Der Weltkrieg
Standard Rule Reminder Card, 5th Edition Rules
- Units moved in a stack must begin and end movement together. (Rule 6-5)
- A unit expends movement points from its movement allowance for every hexside that it crosses in moving from one hex to another. MP costs are cumulative. A unit may cross at least 1 hexside per movement phase even if it does not have enough MPs remaining, provided: (1) it does not cross a prohibited hexside; or (2) move directly from enemy ZOC to enemy ZOC and cross a hexside where it would have to expend 4 or more MPs (more than 6 for mountain units, not including ZOCs) to cross the terrain in the hexside/hex. Artillery units may not make this move across mountain terrain unless a rail line also exists in the hexside. Note that trench/devastation markers count as terrain costs for movement. (Rules 6-6, 6-9, 22-13, 29-12, 32-3)
- Column Movement. Ground combat units (except artillery) may use column movement, increasing their MA by 50% (round fractions down) so long as they do not enter an enemy controlled hex (they may, however, leave one). Units using column movement may not move by rail or perform column attacks. AH units may not use Column Movement if at any time during movement the unit moves closer to enemy units than when it began. (Rules 6-2, 6-10, 40-3)
- To move a unit by rail a player moves the unit into a hex containing an operative rail hex under his control, declares the units will move by rail, and entrains the unit by expending 1 MP in the hex with the operative rail line. Units may not enter enemy ZOCs while moving by rail. Only German and UK units may move into enemy ZOCs in the same turn in which they have used rail movement. Units may remain entrained at the end of a movement phase and do not pay additional costs to resume rail movement next turn. (Rules 7-2, 7-3, 7-6, 7-8, 7-11, 37-5, 38-2)
- Only German units may begin rail movement in hexes in an enemy ZOC. German units doing so pay only the costs of entraining and do not pay additional costs to leave enemy ZOC. German units may detrain in the ZOC of Russian units, paying costs of detraining and the cost of entering enemy ZOC only. (Rules 7-4, 37-3, 37-4)
- Rail Movement Costs: Infantry, Mountain, Marine, and similar type RPL units = 1/10 MP (1/6 MP for Ottoman rail network) for each rail hexside crossed. All other units = 1/6 MP for each hexside crossed (1/4 for Ottoman rail network). (Rule 7-5, Osmanli Harbi Rule 3-16)
- Only 1 division/division equivalent, an HQ with up to 10 supply points, or one artillery unit; (on German rail net, 2 divisions/division equivalents) may move across a particular single track rail hexside by rail movement in a given Movement Phase. (Rules 7-9, 37-6)
- Units may not combine rail and column movement (one or the other in a turn, not both). (Rule 7-10)
- Siege Artillery, engineers, brigades, regiments, HQs, 10 supply points or fraction thereof all = 1 division for rail capacity. Non-Siege artillery, US divisions = 2 divisions for rail capacity. Supply points in possession of HQ (past first 10) count against rail capacity. Under strength units are considered the same as full strength units for rail capacity. (Rules 8-6, 8-7, 8-8, 49-2)
- Infantry divisions (or multiple infantry brigades) render enemy rail lines inoperative. To repair an inoperative rail line, an engineer unit begins the movement phase in an operative rail line’s hex, then moves from that hex along the same path as the rail line. Inoperative rail line hexes thus entered are returned to operative status as part of the rail net the engineer unit started its movement in. Inoperative rail lines in trench or devastation marker hex are only made operative by an engineer unit remaining stationary in that hex an entire turn. Rail line will be operative at end of the following turn. (Rules 9-3, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7)
- Rail Gauge Conversion. Engineers can convert 1 hex of different gauge (Russian) rail line per even numbered turn during months of May to October inclusive. Such conversion costs the whole movement allowance of the engineer and a rail network may only be lengthened by 1 hex along any given rail line by such conversion. (Rules 9-11, 9-12, 9-13)
- A double track rail line intrinsically exists in every urban hexside. (Rule 9-14)
- 1 MP to enter or leave a ZOC. 2 MPs to move directly from 1 ZOC to another. (Artillery entry cost = 0 if friendly infantry in ZOC). (Rules 10-7, 29-9)
- ZOCs extend into hexes occupied by other units, even enemy units. ZOCs do not extend across sea, alpine, or neutral border hexsides. (Rule 10-6)
- Stacking limit is 6 divisions per hex (3 in desert) plus 3 artillery units (2 in desert). Fortresses, Engineer regiments, HQs, and markers do not count for stacking purposes. All other regiments and brigades count as ½ a division for stacking purposes. US divisions= 2 divisions, US brigades= 1 division. (Rules 11-1, 11-4, 11-5, 11-6, 29-3, 49-2, and Osmanli Harbi Rule 3-2).
