1.Last name: Damotte
2.First name: Diane
3.Date and place of birth: 01/01/1965, Rome (Italy)
4.Citizenship: French
5.Marital status: married
Institution / Period / Degrees or diplomasMedical school / 1983-1993 / MD
Paris Descartes University / 1993-1999 / PhD
7.Professional experience:
Institution / Period / Position / DescriptionAP HP / 1989-1993 / Resident
Paris Descartes University / 1994- / Pathologist (junior-senior)
8.Academic titles: MD-PhD
9.Foreign languages: French, English, Italian
10.Patents, if applicable (maximum 5):
11.Publications, if applicable (maximum 5, the most relevant to the project domain):
1 - Franck Pagès* M.D., Ph.D, Anne Berger* M.D. Ph.D, Mathieu Camus, Fatima Sanchez-Cabo Ph.D, Anne Costes, Robert Molidor Ph.D, Bernhard Mlecnik, Amos Kirilovsky, Malin Nilsson, D. Damotte, M.D., Ph.D, Tchao Meatchi, M.D., Patrick Bruneval, M.D., Paul-Henri Cugnenc M.D., Ph.D, Zlatko Trajanoski Ph.D, Wolf-Herman Fridman M.D., Ph.D, Jérôme Galon Ph.D Effector memory T cells, early metastasis, and survival in colorectal cancer. New Engl J Med 2005;353:2654-66
*contribution équivalente
2 - H Mossafa*, D Damotte, A Jenabian, R Delarue, A Vincenneau, I Amouroux R Jeandel, E Khoury, JM Martelli, T Samson, S Tapia, G Flandrin, X Troussard. Non-hodgkin's lymphomas with Burkitt-like cells are associated with c-Myc amplification and poor prognosis. leukemia lymphoma 2006,47:1885-93.
3 - Colombat M, Mal H, Copie-Bergman C, Diebold J, Damotte D, Callard P, Fournier M, Farcet JP, Stern M, Delfau-Larue MH. Primary cystic lung light chain deposition disease : a clinicopathologic entity derived from unmutated B cells with a stereotyped IGHV4-34/IGKV1 receptor. Blood. 2008 May 15.
4 - Raynaud P, Caulet-Maugendre S, Foussard C, Salles G, Moreau A, Rossi JF, Patey M, Rousselet MC, Bene MC, Damotte D, Cornillet Lefebvre P, Martin A, Costes V; GOELAMS group. T-cell lymphoid aggregates in bone marrow after rituximab therapy for B-cell follicular lymphoma: a marker of therapeutic efficacy? Hum Pathol. 2008,39(2):194-200.
5 - Ginger prevents Th2-mediated immune responses in a mouse model of airway inflammation. Ahui ML, Champy P, Ramadan A, Pham Van L, Araujo L, Brou André K, Diem S, Damotte D, Kati-Coulibaly S, Offoumou MA, Dy M, Thieblemont N, Herbelin A.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2008 Dec 10;8(12):1626-32.
12.Member of professional associations:
13.Specializations and qualifications: Pathologist, Immunologist
14.Experience (including managerial experience) in other national/international programmes/ projects:
Programme/project / Position / PeriodGOLEAMS 075 / Pathologist leader / 2005-
CAPULM / Pathologist leader / 2007-
15. List of the most important publications/patents(only for the international expert):
1 - Damotte D., A. Le Tourneau, J. Audouin, C. Duval, F. Martin-Bastenaire, O. Villain, A. Delobelle-Deroide, J. Diebold. Discordant Malignant Lymphoma Synchronous or Successive High-grade B Lymphoma Associated with Hodgkin’s disease. 1995, Pathol. Res. Pract. 191:8-15
2 - Damotte, D., E. Colomb, C. Cailleau, N. Brousse, J. Charreire, and C. Carnaud. Analysis of susceptibility of NOD mice to spontaneous and experimentally induced thyroiditis. 1997,Eur J Immunol. 27:2854-62
3 - Ormandy, C. J., A. Camus, J. Barra, D. Damotte, B. Lucas, H. Buteau, M. Edery, N. Brousse, C. Babinet, N. Binart, and P. A. Kelly. Null mutation of the prolactin receptor gene produces multiple reproductive defects in the mouse. 1997,Genes Dev. 11:167-78
4 - Thomas-Vaslin, V., D. Damotte, M. Coltey, N. M. Le Douarin, A. Coutinho, and J. Salaun. Abnormal T cell selection on nod thymic epithelium is sufficient to induce autoimmune manifestations in C57BL/6 athymic nude mice. 1997, Proc Natl Acad Sci. U S A 94:4598-603.
