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SECTION: IS Operations /


TITLE: STIMELA Start up Procedure / ISSUE NO: 1.1
PREPARED BY: Casper Rootman / EFFECTIVE DATE: 19/08/2002
EXPIRES: 31/06/2003 / EXPECTED REVIEW: 01/09/2002
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Checking Delta II

Running the Green Screen



Checking the PD

Restarting PD



Checking the PD Interface



Checking the Router Interface



Checking the Background Process


The checks and procedures required to restart or start the DEMAG system.


The Stimela interface has five distinct areas to check to ensure that all the system components and interfaces are up and running. The five areas are:

1.Delta II (hereafter referred to as Delta).

2.Pick Director (hereafter referred to as PD).

3.Interface from Delta II to PD (hereafter referred to as PD Interface).

4.Interface from Delta II to Stimela (hereafter referred to as Router Interface).

5.The Background Process.


Acronym / Definition
Delta II / IHD Inventory management system
PD / Pick Director
Pins Orders / The PINS movement portion of the Router system
Stimela / The complete automated picking system
Stimela Green Screen / Stimela monitor program on Delta II – shortcut stime
Router / The routing component of Stimela
Transfer Orders / The parcel transfer portion of the Router system


  1. IS Operations
  2. IS Development
  3. Warehouse Operations



The Delta application is run on one of the two NT workstations in the control room by clicking on the Delta icon on the desktop of the machine.

Checking Delta II

1. / Can you log into a Delta session with your own User ID and Password?
2. / Can you start up a Delta menu by choosing option 2 (by typing in 2) on the menu that appears after you logged into the Delta session?
3. / Can you run a program on Delta (one that you have access to) or navigate on the Delta menu between menu options or between menus?
4. / A final check if Delta is up and running correctly is to make sure the green screen can be run.

If no on any of above questions, then there is a problem with the Delta system. Please contact the IS support person immediately.

Running the Green Screen

The green screen is a statistics screen that shows the status of the current Pins Orders and Transfer Orders. It also shows the status of all the interface processes that is running between these systems. The green screen must preferably be run by logging in as the separate demag user and using the password for that user. The system controllers know the current Password for that user.

1. / Run a Delta session by double-clicking on the Delta icon on the desktop of one of the NT workstations in the control room.
2. / Log into Unix with the demag User ID and the current Password.
3. / Run Delta II by choosing menu option 2 on the menu.
4. / Run the Green Screen by typing in the stimemenu shortcut or by choosing Store Module menu, and then the Warehouse Menu menu, and then the Demag Menu menu and then the Stimela Green Screen menu option.



The PD is physically situated in the left-hand side under the workspace next to the network cabinet in the back of the Linbro Park warehouse control room. The screen and keyboard and mouse are situated between the two Delta workstations in the control room.

Checking the PD

1. / Can you move the mouse and it does something on the screen?
2. / Can you choose options on the PD application (Pick To Light)?

If no on any of above questions, then PD needs restarting.

Restarting PD

1. / If you can, exit the Pick To Light application by choosing the Close ESC button (bottom right on the Information. Actual orders screen) and then the File menu (top left on Pick Director toolbar) and the Exit option (last option on menu).
2. / If you can, exit the X-Windows Unix operating system by choosing the File menu (top left on the screen) and then the Exit menu option (last option on menu).
3. / Switch off the power of the PD (Power button is at the top in the front of machine behind a little sliding panel).
Wait about 15 seconds to make sure all disks have stopped spinning and power are completely dead on the machine.
4. / Switch on power on the PD. The machine will boot up and start the X-Windows interface after choosing the default.
5. / The controller must log in to get access to the machine. This is accomplished by typing the User ID and Password into the supplied window. The User ID is ihd and the password is johann.
6. / The controller must log in to the Pick to Light application. This is accomplished by choosing the PickDir icon (the picture is of two eyes staring at you) on the desktop and typing in the User ID and Password. The User ID is mgr and the password is Linbro.



The PD Interface is a set of two Progress processes that handles the reading and sending of telegrams between the PD and Delta. These processes can be monitored on the Stimela Green Screen in the top window on the screen titled Interface Processes Status. The PD Interface processes are identified by the PICKDIR keyword in the leftmost column.

