IBC 634: Strategies & Techniques of Behavior Change in Primary Care
Critical Reflection Paper Rubric
Criteria/Points / Excellent / Satisfactory / UnsatisfactoryPresentation Structure/Writing Style of PowerPoints
Organization / Content is well organized
(2 points) / Content is organized but not well sequenced
(1 point) / Content is disorganized or missing
(0 points)
APA Format / Correct APA format with only 1-2 grammatical and/or spelling errors. References cited and/or reference list only contains 1-2 errors
(2 points) / Very good attempt at APA format, with only 3-5 grammatical and/or spelling errors. References cited and/or reference list contains 3-5 errors
(1 point) / Poor attempt at APA format with more than 6 grammatical errors or APA format not used; grammatical & spelling errors great enough to confuse the meaning of sentence and/or paper. References not cited in body of presentation and/or no reference list
(0 points)
Presentation Style / The presentation style is professional, articulate, and confident
(2 points) / Presentation style demonstrates some discomfort with material but is still professional in delivery
(1 points) / Presentation style lacks professionalism. Language used may be too colloquial or include excessive use of “uhs”, “ums”, “likes” etc.
(0 points)
Presentation Content
Introduction / Introduction is clear, logical, and relevant to the issue; creative or catches the interest of the reader
(2 points) / Introduction is broad, general, and vague; does not catch the interest of the reader
(1 point) / Introduction is disorganized or no introduction is evidenced
(0 points)
Description of Clinical Setting / Clinical setting is identified, and all of the following requirements are addressed:
-Characteristics of location (patient population, staffing, etc.)
-How characteristics of location will impact implementation positively
-How characteristics of location will impact implementation negatively
(3 points) / Clinical setting is identified, and 2 of the requirements are addressed
(1.5 points) / Clinical setting is identified and/or only 1 requirement is addressed
(0 points)
Target Population / Presentation identifies either a target population based on demographic considerations and disease risk (e.g. children, older adults, African-American females), or a specific chronic disease outcome (e.g. heart disease, arthritis) and provides rationale for intervening on this population. Rationale includes all of the following requirements:
-Relationship between behavior and the health outcome of interest
-Reason why target population is in need of changing their behavior (e.g. are they less active? Is their diet worse? Are they at higher risk for disease outcomes that could be mitigated by behavior change?)
-Citations are provided justifying need for intervention
-Statistics are provided justifying need for intervention
(6 points) / Population is identified and rationale includes 2-3 of the required components
(3 points) / Population is not identified and/or fewer than 2 of the requirements are addressed
(0 points)
Literature Review / Presentation provides an overview of a behavior change theory (covered in this course) that will provide the framework for the intervention, and examines the utility of that theory for changing the behavior of interest. Presentation reviews at least 8 studies of which 6 are primary sources (not review articles or meta-analyses). Literature review includes all of the following requirements:
-Identifies the components/constructs of the theory that are most commonly used in the published literature
-Identifies how the theory is operationalized in the interventions in the published literature
-Describes the effectiveness of using the theory to change the specific behavior and what specific components of the theory effect change
-Describes the different strategies used in the interventions to cause change (e.g. learning activities, delivery techniques, etc.)
-Summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of using the specific theory as the underpinning of an intervention for PA or nutrition
(10 points) / Presentation provides an overview of the behavior change theory, and reviews at least 8 studies of which 6 are primary sources. Literature review only includes 3-4 of the required components
(5 points) / Presentation does not provide an overview of the behavior change theory or reviews fewer than 8 studies. Literature review includes fewer than 3 of the required components
(0 points)
Criteria/Points / Excellent / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
Intervention / Based on the review of the literature, the specific setting, and the characteristics of the chosen target population, presentation describes the intervention that will be delivered in full detail, and includes the following requirements:
-Describes how the theory will be utilized and how the presenter(s) will operationalize it
-Describes the learning strategies and activities that will be used in the intervention and includes at least 5 examples
-Describes the delivery mechanism for the intervention (e.g. group, individual, outreach)
-Describes the implementation plan for the intervention, including how it will be put into place and factors that might influence implementation
(10 points) / Presentation describes the intervention, but details may be unclear and/or only 3 of the required components are addressed
(5 points) / Presentation does not describe the intervention and/or includes fewer than 3 required components
(0 points)
Recruitment Processes / Presentation discusses issues central to participant identification/recruitment, including all of the following required components:
-Describes how potential participants will be identified
-Describes eligibility and ineligibility criteria for participants
-Describe how PA or nutrition will be assessed
-Describes how patients will be assessed to determine if it is safe for them to participate in the program
(3 points) / Presentation discusses issues of patient recruitment, but only addresses 2-3 of the required components
(1.5 points) / Presentation does not discuss issues central to participant identification/recruitment as evidenced by fewer than 2 of the required components
(0 points)
Conclusion: / Conclusion reflects why this intervention is important, addresses broader issues, and presents persuasion for implementation. Ties the entire presentation together: background, literature review, intervention, etc.
(2 points) / Conclusion is brief and does not make new connections or providing a persuasive case for adopting the intervention
(1 point) / Conclusion reflects inability to tie together relevant pieces of the presentation or no conclusion is provided
(0 points)
Additional Comments:
Total Points: ____/42