5 - Goulet, O., J. L. Michel, A. Jobert, D. Damotte, V. Colomb, J. P. Cezard, F. Lacaille, C. Faure, D. Jan, B. Jabri, S. Sarnacki, N. Brousse, M. Peuchmaur, Y. Aigrain, C. Ricour, and Y. Revillon. Small bowel transplantation alone or with the liver in children: changes by using FK506. 1998, Transplant Proc. 30:1569-70
6 - Bessis, N., J. Honiger, D. Damotte, A. Minty, C. Fournier, D. Fradelizi, and M. Boissier. Encapsulation in hollow fibres of xenogeneic cells engineered to secrete IL-4 or IL-13 ameliorates murine collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). 1999,Clin Exp Immunol. 117:376-82.
7 - Clement-Lacroix, P., C. Ormandy, L. Lepescheux, P. Ammann, D. Damotte, V. Goffin, B. Bouchard, M. Amling, M. Gaillard-Kelly, N. Binart, R. Baron, and P. A. Kelly. Osteoblasts are a new target for prolactin: analysis of bone formation in prolactin receptor knockout mice. 1999,Endocrinology. 140:96-105.
8 - Mejean, A., G. Vona, B. Nalpas, D. Damotte, N. Brousse, Y. Chretien, B. Dufour, B. Lacour, C. Brechot, and P. Paterlini-Brechot. Detection of circulating prostate derived cells in patients with prostate adenocarcinoma is an independent risk factor for tumor recurrence. 2000, J Urol. 163:2022-9.
9 - Thiery, E., P. Gosset, D. Damotte, A. L. Delezoide, N. de Saint-Sauveur, C. Vayssettes, and N. Creau. Developmentally regulated expression of the murine ortholog of the potassium channel KIR4.2 (KCNJ15). 2000, Mech Dev. 95:313-6.
10 - Aucouturier, P., F. Geissmann, D. Damotte, G. P. Saborio, H. C. Meeker, R. Kascsak, R. I. Carp, and T. Wisniewski. Infected splenic dendritic cells are sufficient for prion transmission to the CNS in mouse scrapie. 2001, J Clin Invest. 108 : 703-8.
11 - Lamhamedi-Cherradi, S. E., O. Boulard, C. Gonzalez, N. Kassis, D. Damotte, L. Eloy, G. Fluteau, M. Levi-Strauss, and H. J. Garchon. Further mapping of the Idd5.1 locus for autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. 2001, Diabetes. 50:2874-8
12 - L. Tourneur, D. Damotte, S. Marion, S. Mistou and G. Chiocchia, IL-10 is necessary for FasL-induced protection from experimental autoimmune thyroiditis but not for FasL-induced immune deviation. 2002, Eur. J. Immunol. 32:1292-99.
13 - O. Boulard, G. Fluteau, L. Eloy, D. Damotte, P. Bedossa, H.J. Garchon, Genetic analysis of autoimmune sialadenitis in Nonobese Diabetic Mice : a major susceptibility region on chromosome 1. 2002,J. Immunol. 168:4192-4201.
14 - D.Damotte*, O. Boulard*, N. Deruytter, G. Fluteau, C. Carnaud and H.J. Garchon, An interval tightly linked to but distinct from the H2 complex controls both overt diabetes (Idd16) and chronic experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (Ceat1). 2002,Diabetes. 51:2141-47.
*contribution équivalente
15 - C. Lome-Maldonado, D. Canioni, O. Hermine, E. Delabesse, D.Damotte, E. Raffoux, P. Gaulard, E. Macintyre, N. Brousse, The French Groupe d'Etude des Lymphomes de l'Adulte (GELA), Angio-immunoblastic T cell lymphoma (AILD-TL) rich in large B cells and associated with Epstein-Barr virus infection. A different subtype of AILD-TL ? 2002,leukeamia. 16:2134-41.
16 - D.Damotte, C. Goulvestre, J. Charreire, and C. Carnaud.LPS and Freund's adjuvant initiate differente inflammatory circuits in experimental autoimmune thyroiditis. 2003, Eur. Cytokine Netw. 14:52-59
17 - M.A. Alyanakian, S. You, D. Damotte, C. Gouarin, A. Esling, C. Garcia, S. Havouis, L. Chatenoud and J.F. Bach. Diversity of regulatory CD4+ T cells controlling distinct organ-specific autoimmune diseases. Proc Natl Acad Sci. U S A 2003;100:15806-11
18 - G. Vona*, L. Estepa*, C. Béroud*, D. Damotte, F. Capron, B. Nalpas, A. Mineur, D. Franco, B. Lacour, S. Pol, C. Bréchot, P. Paterlini-Bréchot. Impact of cytomorphological detection of circulating tumor cells in patients with liver cancer. J Hepatol 2004;39:792-7. *contribution équivalente
19 - S Karray, C. Kress, S. Cuvellier, C. Beauvais, D. Damotte, C. Babinet and M. Lévi-Strauss. Complete loss of FasL gene causes massive lymphoprolifération and early death indicating a residual activity of the gld allele. J Immunol 2004, 172:2118-25.
