STANDARD 5Service Access
The Service Access policy recognises that each Participant has access to DVJS on the basis of relative need and available resources. DVJS. will ensure that:
- Participants can obtain information about DVJS via; Community Rehabilitation Networks, Centrelink, Schools/ TAFE colleges and other community stakeholders. DVJS continually networks with other community service providers to ensure that participants will be informed about the agency and of its entrance criteria.
- There is written documentation explaining the focus and entrance criteria of the service. Pamphlets are distributed throughout community providers within the region.
- DVJS attends a variety of public forums and expo’s within its catchment areas to promote its services to potential Participants.
- DVJS advertises regularly in local newspapers as well as promoting its services via web page and social media such as facebook so that potential Participants can enquire directly.
- DVJS has a dedicated Community Liaison Team whose purpose is to regularly liaise with service providers in the catchment areas and inform them of our services and entrance criteria whilst seeking direct referrals.
Who Can Apply?
All people with permanent disabilities, health conditions and injuries that are unemployed and not registered with another Disability Employment Service or other Government funded employment service are welcome to apply directly for DVJS assistance.
Application Process
The preferred method of application is referral via anEmployment Services Assessment (ESAt), Job Capacity Assessment (JCA) or applicants may contact DVJS directly. We can assist a potential participant with an EASt/JCA if required.
Eligibility Requirements
ALL applicants must be endorsed by a Job Capacity Assessor (JCA) to be on program (with the exception of Eligible School Leavers & Job in JeopardyParticipants).
Participants must be an Australian citizen or Australian resident
Participants must be unemployed, at risk of losing their current employment or not currently working enough hours to meet their participationrequirements.
Participants must be aged between 15 – 65 years.
Participants must have a capacity to obtain open employment of at least 8 hours a week within the next two years.
Participants must be able to travel to DVJS and travel to work independently (or have reliable support to assist with their travelling requirements).
Participants must not be registered with another Disability Employment Service or Government funded employment service.
The Participant will be made aware of their Rights and Responsibilities whilst at DVJS and that DVJS will be gathering and reporting to the Commonwealth Government (DSS) personal information about their employment program. A formal “Rights & Responsibilities” agreement will be signed mutually to ensure that both parties will adhere to their responsibilities. Participants are also required to sign a DSS Privacy Consent form as well. Participants who directly apply to DVJS (eg. Eligible School Leavers and Job in Jeopardy participants) are required to complete a DSS DES Direct Registration form as well.
Non Acceptance Reasons
Participants shall be refused access to DVJS program based upon the following…
The Participant does not attend intake appointments.
The Participant does not meet mandatory requirements.
The Participant has a history of behaviours that may threaten or endanger staff or effect potential employers/ employees.
The Participantmust reside within the ESA that DVJS is funded to provide employment services in.
Withdrawal of Service – DVJS Initiated
All assistance will be withdrawn when a Participant:
Behaves in a manner that places other people in danger or themselves at risk.
Fails to keep appointments without valid explanation.
Fails to adhere to their responsibilities.
Refuses to continue to take their medication if leading to unmanageable behaviours or symptoms in a work setting.
Participant is unable to meet demands of open employment or is unable to achieve 26-week employment outcome within 18 months of commencement date.
No longer requires support to maintain employment (independent worker).
DVJS is instructed to withdraw the Participant from DSS.
Irreconcilable differences. For a compulsory Participant, DVJS is aware that a Relationship Failure form needs to be completed and lodged with DSS for processing.
Moves out of the ESA that DVJS is servicing.
Requests a Transfer by Agreement with another DES agency
Withdrawal of Service – Voluntary Participant
The voluntary Participant may leave the service at any time that they wish. Written notification or by telephone is acceptable informing the service as to the reason of departure and the date that it will take effect.DVJS will withdraw support when a Participant:
Voluntarily withdraws.
Has moved to an area outside of the ESA DVJS services.
Irreconcilable differences.
If a Participant has been in Employment Assistance phase for a total of 104 weeks, without an employment outcome, they will be automatically exited by the DSS IT system.
Withdrawal of Service –Compulsory Activity Tested Participants
If an activity tested Participant feels they no longer wish to participate with DVJS, this must be discussed in detail with their Employment Consultant. They are warned of serious consequences to their payments if they fail to meet their participation requirements, like not attending their scheduled appointments or attending job interviews. Compliance action may need to betaken as per current DHS Policies and participation requirements. At times, DVJS may feel it appropriate to refer these Participants back to an ESAt/JCA for a reassessment, especially if the Participant has disclosed new information that may impact their capacity for work.
Withdrawal Process
- The DVJS Participant Exit Pro-forma must be completed.
- The Participant is exited from DSS IT system.
- Once a Participant is withdrawn from DVJS the ‘reason for Exit’ will be completed on the Participantclient details section of the data base with the date of exit.
- An email will be sent to all staff that have association with the Participant informing them of the exit so that they are aware that the Participant is no longer on program.
- Program Summary in DSS IT system must be completed. EXIT letter issued to participant as well.
DVJS Standard 5 / Service Access– Last updated September 2014 / 1