8th Grade CORE Standard 1

Chemical change is a primary way that matter on earth changes from one form to another. Energy is involved in chemical and physical change. When chemical or physical changes occur, the total amount of matter and energy remains the same; this is the law of conservation of matter and energy.

Matter can change state through physical change. In a physical change the identity of the atoms does not change.

In a chemical change the identity of the atoms does not change, but atoms are recombined into a new substance. Evidence for a chemical reaction may include color change, gas given off, and heat or light given off or absorbed. Changing the amount of energy in a chemical system alters the reaction rate. Changing the surface area and/or concentration of reactants changes the rate of chemical reaction.

Students will understand the nature of changes in matter.

Objective 1

Describe the chemical and physical properties of various substances.

a.Describe the chemical and physical properties.

b.Classify substances based on their chemical and physical properties. (e.g.

reacts with water, does not react with water, flammable or nonflammable, hard or soft, flexible or nonflexible, evaporates or melts at room temperature.)

c.Investigate and report on the chemical and physical properties of a particular substance.(GUM EXPERIMENTS)

Objective 2

Observe and evaluate evidence of physical and chemical changes.

  1. Identify observable evidence of a physical change (e.g., change in shape, size, phase) (EGGS IN LIQUIDS / WATER / KOOLAID / GOOP / HIAR EXPERIMENT)
  2. Identify observable evidence of a chemical change (e.g., color change, heat or light given off, change in odor, gas given off). (DRY ICE / HAIR EXPERIMENT)
  3. Observe and describe chemical reactions involving atmospheric oxygen (e.g., rust, fire, respiration, photosynthesis). (RUSTING METALS/SUGAR CUBES / CHEMICALS / PHOTOSYNTHESIS)
  4. Investigate the effects of chemical change on physical properties of substances (e.g., cooking a raw egg, iron rusting, polymerization of a resin). (PAPER / PLANTS / GAK / SLIME)

Objective 3

Investigation and measure the effects of increasing or decreasing the amount of energy in a physical or chemical change, and relate the kind of energy added to the motion of the particles.

  1. Identify the kinds of energy (e.g., heat, light, sound) given off or taken in when a substance undergoes a chemical or physical change. (DRY ICE)
  2. Relate the amount of energy added or taken away from a substance to the motion of molecules in the substance. (ORANGE JULIUS / KOOLAID)
  3. Measure and graph the relationship between the states of water and changes in its temperature. (PHASE CHANGE CHART)
  4. Cite evidence showing that heat may be given off or taken in during a chemical change (e.g., striking a match, mixing vinegar and antacid, mixing ammonium chloride and water). (CHEMICAL REACTIONS DEMONSTRATIONS / HAIR EXPERIEMNTS / EGG EXPERIMENT)
  5. Plan and conduct an experiment, report the effects or adding or removing energy on the chemical and physical changes. (WATER PACKETS)

Objective 4

Identify the observable features of chemical reactions.

  1. Identify the reactants and products in a given chemical change and describe the presence of the same atoms in both the reactants and products. (ATOM TRANSFERS / ICE CREAM / PLAYDOUGH / ORANGE JULIUS / ROOTBEER FLOATS)
  2. Cite examples of common significant chemical reactions (e.g., photosynthesis, respiration, combustion, rusting) in daily life.(FILM CONTAINERS / DRY ICE)
  3. Demonstrate that mass is conserved in a chemical reaction (e.g., mix two solutions that result in a color change or formation of a precipitate and weigh the solutions before and after mixing) (EGGS IN LIQUIDS / MILK / KOOLAID – MASS)
  4. Experiment with variables affecting the relative rates of chemical changes (e.g., heating, cooling, stirring, crushing, and concentration).(GUM EXPERIMENTS)
  5. Research and report on how scientists or engineers have applied principles of chemistry to an application encountered in daily life (e.g., heat resistance handles on pans, rust-resistant paints on highway bridges). (SCIENTISTS / CHEMICALS – REACTION FACTORS ADVERTISEMENT / GAK)


Chemical Properties, Physical Properties, chemical change, physical change, reaction, reactants, products, respiration, photosynthesis, temperature, molecules, heat energy, chemical energy, atoms, and energy. Secondary vocabulary – Volume, Density, Viscosity


Chemical Advertisements:

Research and Create a poster or slide show about chemistry. Select a family type or chemistry concept and design an advertisement poster about it.

