:

a. Listen to cadets both above and below you

b. Do what you are told

c. Do what is right

d. Respect everyone

1.2 - Disciplinary Actions

1.2.1 - Warning

a. No matter where you are; in a classroom, job meeting, club, or team, if someone is acting irresponsibly then they may be issued a verbal warning.

b. After three warning then the cadet may be issued a detentions

1.2.2 - Detentions

a. When a cadet is issued a detention, the person writing the detention is to fill out all three portions of the detention form (Student, Detention Officer, and Flight Commander copy)

b. The Detention officer portion is to be put in the detention box in the staff lounge

c. The Flight Commander copy is to given to the respected flight commander

d. The student copy is to be given to the student

Chapter Two – Detentions

2.1 - Detentions

2.1.1 - Detention Days

a. Detentions may only be served on Wednesdays and Fridays for thirty minutes after school unless another time is permitted by an instructor

2.1.2 - Detentions Procedures

a. During a cadet’s first detention, they will be given a “Why am I here?” sheet where the cadet will write why they have received a detention and these papers will be collected and saved.

b. During a cadet’s second detention, they will be given a “Why I should stay?” sheet where the cadet will write why they should stay in JROTC and what they will do to not receive another detention.

c. When a cadet receives their third detention, they will face the Disciplinary board (see Chapter 3).

d. Cadets may be exempt from writing the detention if an instructor needs them to do something else for detention.

2.1.3 - Detention Attendance

a. If a cadet fails to show up to a detention without first contacting the detention officer or an instructor then they will receive another detention

b. After a cadet serves a detention their respected flight commander will receive notice that they have served their detention and the cadets name will be recorded on the master list and their detention slip will be filed in the discipline binder

2.1.3 - Detention slips

a. Detentions must be put into the detention box at least one day before the cadet’s detention, if this does not happen the cadet will be forced to reschedule

b. If a detention is filled out on a detention day, it must be scheduled for the next available day (filled out on Wednesday, Scheduled for Friday)

c. Detention sheets must be filled out properly, all boxes filled in (this especially includes the date of issue, the day the detention is scheduled, and the name of the cadet receiving and issuing the detention)

d. Failure to comply with any of the above will result in the detention being returned to the cadet who issued the detention

2.1.4 - Master List

a. The master list will keep track of all cadets who have received a detention over the course of the year and how many detentions each cadet has obtained

b. This information will be used to determine the recipients of the Discipline ribbon and the award ceremony

c. This list will be kept up to date as the year progresses

Chapter Three - Discipline Board

3.1 - New Discipline System

a. The discipline system is expressed through the diagram below

After three warnings

After three


3.2 - Discipline Board

a. The discipline board is designed to have the leadership of the SC-872 corps decide the punishment for a disruptive cadet

b. The discipline board is to be made up of the Wing or Vice Wing commander, the cadet that issued the detention, a detention officer, Senior Enlisted Advisor, and an instructor

c. The Discipline board will meet in a classroom or an instructor office and the cadet will be given the chance to explain his/her actions and why they should remain in JROTC

Chapter Four - Discipline Representatives

4.1 - Responsibilities

4.1.1 - Behavior

a. Discipline representatives are to have the best behavior of all cadets in the corps and be role models in their class

b. If a Discipline representative receives a detention gets into trouble based upon their behavior then they will be removed from discipline and replaced

4.1.2 - Job

a. The Job of a discipline representative is to monitor their flight throughout the week

b. The representatives are supposed to collect detentions from flight commanders and put them in the detention box

c. Representatives are also responsible for keeping track of disruptive cadets in their flights and reporting them to the discipline commanders

4.2 - Communication

4.2.1 - Meetings

a. Discipline meetings will be held every Thursday

b. These meetings are to ensure the communication from representatives to commanders

c. At every meeting, each representative is responsible for providing a discipline report for their flight along with a verbal explanation on their flight behavior throughout the week

4.2.2 - Reports

a. Every week Discipline Representatives are responsible for writing a report on their respected flights behavior

b. This report should be formatted similar to a current event( name, flight, report)

c. Representatives may also write specific names on their reports of cadets who consistently disrupt class and backtalk authority