- Hexes containing less than 3 hexsides have stacking limits reduced by 1/3 for each non-land hexsides less than 3 contained in the hex. Hexes with reduced stacking may be attacked by 2 times the number of units that could stack in the hex. (Rules 11-9, 11-10)
- All units under a strength reduction marker are modified by that marker. If more than one marker exits then strength modified first by the one on top and then the ones below stack. (Rules 11-8, 13-22)
- Defender chooses which terrain is used for combat resolution. Defender can choose from the hexside(s) through which the defender’s units are being attacked, as well as any adjacent hexside. Cannot utilize prohibited terrain or that which crosses neutral borders. Maximum die roll adjustment is +4 or -4. 1st turn January 1917 use new CRT. (Rules 13-3, 13-25, 13-26)
- Defender can only opt for urban terrain if hex has any single urban terrain hexside and a city center, or if the hex has 2 or more urban terrain hexsides, or if attacker is attacking through an urban hexside (not an adjacent hexside). (Rule 13-4)
- If attack is through all river/major river hexsides, then add river/major river effect to terrain chosen by defender. (Rule 13-5)
- In counterattacks, triple SP total of units (double artillery), after terrain adjustments are made. (Rules 13-15, 29-5)
- If more than 50 SPs in an attack/counterattack, add result of the 50 column of the CRT (multiplied by the number of multiples of 50 involved), then use a column for the remainder, adding the numbers yielded to derive at the total SPs eliminated. (Rule 13-19)
- Strength Point Elimination Priority. Attacker’s cavalry, Infantry (Assault, Marine, Mountain), Defender’s cavalry, Artillery, Fortresses, HQs. All units of one type must be eliminated before another type may be eliminated. All units of one type must be reduced to backside strength before any units of that type may be further reduced. Cavalry units with full strength greater than 1 (2 for UK and Germans) are infantry for supply and loss purposes. (Rules 13-23, 13-24)
- In order to reduce losses, the defender may declare his intention to retreat all ground combat units after results of the attack are determined, but before the results of the counterattack are determined. The number of SPs the defender must eliminate are reduced by 1/3 (rounding fractions to nearest whole number). AH and Italian losses are not so reduced. (Rules 14-1, 14-2, 14-3, 40-7, 42-4)
- Retreat is obligatory if the attack result would require the defender to eliminate a number of SPs equal to at least ½ the SP total (unadjusted for supply or terrain) of all units in a hex. Artillery, previously retreated units not included in calculation. (AH and Russians 1/3 in 1914-15, Italians 1/3 until start of 1918, Romanians 1/3 at all times). All cases, 2 exceptions: (1) no retreat required from city center hex, port hex, or if urban terrain chosen to influence combat; (2) no retreat required if fortress in same hex. Defender elimination occurs before retreats are made, after counterattacks. (Rules 14-4, 14-5, 14-17, 29-14, 40-5, 41-3, 42-3, 47-3)
- Units able to use mountain or alpine defensive terrain need never retreat unless surrounded. No retreat into hexes that could not be moved into using 1 hex per turn minimum move except for infantry and cavalry type units (this is last option for them) - lose ½ strength (fractions rounded up) if option used. (Rules 14-16, 14-18)
- Retreating units have adjusted SP total multiplied by 2 instead of 3 for counterattacks. (Rule 14-13)
- Stacks that retreat into enemy controlled hexes unoccupied by friendly units must immediately make a column attack against all adjacent enemy units after retreat. All losses by such units are considered to have surrendered, even if units are supplied. No retreat in violation of stacking. (Rules 14-9, 14-10)
Der Weltkrieg
Standard Rule Reminder Card, 5th Edition Rules