Metaphor Activity:

Designing metaphors for a concept in Chemistry – Matter, Families, Atom Structure, Periodic Table, Bonding, Counting Atoms, Balancing Equations, Chemical Reaction Types, and Chemical Changes.


Chemical Packet

Water Packet

Surfing the Periodic Table


Atoms / Chemical Bonding

Families / Chemical Reaction

“Metaphors in Chemistry” Power Point


Start the “Matter / Water” Packet #1. Focus for the next 2 weeks.

Start the “Periodic Table” Packet #2.

Start the “Household Chemicals” Packet #3.

Class Presentations “Metaphors in Chemistry”

“Family Elements” Posters


Packet #1Matter / Water

Forms of Matter

Properties of Matter and Water

Demonstrations on Water Surface Tension

Temperature related Convection Currents

Mixtures – Kool-Aid / Goop

Root beer – Dry Ice – Sublimation

Density – Liquids

Orange Julius Demonstration

Packet #2Periodic Table / Atoms

Chemical Formulas

Human Chemistry

Vitamins & Minerals

Articles to Review

Packet #3Household Chemicals / Common Formulas

pH Scale

Counting Atoms

Atom Charges / Oxidation Rates

Molecule Formulas

Predicting Bonding / Ionic Bonding

Chemical Reactions

Balancing Equations

Counting Atoms & Formula Masses


Picture Page – Wetlands (previously completed)

Picture Page – Chemistry

Articles – “Bicycles” / “Plastics”

“Surfing the Periodic Table”


Weekly Homework # 14 “How do you use Chemistry in your life?”

#15 “Plastics” / #16 “Bicycles”

#17 “Metaphors that can be used in Chemistry”

#18 “Household Chemicals”

Chemical Advertisement Project

Chemistry Concepts Packet Outlines:


  • Matter
  • Forms of Matter
  • Dry Ice Sublimation
  • Temperatures – Hot / Cold
  • Properties of Matter
  • Mixtures / Solutions
  • Density
  • Reactions
  • Equations
  • Atoms
  • Elements in Humans
  • Surfing the Periodic Table


Periodic Table

Families of the Periodic Table

Information about Elements Rows & Families

Common Elements in Nutrition & Element Keys

Human Elements – Graph & Chart


Counting Atoms

Atom Structures

Valence Numbers

Bonding Types

Molecule Structures

Writing Formulas & Bonding

Lewis Dot Matrix

Balancing Equations

Chemical Reactions

Formula Masses


Matter / Density / Prosperities


Counting Atoms

Periodic Table Structure

Families of the Periodic Table:


Cat / An IONS

Valence Number

Lewis Dot Matrix

Ionic Bonding

Covalent Bonding


Balancing Equations



  • HOT / COLD WATER (Temperature Related)
  • WATER + THINGS (Density & Prosperities)
  • KOOLAID Solutions (Comparison with sugar and salt)
  • CHOCOLATE MILK (Mixtures)
  • GOOP (Cornstarch and Water)
  • MILK + (Reactions with Acids and Bases)
  • ROOTBEER (Dry Ice – Sublimations / Temperature Related)
  • PLAYDOUGH (Equation & Reaction)
  • ORANGE JULIUS (Equation & Reactions)
  • DENSITY EXPERIEMENT (Density Comparison)

INGREDIENTS / SUPPLIES (Pre-measure the ingredients)


Water / Cups / Pipettes / Quart Jars /Black Pepper / Paper Clips / Dish Soap / Sponge / Napkins Squares / Waxed Paper Squares / Newspaper Squares / Salt / Straight Pins


