Standard One: Teacher Demonstrates Leadership

Part A: Suggested Artifacts:

Sample progress reports and report cards

K-2 assessment data


3D Reading program data


Waterford Reports

Teacher made assessment examples

AYP Projections

Classroom rules

Parent Letters

Parent Conference notes

Safety Lesson Plans (fire, playground, tornado, classroom, etc..)

Benchmark scores

Part B: Suggested Artifacts

School Improvement plan (especially if you are a member of the SIT)

Professional Learning Communities

NC Evaluation On-Line Training

Mentor meetings

Minutes from weekly/monthly subject/grade level meetings

Graduate school artifacts/grades/work

Cooperative Learning Groups

Re-Grouping from Remediation per benchmark scores

Minutes from faculty meetings if you present or speak

Part C: Suggested Artifacts

Membership of local teaching professional organization (NCAE)

Peer Coaching and collaboration

Staff development

Copies of emails where you network with colleagues (for example if you share a teaching strategy that may work for another staff member)

Grade Level Planning

PTO Meetings

Literacy and Math strategies for all stakeholders (Co-curricular activities; across the curriculum) as well as other integration in content areas

Character Education Speakers

National Boards artifacts

IRA and local groups

Part D: Suggested Artifacts

Promotional activities for multi-cultural awareness and appreciation programs

Great learning activities that promote learning beyond the basic text and curriculum

Foster of love for literacy activities

Great projects that extend beyond the doors of your classroom that promote learning

Notes from staff development

Membership or partnership in educational activities beyond the doors of your school

Part E: Suggested Activities

Record keeping artifacts

Signature page for PSRC Policy Manual and School Handbook

Curriculum notebook

SIT Membership

Committee Memberships

Standard II: Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population

Part A: Suggested Artifacts

Parent contact


Student Surveys

Positive Feedback notes from students, parents, admin, etc..

“All About Me” student portfolio samples

Did you organize the Parent night, the PTSO meeting, a Guest Speaker, PLC, etc.?

Part B: Suggested Artifacts

Incorporation of multi-cultural thematic lessons in classroom (copy of lesson plans)

Incorporation of a variety of different music from various cultures (lesson plans)

“ALL around the World” cultural booklets

Pinwheels for peace

Cultural awareness programs, assemblies, guest speakers

Technology usage and its integration globally

Part C: Suggested Artifacts

Student test data, benchmark scores (pre and post can show growth)

Student/Parent/Teacher Academic and behavior contracts

Cooperative grouping documentation

Peer tutoring/teaching activities

Awards ceremony documentation

Part D: Suggested Artifacts

Copy of modified lesson plans per IEP

Notes from meeting with EC teacher, ESL teacher, or Social Worker addressing the needs of a student

Documentation of your involvement in and IEP (keep identity of child and disability out per FERPA)

Part E: Suggested Artifacts

Copy of your school webpage

Copy of school surveys

Parent letters and invitations

Involvement in PTSO

Participation in Advisory Council or Volunteer programs at your school or other schools

Parent newsletter

Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach

Part A: Suggested Artifacts

Agendas with literacy training

Copies of super projects that express content (lesson plans, student work sample)


Lesson plans with NSCOS highlighted

Photos of you and students

Discovery probes

Student work samples

Presentations where you lead

Journal entries

Part B: Suggested Activities

Copies of CEU’s

Walk through evaluations

Graduate school transcripts

Published writings or artifacts

Super student project samples

Any recognition of your students like newspaper articles, young authors, science fair, etc.

Programs from plays, field trips etc.


Community projects or civic activities that incorporate into your classroom

Teaching materials from outside sources

Part C: Suggest Artifacts

Pictures of posters or artifacts used that reflect other cultures

Lesson plans

Worksheets or projects used for multicultural awareness

Presentation artifacts

Cultural activities artifacts or lessons

Part D: Suggested Artifacts

Lesson plans

Printouts from Quizdom, etc.

Photographs of students using technology or lessons

Samples of student work

Standard IV: Teachers facilitate learning for their students

Part A: Suggested Artifacts

Lesson plans

Grade level planning documentation

Staff development documentation

Lesson plans showing differentiated learning

Part B: Suggested Activities

Lesson plans highlighting best practices

EOC/EOG summaries

K-2 Assessment (3-D Reading)

Discovery Education Data

Castle Learning

Quantile Math

Lexile Reading

Access scores (ESL)

Success Maker/Waterford Reports

Syllabus/Grading Criteria

Honors Projects

Part C: Suggested Artifacts

Small group activities

Learning Styles Survey results

Graphic organizers

Smart board activities

Discovery Educational probes

Teacher Tube

Educational Website list used

Lesson Plans

Pictures of word walls/ displays

Teacher Webpage

Part D: Suggested Artifacts

Technology training agendas

Presentations documentation or photographs

Lesson plans with students using technology

Higher order thinking activities (lesson plans or copy of activity)

Grade level or vertical planning

Part E: Suggested Artifacts

Higher order thinking activities (lesson plans or copy of activity)

Grade level or vertical planning

Copy of labs (science)

Part F: Suggested Artifacts

Pictures of collaborative instruction

Lesson plans with collaboration highlighted

Teamwork projects samples

Activities where students are responsible for certain jobs

Part G: Suggested Artifacts

Conference or meeting minutes

Parent letters

Pictures of field trips or activities

Lesson plans

Classroom management procedures

PTSO documentation

Parent night sign in log

Part H: Suggested Artifacts

Examples of data

Technology usage log

Grading criteria

Presentations of students (pictures, samples of work)

Student rubrics for assessing each other

Lesson plans

Student Portfolios

Standard V: Teachers reflect on their practice

Part A: Suggested Artifacts

Summary Goal sheets

NCSCO objective tests


Daily formative assessment

Student Portfolio

Student Record data

Data recorded by teacher

IEP assessment, PEP updates

Part B: Suggested Artifacts

Graduate level coursework

NBCT artifacts

Staff development at school, district level, state and national level (ex. WIDA Training)

PLC meetings

Participation in research based staff development

Part C: Suggested Artifacts


Documentation of best practices in lesson plans

Summary Goals sheets

Participation in research based staff development

Lesson plan highlighting differentiated instruction