- HQs may only enter a hex containing a trench or devastation marker if there is an operative rail line in the hex or if a friendly engineer unit is in the hex and the hex is not in an enemy ZOC. (Rule 18-3)
- Normally, HQs may expend supply points for and transfer supply points to units of their own nationality only. Less than 2 division in a theatre is an exception. Only HQs that do not move during a friendly movement phase can transfer supply points. Scenarios may contain rules allowing the transfer of supply points to other nationalities. (Rules 18-13, 19-6)
- If supply line greater than 4 MPs (8 MPs for counterattacks) strength of unit reduced by 1 for every MP over 4 (8 for counterattacks) in length unless adjacent to HQ. In winter, for attacking units, reduction of strength by 1 for every MP over 3 (6 for counterattacks). (Rules 19-9, 19-10, 34-2, 34-3)
- Except for artillery, units can always use at least ½ strength to attack or counterattack. Supply points are not necessary. (Rule 19-11)
- Cavalry units with full strength of 1 (2 for UK and German) are always in supply for attack or counterattack. Supply is necessary for cavalry units with higher full strength. Cavalry attacked solely by on cavalry can retreat. (Rules 30-1, 30-2)
- Artillery cannot attack or counterattack if supply line is longer than 4 MPs. Artillery units in a hex adjacent to supplying HQ can always attack no matter what movement cost is. (Rules 19-14, 29-4).
- Units are surrounded when they cannot trace a line of communication of any length to a friendly map edge or friendly country interior. (Rule 20-1)
- Units attempting attack to break out of encirclement attack at ¼ strength if unsupplied (rounding to nearest whole number). (Rule 20-2)
- In an unsupplied break out attack, 1 SP per division (of any strength) eliminated. 1 SP per 2 brigades/regiments. Such elimination is performed prior to calculating strength for attack. (Rule 20-3)
- Units lost while surrounded have surrendered and cannot be rebuilt. (Rules 20-4, 20-6)
- Surrounded units must retreat if losses greater than or equal to ¼ of strength in hex attacked. Use priorities of rule 14-8. If surrounded units cannot retreat; they are removed and have surrendered. Units in same hex as fortress are not considered to be surrounded. (Rules 14-8, 20-7, 20-8, 20-9)
- No ZOC to ZOC retreat allowed for surrounded units unless retreating into fortress hex, otherwise units surrender. If surrounded in “pocket” (group of hexes all in enemy ZOC and none of which contains a friendly port) with no fortress, units surrender if isolated for full friendly portion of a game turn, unless German/UK units which are exempt if pocket is three friendly controlled bordering hexes. (Rules 20-10, 20-13, 37-8, 38-3)
- Fortresses do not need supply lines or supply points. (Rule 21-3)
- If units in a hex with a fortress retreat, fortress SPs are eliminated first. Reduction in amount of strength to be eliminated by virtue of retreat applies only to SPs remaining to be eliminated after all fortress strength eliminated. (Rule 21-5)
- 12 SP or less fortresses are prone to surrender on 8th turn of being surrounded, 13-23 SP fortress prone on 14th turn, 24 or more SP fortress prone on 28th turn. Surrenders when die roll minus 1 is equal to or less than number of turns being prone to surrender. A turn is form the end of an enemy combat phase to the start of the same phase the next turn. “Neglected” Russian fortresses- Are NOT tripled for counterattack purposes, lose 6 SPs per turn when surrounded, removed if strength below 4. (Rules 21-10, 21-11, 41-5)
- “Open City” in Aug/Sep 1914 when city with a fortresses is surrounded, or more than 3 times as many enemy SPs adjacent to the city as there are non-fortress SPs in the city, or enemy siege artillery unit adjacent, remove fortress. (Rule 21-12)
- A trench or devastation marker adds 2 to the MP cost of the hex it occupies. This counts in computing supply lines and using the 1 hex move rule. (Rules 22-6, 22-13, 22-15)
