Nadya Bush, NCESD
Standards at a Glance 2nd Grade
Reading / Writing- Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how about key details, unknown words
- Recount stories, fables, folktales and determine central message, lesson or moral
- Identify main topic in multi-paragraph text, characters, setting, major events and key details
- Describe a structure of a story, beginning/end
- Know and use various text features (e.g., captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons) to locate key facts or information in a text efficiently.
- connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information
- Use illustrations and images to understand the text
- Compare and contrast two versions of the same story or two points presented by two texts on the same topic.
- State an opinion with reasons, linking words and concluding statement
- Write a informative/explanatory texts, introduce topic, facts, definitions and conclusion section
- Write narratives with short sequence of events, include details, actions thoughts, feelings
- Revise and Edit
- Produce and publish using technology and peers
- Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
Listening/Speaking / Language
- Participate in collaborative conversations
- Recount key ideas or details
- Tell a story /Describe facts, descriptive details of people, places, things, events
- Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.
- Produce complete sentences
- Collective nouns ( group)
- Common Irregular plural nouns
- Reflexive pronouns
- Common past tense of irregular verbs
- Use adjectives and adverbs
- Produce, expand and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences
- Capitalize holidays, product names and geographic names
- Usecommasingreetingsand closings of letters.
- Useanapostrophetoformcontractionsandfrequently occurring possessives.
- Generalize learnedspelling patternswhen writingwords(e.g.,cage→ badge;boy→ boil).
- Consultreferencematerials,includingbeginning dictionaries,asneeded tocheckandcorrect spellings.
- Compare formal and informal English
- Use context, morphemes and reference materials to determine the meaning of new words
- Distinguishshades ofmeaningamongcloselyrelatedverbs(e.g.,toss,throw,hurl)and closely related
Social Studies / Science
- Our Community
- Meeting community wants and needs( goods and services, public and private jobs, consumers and producers making decisions, advertising influencing people choices in the marketplace)
- Participating in our community ( roles and responsibilities of community members, challenges, solving problems of the community)
Provide evidence that Earth events can occur quickly or slowly,Compare multiple solutions designed to slow or prevent wind or water from changing the shape of the land.*Develop a model to represent the shapes and kinds of land and bodies of water in an area, identify where water is found on Earth and that it can be solid or liquid
Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems
- Conduct investigations of plants needs sunlight and water to grow, animals to pollinate
- Biodiversity and Humans( livings things in land and water)
- Developing possible solutions via drawings, or models
Properties of Matter
- Solid/liquid kinds of matter,Properties and purposes
- Chemical reactions, heating and cooling, reversible and non-reversible changes
Math / ELP Standards
- Add and subtract within 20 fluently
- Add and subtract within 100 on paper
- Count by 2s
- Odd and even numbers up to 20
- Write an equation x+y =20
- Read and write to 1000.
- Add and subtract within 1000.
- Compose and decompose 1000.
- Compare two digit numbers <,>,=
- Add and subtract 10 or 100 to 100-900 mentally.
- Partition a table into rows and columns and count to find a total number of squares.
- Partition a circle and a rectangle into halves, third of, quarter of
- Recognize and draw shapes having attributes/compare size visually/directly
- Measure using rulers, yardsticks, measuring tape
- Measure twice using lengths units of different
- Estimate length using inch, feet, cm, meter
- Tell time to the nearest 5 min, use a.m and p.m
- Draw a picture graph or a bar graph up to 4 categories
- Solve word problems with money( quarter, dime, nickel, pennies, use $ symbol)
- Construct meaning, oral and written claims
- Exchange information orally and in writing
- Conduct research, evaluate and communicate findings
- Analyze and critique the arguments of others
- Adapt language to purpose, tasks, and audience
- Determine the meaning of words/phrases
- Clear coherent speech and text