Cherry Creek High School

Poms Team Information Packet



Head/ Varsity Coach – Megan Bruhn

Megan has been a dancer for 23 years. She began her training at Starstruck Academy of Dance when she was just three years old and started competing for Starstruck when she was five. Throughout 13 years competing at the studio, Megan attended numerous conventions and competitions, worked with and assisted various choreographers from around the nation and attended nine national championship competitions.

Megan graduated from Arapahoe High School where she was a four-year Varsity letter winner and captain of the dance team her senior year. After high school, Megan attended the University of Colorado, Boulder where she continued her dance career as a member of the University of Colorado Dance Team. Megan was a four-year collegiate Varsity letter winner and again captain her senior year. Aside from representing her school at games, she competed for four consecutive years at the UDA Collegiate National Championship in Orlando, Florida earning six top ten titles and two top five titles in the country. She studied in the Leeds School of Business and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing.

After graduating, Megan became the Head Junior Varsity Poms Coach at Mountain Vista High School. She currently is entering her third year as the head Varsity Poms coach at Cherry Creek High School. Aside from coaching, Megan works as a marketing professional and enjoys spending time with family and friends, her time skiing in the mountains and traveling whenever she gets a chance!

JV Coach – TBD

Assistant JV Coach - TBD

Cherry Creek Pom Team Tryout Information

To the Applicant and Parent/Guardian:

Thank you for your interest in your very talented and successful Cherry Creek High School Poms! Please read through the Poms information packet in its entirety and familiarize yourself with the policies and expectations of the team. Attached is a list of important dates, as well as commitments of both expense and time.

I look forward to meeting each and every one of you and encourage students who feel that they can abide by the following rules and policies to attend clinics and to try-out for the 2018—2019 Cherry Creek Pom Teams.

Please keep in mind the following: Seniors will not be placed on the JV team and must meet Varsity requirements to be considered for the Varsity team. All students must re-tryout every year, even if they are a returning member. It is not guaranteed that a Junior Varsity member will make the Varsity team at any point during their tenure at Cherry Creek High School and all current members are not guaranteed a returning position on their current team. Physician Approval form needs to be turned in to athletics by April 1st at 10am the latest. No one will be able to participate at tryouts without this form turned in.

I look forward to an amazing season! Best of luck to all! Go Creek Poms!

Megan Bruhn

Tryout Layout 2018-2019

April 2rd 4-7 pm (dance room): Technique Instruction (Across the floor and Stationary Skills) and Learn Pom Routine. There will be NO cuts on this day, everyone will be asked to return for evaluations Tuesday.

April 3rd 4-8 pm (dance room): Girls will be judged on the technical elements and Pom routine taught on Monday. A cut will be made. (Athletes that make it past this round have a guaranteed spot in our program. Those selected will stay and learn the jazz routine.)

April 4th: OFF. Please review both the Pom and Jazz routines as well as technique across the floor/center combinations. Please be ready to be evaluated on everything from the previous days Thursday.

April 5th 4-8pm (dance room): FINAL TEAM TRYOUT → The dancers will be judged on the Pom and Jazz routines, as well as technical skills. They will be placed into groups when being evaluated. TEAMS DETERMINED AND POSTED ONLINE in numerical order at the conclusion of tryouts.

If you have any questions or concerns following tryouts you may contact Megan Bruhn directly at to set up a time to talk. Please allow the weekend before responses will be made.

Attire for ALL days:

●All dancers must wear ALL BLACK for the entire tryout process.

●Black shorts, leggings, jazz pants, and fitted tops are acceptable. Hair in TIGHT BUN.

●Avoid: Loose fitting clothing, Sweatpants and showing midriffs. NO jewelry.

Cherry Creek Poms 2018-2019 Season

Preferred Elements List

(Subject to change)

Junior Varsity:

●Strong Pom Technique: Proper arm placement, strength in movements and dance ability

●Strong Jumps: Toe Touch, “C” Jump, calypso, turning disc, front leaps, side leaps

●Straight High Kicks (Right and Left)

●Splits (Right, Left, Center)

●Leg extension (Right and Left)

●SOLID Triple Pirouette

●SOLID Intermediate turn combos (Turns in second, tours and foutes)

●Showmanship and Facial expression



●Advanced Pom Technique and dance ability

●Advanced Jazz technique and style

●Advanced turn combos (Leg at 90 degrees/various advanced turn combos)

●Leg turns

oDouble Leg turns

●Double toe touch

●SOLID Quadruple Pirouette

●Unassisted leg extension (tilt)

*Looking for ability to change dance styles

*Jump height and landing

*Control in all pirouettes and turn combinations

*Consistency in all skills

*Execution of choreography in both styles


All dancers in the Poms program must…

●Represent the school and the Poms program with class and responsibility at all times, in person and on all forms of social media

●Treat teammates and coaches with respect

●Have enthusiasm about the team

●Be a leader and ambassador for Cherry Creek High School

Cherry Creek Pom Team Expenses

Subject to change

ATHLETIC FEE/Cherry Creek District Fee

Combined Two Season Fee $180.00


Varsity Poms Approximately $1,800-2,000

Miscellaneous $450

Junior Varsity Poms Approximately $900-$1,100 Miscellaneous $200-$400

Varsity Pom Booster Club Monthly Payments:

APPROXIMATELY: $350-$400 for 8 months. Cover expenses related to the Varsity Pom program such as:

1) Team technique classes

2) Choreography for Pom and Jazz

3) Competition fees

4) Jazz costumes

5) Conditioning classes

6) UDA Nationals expense to Orlando

JV Pom Monthly payments: APPROXIMATELY: $150-$200 for 8 months. Cover expenses related to the Junior Varsity Pom program such as:

1) Team technique classes

2) Choreography for Pom and Jazz

3) Jazz Costumes

4) Competition fees

Items not covered by monthly fees, but are additional expenses for JV and Varsity. (Not a full list, other items come up during the year)

●UDA Summer Camp-approx. $450-$475

●Custom Nike tennis shoes—approx. $140

●Dance shoes—4-6 pairs during the year, about $200-$270

●Makeup, eyelashes—approx. $100

●Team gifts—approx. $100

●Misc. food expense—going out for dinners, lunch, breakfast as team

●Misc. clothing—such as competition t-shirts

●Competition photos

●Pom parent clothing—optional

●Varsity parent expense - if go to Nationals

Total Pom Expense (if NO fundraising):

Varsity—approx. $6,800-$7,200

JV—approx. $3,500-$4,000


The main source of fundraising for both teams is through the King Soopers Grocery Card program. Money raised stays with your Pom. Last year, average family raised $400, high usage families $700.

Since Varsity has the largest expense, fundraising options include:

●Sponsorships from local business and the community

●Car Wash

●Junior Poms camp—3 of them—summer, football and basketball

●Capezio Dance discount and rebate program

Important Dates 2018-2019


March 8th / 6:30-7:30pm / Pre-tryout Meeting / Shillinglaw
March 12th / 4-6:30pm / Pre-tryout Clinic / Dance Room
March 19th / 4-6:30pm / Pre-tryout Clinic / Dance Room
April 2rd- 5th (Not 4/4) / ~ 4-8pm / Pom Tryouts / Dance Room
April 6th Friday / 6:30-7:30pm / Post-tryout Meeting / Varsity and JV / Team Room
Room #W88
Across from Athletic office
April 9th / 4pm / Uniform Fittings / Varsity and JV / West Café
April 16th - May 25th (NO practice Graduation Day) / 4-6pm / Camp Practice Begins / Varsity and JV / Dance Room (V) and W. Café (JV)
May 29th / 8 - 11am / Camp Practice / Varsity and JV / Campus Middle School
May 30th - June 1st / 7-9am / Camp Practice / Varsity and JV / Campus Middle School
June 4th - June 8th / 8 - 11am / Camp Practice / Varsity and JV / Campus Middle School
May 30th - June 1st / 9:30-11:30 Int
9:30-12:30 Adv / Jr. Pom Camp / Varsity / Campus Middle School
June 9th -12th
(Sat-Tues) / All day / UDA Camp-Varsity and JV / Varsity and JV / DoubleTree-
Colorado Springs
July 30th / 4-6pm / Fall Practice Begins / Varsity and JV / Dance Room (V) and W. Café (JV)
End July/August or September / TBD / Jazz Choreo! / Varsity / Dance Room
End July/August or September / TBD / Pom Choreo! / Varsity / Dance Room
August 10th - 11th / TBD / Pom Choreo! / JV / Dance Room
August 14th 2018 / 5:30 pm / Team Pictures / Varsity and JV / Monty Nuss
August 17th-18th / TBD / Jazz Choreo! / JV / Dance Room
August 18th / 10:00-1:00 / Car Wash
(Mandatory All Varsity POMs attend) / Varsity / Hope United Methodist Church
5101 S Dayton St
November 3rd / TBD / USA Competition / Varsity and JV / Legacy High School
November 6th / TBD / Centennial League Competition / Varsity and JV / Smoky Hill High School
November 10th / TBD / UDA Competition / Varsity and JV / National Western Complex
November 17th / TBD / NDA Competition / JV / Chaparral High School
December 1nd / All Day / JV Invitational / JV / Denver Coliseum
December 8th / All Day / CHSAA State 2018 / Varsity / Denver Coliseum
Jan 31-Feb 5th 2019 / All Day / UDA Nationals 2019 / Varsity / Orlando, Florida



Grades are a very important part of the tryout process and student-athletes academic standing may be used to determine teams. All athletes must realize that academics come first. ALL 8th grade students trying out must bring a copy of their current grades to the first day of clinics.

Eligibility is run weekly on Thursdays. If a student is ineligible for the week, they must still attend all events, but will be unable to participate until their grades have improved enough to remove them from the ineligibility list. Any ineligible Pom members must speak to their teacher and contact the coach and the Athletic Director by Friday that week with proof of improvement of grade in order to be eligible.

All Pom members must be enrolled in at least five classes during the semester in which she is competing. They must also attend half their classes during the school day in order to compete or practice that day.