- A trench marker reduces the die roll of attacks against the hex by 2. There is no counterattack adjustment. Units occupying a trench only need to retreat when defender’s required SP loss equals or exceeds the total strength of defending units. Devastation markers have no defensive benefit. (Rules 22-7, 22-8, 22-13)
- 1915: No retreat unless losses are greater or equal to total strength of defending units where defensive terrain gives -3 or better; 1916 on; -2 or better. In 1915 ONLY, can overwhelm this benefit with artillery/siege guns: if BOTH number of artillery and siege units are EACH greater or equal to the number of defending divisions in the hex, then trench benefit and 22-16 benefit are negated. Trenches and rule 22-16 are negated if trench is attacked from front and rear and defender does not have friendly ground combat units in at least two adjacent hexes. (Rules 22-16, 22-17, 22-18)
- 1st turn April 1915: remove trench markers if not in enemy ZOC and replace with devastation marker. Cannot build trench if no enemy ZOC or not adjacent to fortress. If retreat or advance after combat, or not in an enemy ZOC or adjacent to enemy fortress, replace with devastation marker. No removal if hex with a trench in enemy ZOC is vacated. Replace with devastation marker if enemy occupies hex. Devastation marker is replaced with a trench marker if trench is built in hex. (Rules 22-9, 22-10, 22-11, 22-12, 22-14)
- “Artillery only” attacks can be directed against all units in a hex OR only defending fortress and artillery units in a hex. If directed at only fortress and artillery, these units are the only ones which can take losses in such an attack. When only artillery attacks a hex, the artillery can only be counterattacked by artillery. Artillery is not affected by river terrain. (Rule 29-7)
- Attacking Fortresses. When only artillery attacks a fortress, add 1 to the attack die roll for each hexside through which artillery units are attacking. When artillery attacks a fortress, if the number of defending infantry SPs is less than 4 times the number of hexsides through which artillery units are attacking the hex, the strength of the artillery units is doubled for purposes of determining attack results. (Rules 29-10, 29-11)
- Artillery may not retreat. When other units in the hex do so, artillery units are destroyed. Artillery alone has a defensive strength of zero. (Rules 29-13)
- In 1914, siege artillery can only be used to attack (they can never counterattack in 1914) hexes containing fortresses. From 1915 on, siege artillery may be used as regular artillery against units in trenches (only), at half strength for both supply and combat purposes. (Rules 29-2, 29-15)
- Assault units do not expend additional MPs for leaving an enemy ZOC. (Rule 33-2)
- The first turn that full strength assault units attack a given country, the units of that country retreat (1) if attacked by full strength assault units AND (2) the units under attack are called on to lose ½ strength even if in trench, city, or port. Rule 22-16 is negated if number of attacking assault SPs are greater than SPs defending hex (count assault points only). If enemy hex is multinational then “first time” is determined by nationality of majority of units. (Rules 33-3, 33-9)
- Effectiveness of fortresses is reduced by assault units. Units in a hex with a fortress must retreat if attacked by full strength assault units when required to lose ½ or more of SPs IF no viable trench in hex and if rules 22-16 and 33-3 do not apply. (Rule 33-8).
- Assault units take losses first – they take losses to level of full strength unit of their regular type, then they are treated as a regular unit. Alpenkorps (AlpK) and Jager (Jgr) units never revert to regular units – they are pure assault once converted. Assault units may not be rebuilt or combined to return to full assault unit strength. (Rules 33-4, 33-5, 33-6)