Standards and Procedures for Computer Practitioners
Section 7 – Standards & Procedures for Computer Practitioners
7.1 Introduction
Review the codes from both British Computer Society (BCS) and Computer Ethic Institute (CEI) and discuss areas which you think are applicable to your project or work.
The BCS and CEI codes should form an integral part of the Standards and Proceduresyou adopt for your projects.
"This project is to be developed in accordance with the guidelines provided by the BCS ….”
“This project adheres to the Computer Institute of Ethics - 10 commandments …”
Make sure you cite the references accordingly.
Refer to the documents and discuss those codes applicable to your project.
Please note the systems and/or web methodology you adopt should also form a part of the standards and procedures you adopt. The BCS and CEI codes should form an integral part of the Standards and Proceduresyou adopt for your projects.
(For Group projects the additional Group Guides should also be adopted for your Standard and Procedures)
7.2 British Computer Society (BCS)
It is important you convey some form of professionalism and ethicswhen undertaking a project.The British Computer Society is a professional organisation whose member adheres to codes of conduct and codes of practice.
John Wilford the local BCS representative and will address any queries you may have. You may also consider becoming a student member of the BCS
This guide will hopefully set you on the right path ...
In addition as someone who is, or is thinking of becoming an IT practitioner, you will find the BCS highly relevant to your needs and available at or
The BCS Codeof Conduct and Code of Practice should be referred to as the ethical standards you adopt when undertaking a project.
Refer to the documents and discuss those codes applicable to your project.
7.3 Consider Ethical Issues
You need to consider if there are ethical issues related to your project. Issues such as codes of conduct and practice, data protection, computer safety and security need to be addressed. Further information is also available
as well as the powerpoint presentation below (press <ctr<ent>).
Ten Commandments Of Computer Ethics.
1. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Harm Other People.
2. Thou Shalt Not Interfere With Other People’s Computer Work.
3. Thou Shalt Not Snoop Around In Other People’s Computer Files.
4. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Steal.
5. Thou Shalt Not Use A Computer To Bear False Witness.
6. Thou Shalt Not Copy Or Use Proprietary Software For Which You have Not Paid.
7. Thou Shalt Not Use Other People’s Computer Resources Without Authorization Or Proper compensation.
8. Thou Shalt Not Appropriate Other People’s Intellectual Output.
9. Thou Shalt Think About The Social Consequences Of The Program You Are Writing Or The System You Are Designing.
10. Thou Shalt Always Use A Computer In Ways That Insure Consideration And Respect For Your Fellow Humans.
7.4 Projects for External Organisations
In a project for an external organisation a full set of documentation may be produced to the standards specified by the organisation. This documentation should be included as part of the Appendices.
7.5 Plagiarism (copying)
The UoT has a strict policy on Plagiarism (the guidelines are on the School Intranet)
However please also consider the following:
Plagiarism can take a number of forms:
•use of the same, or similar, programs between students.
•demonstration of information in project reports, which is generated co-operatively.
•direct, unacknowledged quotations from source materials
•copies of programs generally available.
•use of materials from previous years projects.
This is not an exhaustive list!
You risk putting your whole project, and therefore your qualification, at risk if you indulge in plagiarism. Don't! Plagiarism and Cheating
Remember you may reference and quote as many resources as you see fit for your project.See referencing in Report Writing
7.6 Report Documentation for Project
Review the codes from both BCS and Computer Ethic Institute and discuss areas which you think are applicable to your project or work.
"This project is to be developed in accordance with the guidelines provided by the BCS ….”
“This project adheres to the Computer Institute of Ethics - 10 commandments …”
Make sure you cite the references accordingly.
Section 7British Computer Society