20 - D. Damotte*, K. Robert*, J. Hamelet, JF. Chassé, N. Janel. Homocysteine is not detected in normal vessel walls by immunohistochemistry. Atherosclerosis 2005, 179:211-12.
*contribution équivalente
21 - Franck Pagès* M.D., Ph.D, Anne Berger* M.D. Ph.D, Mathieu Camus, Fatima Sanchez-Cabo Ph.D, Anne Costes, Robert Molidor Ph.D, Bernhard Mlecnik, Amos Kirilovsky, Malin Nilsson, D. Damotte, M.D., Ph.D, Tchao Meatchi, M.D., Patrick Bruneval, M.D., Paul-Henri Cugnenc M.D., Ph.D, Zlatko Trajanoski Ph.D, Wolf-Herman Fridman M.D., Ph.D, Jérôme Galon Ph.D Effector memory T cells, early metastasis, and survival in colorectal cancer. New Engl J Med 2005;353:2654-66
*contribution équivalente
22 - M. Jugie, D. Canioni*, C. Le Bihan*, S. Sarnacki, Y. Révillon, D. Jan, F. Lacaille, N. Cerf-Bensussan, O. Goulet, N. Brousse, D. Damotte. Study of the impact of liver transplantation on the outcome of intestinal grafts in children. Transplantation 2006,81:992-7
*contribution équivalente
23 - A-C Rocha-Campo*, R Melki*, R Zhu, N Deruytter, D Damotte, M Dy, A Herbelin, H-J Garchon Genetic and functionnal analysis of the Nkt1 locus using congenic non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice : imporved Va14-NKT cell performance but failure to protect against type 1 diabetes. Diabetes 2006, 55:1163-70
*contribution équivalente
24 - H Mossafa*, D Damotte, A Jenabian, R Delarue, A Vincenneau, I Amouroux R Jeandel, E Khoury, JM Martelli, T Samson, S Tapia, G Flandrin, X Troussard. Non-hodgkin's lymphomas with Burkitt-like cells are associated with c-Myc amplification and poor prognosis. leukemia lymphoma 2006,47:1885-93.
25 - R Zhu, S Diem, J Denizeau, D Damotte, P Gourdy, M Dy, E Schneider, A Herberlin Partial iNKT cell deficiency together with low IL-A and IL-12 secretion alleviate T cell-mediated hepatitis in mice. J Immunol 2007 1;178(9):5435-42.
26 - Colombat M, Mal H, Copie-Bergman C, Diebold J, Damotte D, Callard P, Fournier M, Farcet JP, Stern M, Delfau-Larue MH. Primary cystic lung light chain deposition disease : a clinicopathologic entity derived from unmutated B cells with a stereotyped IGHV4-34/IGKV1 receptor. Blood. 2008 May 15.
27 - Malamut G, Matysiak-Budnik T, Grosdider E, Jais JP, Morales E, Damotte D, Caillat-Zucman S, Brousse N, Cerf-Bensussan N, Jian R, Cellier C. Adult celiac disease with severe or partial villous atrophy: A comparative study. Gastroenterol Clin Biol. 2008,32:236-42.
28 - Raynaud P, Caulet-Maugendre S, Foussard C, Salles G, Moreau A, Rossi JF, Patey M, Rousselet MC, Bene MC, Damotte D, Cornillet Lefebvre P, Martin A, Costes V; GOELAMS group. T-cell lymphoid aggregates in bone marrow after rituximab therapy for B-cell follicular lymphoma: a marker of therapeutic efficacy? Hum Pathol. 2008,39(2):194-200.
29 - Aumeunier A, Grela F, Bardel E, Damotte D, Akira S, Dy M, Thieblemont N, Bach JF.
WITHDRAWN: Immunoregulatory responses induced through TLRs and potential therapeutic implications for autoimmune diseases. J Autoimmun. 2008 Nov 21.
30 - Ginger prevents Th2-mediated immune responses in a mouse model of airway inflammation. Ahui ML, Champy P, Ramadan A, Pham Van L, Araujo L, Brou André K, Diem S, Damotte D, Kati-Coulibaly S, Offoumou MA, Dy M, Thieblemont N, Herbelin A.
Int Immunopharmacol. 2008 Dec 10;8(12):1626-32.
31 - Malamut G, Afchain P, Verkarre V, Lecomte T, Amiot A, Damotte D, Bouhnik Y, Colombel JF, Delchier JC, Allez M, Cosnes J, Lavergne-Slove A, Meresse B, Trinquart L, Macintyre E, Radford-Weiss I, Hermine O, Brousse N, Cerf-Bensussan N, Cellier C. Presentation and long-term follow-up of refractory celiac disease: comparison of type I with type II.Gastroenterology. 2009 Jan;136(1):81-90.
I hereby state on my own responsibility that the data presented is accurate.
Date: 29-05-2009