Water / Food Coloring / Index Cards / Coffee Pot or Hot Plate / 4 Flasks


Water / Sugar / Kool-Aid / Salt / 2 quart jars / Baggies


Nestlé’s Quik / Milk / 2 quart jars & Commercial Chocolate Milk

  • GOOP

Corn Starch / Water / Bowl / Saran Wrap / Spoons / Paper Cups / Wooden Spoon

  • MILK +

Vinegar / Ammonia / Flour / Lemon Juice / Filter Paper / or Coffee Liners


Ping pong Balls / Sand / Flour / Jar / Pictures of Heterogeneous & Homogenous Mixtures


Dry Ice / Sprite / Pepsi / Root beer / Sugar / Large Container / Cups / Balloons / Gloves / Tongs / Clear Pitcher / Gallons of Water / Gallon Jug / Other liquids to compare to – Milk / Juices / Pop


Alum / Flour / Food Coloring / Salt / Hot Plate / Wooden Spoon / Water / Large Pots / Baggies


Blender / orange juice / water / sugar / vanilla / ice cubes / cups / spoon


12 Liquids / test tubes / cups / food coloring / pipettes / Ammonia / water / sugar water / salt water / milk / corn syrup / shampoo / mouth wash / molasses / condensed milk / hand lotion / baby oil


1 bottle of each: White Vinegar / Mouth wash / Windex / Salt Water / Water / Pepsi / Coca Cola / Grape Pop / Magnesium Citrate / Lemon Juice / Hydrogen Peroxide / Nail Polish Remover / Package of cups & pipettes / 2 dozen eggs / 1 box baggies / scale (grams)


Hair Samples from a Salon (3 ponytails that are at least 6-8 inches long

4 Kool-Aid Packets / 1 package Food Coloring / 1 Bottle or box of: Borax / Baking Soda / Table Salt / Tooth paste / Hand Lotion / Hydrogen Peroxide / Baby Oil / Lemon Juice / MouthWash / Mayonnaise / Elmer’s Glue / Hair Styling Gel / Package of Paper Plates (1 per group)


Clear empty 2 Liter Bottles / Clear Empty Water Bottles / Denaturated Alcohol / Painted Thinner


  • Physical and Chemical Changes Observations
  • Checkers for Ionic Bonding – Red – Positive / Black Negative
  • Household Chemicals
  • Rust – Nails, Pins, and Pennies in liquids
  • Eggs in Liquids & Cooking Observations
  • Ice Phase Changes
  • Liquid Density – Viscosity Observations
  • Milk Experiments
  • Dry Ice Experiments
  • Gum Reaction Observations
  • Baking Soda & Vinegar – Antacids in Film Containers
  • Water Experiments
  • Water – Hot and Cold
  • Kool-Aid vs. Salty Water
  • Goop
  • Soap
  • Water Molecules
  • Make Butter / Newspaper / Ice Cream / Soap / Play dough
  • Terrariums
  • Chemical Reactions Demonstrations
  • Polymers – Gak
  • Atom Transferring
  • Hair Experiment
  • Egg Demonstration – Scientific Method


GOOPCorn Starch and Water Mix equal amounts until you see the consistency that gets harder as you stir it and then runny when you stop. Once you make it you’ll remember the consistency.

GAKWhite Elmer’s Glue, Borax, Water. Mix together and squeeze out excess water.

DRY ICE ROOT BEER 1# Dry Ice, 1# Sugar, 1 oz Root beer Extract, 1 gallon Water. Add one ingredient at a time and notice the reaction of the dry ice. Stir in half the water first due to the bubbling and sublimation. Once the bubbling stopped – ready to drink.

ORANGE JULIUS -1/2 can (6 oz.) of Orange Juice, 1 C Milk, ¼ C Sugar, 1 tsp Vanilla, 10 Ice Cubes, and 1 C Water.

PLAYDOUGH – 2 C Flour, 1 Tbsp. Alum, 1 C Salt, 1 Tbsp Oil, 2 C Water, Food Coloring. Mix all together in saucepan, blend together. Cook on medium heat, stirring often. Cook until it resembles firm mashed potatoes. Cool and knead in food coloring. Keep in airtight container. If you are making a few batches, you could add the food coloring to the water and skip the hassle of kneading in food coloring.

SALT CLAY 2 C Flour, 1 C Salt, ½ C Water. Knead together. If too sticky, add flour. If too stiff, add some water.