Column 2 shows the direction of each process (Read and Send). This is from the perspective of Delta, i.e. Read from PD, Send to PD. The colour of these values shows the health of each of these processes. Green indicates that the processes are active and running.

Column 3 shows the status value of the internal control record relating to this process. Each process is checking its run-status and health inside the main program for each. A green colour here means that the process has a healthy internal status. This must be read in conjunction with the health of column 2, as the process can be terminated abnormally while leaving the internal status in a healthy state.

Column 4 is a brief description of the status depicted in column 3. The colour of this column is linked to the colour of column 3.

Checking the PD Interface

1. / Is the colour of the Green Screen Green?
2. / Are all the PD Interface Column 4 colours Green?
3. / Are all the PD Interface Column 3 colours Green?
4. / Are all the PD Interface Column 2 colours Green?

If no on any of above questions, then there is a problem with the PD Interface (or check other Interface if question 1.). This needs to be rectified before you can proceed with anything else. Please contact the IS support person immediately.

For IS Support: The processes can be start up with auto-rtr unix script on asun010. Make sure that you are logged in as root user when doing that.



The Router Interface is a set of four Progress processes that handles the pushing and pulling of database records the Stimela Router database and Delta. These processes can be monitored on the Stimela Green Screen in the top window on the screen titled Interface Processes Status. The Router Interface processes are identified by the PIINS ORDER and TFER ORDER keywords in the leftmost column.

Column 2 shows the action of each process (Push and Pull). The direction of action is always from Delta to the Router Interface, and only the type of action determines how data flows. There are two PINS ORDER processes and two TFER ORDER processes. The colour of the values in this column shows the health of each of these processes. Green indicates that the processes are active and running.

Column 3 shows the status value of the internal control record relating to this process. Each process is checking its run-status and health inside the main program for each. A green colour here means that the process has a healthy internal status. This must be read in conjunction with the health of column 2, as the process can be terminated abnormally while leaving the internal status in a healthy state.

Column 4 is a brief description of the status depicted in column 3. The colour of this column is linked to the colour of column 3.

Checking the Router Interface

1. / Is the colour of the Green Screen Green?
2. / Are all the Router Interface Column 4 colours Green?
3. / Are all the Router Interface Column 3 colours Green?
4. / Are all the Router Interface Column 2 colours Green?

If no on any of above questions, then there is a problem with the Router Interfaces. This needs to be rectified before you can proceed with anything else. Please contact the IS support person immediately.

For IS Support: The processes can be start up with auto-rtr unix script on asun010. Make sure that you are logged in as root user when doing that. If the processes are down and the internal status shows RUNNING then the processes will not start as they check this value to prevent duplicate processes running. In this case the values must first be reset to STOP by running dmg/dmgt0330.p in the Progress editor on asun010. (The abbreviated value of each column 1 description is the record type field entry).



The Background Process is a single Progress processes that manages some background processing in relation to the whole system. The most important function of the background process is the checking of the external run status of each of these Progress processes mentioned above. This process is identified by the BACKGROUND keyword in the leftmost column.

There is no Column 2 for this process.

Column 3 shows the status value of the internal control record relating to this process. Each process is checking its run-status and health inside the main program for each. A green colour here means that the process has a healthy internal status.

Column 4 is a brief description of the status depicted in column 3. The colour of this column is linked to the colour of column 3.

Checking the Background Process

1. / Is the colour of the Green Screen Green?
2. / Is the Background Process Column 4 colour Green?
3. / Is the Background Process Column 3 colour Green?
4. / Is the Background Pro cess Column 2 colour Green?

If no on any of above questions, then there is a problem with the Background Process. This needs to be rectified before you can proceed with anything else. Please contact the IS support person immediately.

For IS Support: The process can be start up with auto-rtr unix script on asun010. Make sure that you are logged in as root user when doing that. If the process is down and the internal status shows RUNNING then the process will not start as it checks this value to prevent duplicate processes running. In this case the values must first be reset to STOP by running dmg/dmgt0330.p in the Progress editor on asun010. (The record type field is BACKGROUND).