Being a Pom Team member requires considerable commitment. This commitment is in the form of time, energy and effort.

Poms is a YEAR LONG commitment. Flexibility to this rule may be applied for the spring season only. Cherry Creek has worked hard to build a strong Pom program and the strength of the team lies in the commitment each girl makes to the team. Varsity and JV Poms are in NO way an individual activity, but rather a team effort in all respects. The absence of a squad member affects each and every girl on the squad in terms of formations, counts, and overall performance.


Both teams will practice Monday through Friday during the school year. Varsity will attend team technique class on Wednesdays and JV will attend team technique class on Friday’s. Team technique classes will be held at Starstruck Academy of Dance. Practices will most likely be added throughout the season. All practices are required. Poms perform at and attend several mandatory events each week. The Varsity Poms Team competes at the local, State, and National levels, and all members are expected to participate in these competitions. The JV squad will also compete at the local and State level.

Practice Schedule:


Monday: 3:45-5:45 Dance Room

Tuesday: 3:45-5:45 Dance Room

* Team will attend Orangetheory for private lesson from 8-9pm each week

Wednesday: 4–6:30 Starstruck

*Team will practice 4:00-5:30 pm AND stay to take stretch/strength 5:30-6:30pm

Thursday: 3:45-6:15 Dance Room

Friday: 3:45-5:45 Dance Room


Monday: 3:45-5:45 West Cafe

Tuesday: 3:45-5:45 West Cafe

Wednesday: 3:45-5:45 Dance Room

Thursday: Day off

Friday: 4-5:30 Starstruck


Both teams will attend summer camp and it is strongly recommended that all members attend these camps. UDA camp this year is being held at the DoubleTree Colorado Springs Saturday June 9th – Tuesday June 12th. Competition will take place Saturday evening for both teams and final evaluations will take place Tuesday morning.


Poms perform at all home football and boys/girls basketball games and participation is required at all such events in their entirety. Varsity Poms will attend all home and away football games as well. NEW this year, we will be splitting in to RED and BLUE groups for AWAY football games so girls do not have to attend all games. It is understood that our season does not end until the boys/girls basketball season is over. Your commitment is expected through that time for both the junior varsity and varsity levels.


Varsity and JV Poms will attend team technique classes. There is an additional 2 DANCE CLASSES a week required for Varsity and JV. One of the two classes must be a BALLET class. Attendance will be checked on a regular basis. Private dance classes, and other instructions may also be recommended. Please see me if you have any questions. Dancers must attend weekly team times at Starstruck, but it doesn't matter where the dancer fulfills their extra two classes/weekly requirement.


Attendance is taken at every practice and event. When at all possible, advance notice of an absence must be given to the coach. Appointments or tutoring should be scheduled around practices and events whenever possible, and please utilize off periods to speak with teachers and catch up on work. Do not plan extra vacation days during practice or events.


If you participate in Company at a Dance Studio, it is understood that during our season, CCHS Poms will be put first. Please consider this in your decision to try out. NO VARSITY MEMBERS MAY COMPETE WITH A STUDIO OR ANY OTHER GROUP DURING OUR COMPETITION SEASON. This is our busy competition season and full focus on Poms is to be expected.


The prospective Pom Team member should thoroughly discuss with her parents or guardians the demands placed on Cherry Creek Spirit Squad members. The final decision regarding trying out should be made with the student’s best interest in mind. Few programs at Cherry Creek High School ask the student to make such a serious commitment for two athletic seasons.


With the approval of the Athletic Director, and in manner consistent with the School Board Policy, coaches may establish more specific rules in regard to the personal appearance of squad members, their behavior, sportsmanship and practices. Policies are subject to revision by the coaches and the Athletic Director. Parents will be notified of any changes.

At no time during the student’s tenure as a Pom Squad member may a student use or be in possession of tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, illegal drugs or any potentially harmful and/or habit forming substance. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to School Board Policy, including suspension from the squad, and from school.

If at any time during a student’s tenure as a Pom Squad member, the coaches or Athletic Director observes a student not acting in a manner consistent with the held expectations of a Pom Squad member, it will be dealt with in an appropriate manner, up to and including short term suspension. Extreme or consistent behavioral issues could result in dismissal from the squad. Behavioral issues will be dealt with individually by the coach and/or Athletic Director.

Bear Facts rules apply and it is understood that both the student athlete and parents have read through and signed their copy of Bear Facts. All rules set within the book pertain to Poms and will be followed.


Practice attire will consist of jazz shoes, shorts or dance/yoga pants, a fitted t-shirt or tank top, hair pulled back and NO JEWELRY. Appropriate attire for Poms also includes practice Poms and 2-3lb weights. Inappropriate dress will result in disciplinary action. Event attire will be the uniform that is designated by the Captains with the approval of the Coach. Squadmembers must be dressed alike from head to toe and be in complete uniform when arriving at their event. Any person in the wrong uniform will be considered unprepared and can be asked to sit out or be sent home. Whenever dressed in uniform, dancers must look presentable. This means hair done and makeup on. You are representing the team anytime you are in uniform or in any Poms team attire so please look presentable at that time.