Stakeholder Committee Information

Stakeholder Priorities of Concern

I. Agriculture

Table 1.Agriculture Committee goals, indicators, causes and management objectives

Preliminary Goal / Geography (Location) / Indicators / Cause or Source of Impact / Management Objective / Education
Voluntary Preservation of Agricultural and /or Undeveloped Land / Agricultural and/or undeveloped land /
  • Rate of urbanization
  • Increased TSS
  • Decreased Flows
  • Pervious cover
  • Increased Erosion
  • Increased impervious cover
  • Increased erosion/ sedimentation
  • Migration to area (development)
  • A voluntary preservation of open space
  • Provide incentive for preservation
  • Build roads safely and with environment in mind
  • Provide Conservation toolbox
  • Water Rights
  • Water Permits

Brush Management / Riparian
Entire Watershed /
  • Decreased Flows
  • Decreased Infiltration
  • Increased TSS
  • Increased Erosion
  • Increased Velocity
  • Huisache
  • Mesquite
  • Ashe Juniper
  • No understory
  • Removal of Brush species
  • Plant grass return to prairie grasses
  • See BMP Incentives
  • Getting 10 acre land owners involved
  • Incentivizing to manage land
  • Providing incentives from USDA and TSSWCB to increase to homeowners

Wildlife & Feral Hog Control / Entire Watershed /
  • Erosion
  • Game Cameras
  • E. Coli
  • Rooting Evidence
  • Expanding population of feral hogs
  • Feeding Deer
  • Control
  • No backyard feeding of deer
  • Jared Timmons, USDA

Compiling Land Owner Related Laws and Resources / Agricultural and/or undeveloped land /
  • Erosion
  • De-vegetated lands/overgrazing
  • TSS impact
  • Overgrazing due to attempt to receive Agriculture Tax Exemptions
  • Livestock Use of waterways
  • Consider drought contingency plan Hays for pending permits
  • Balancing with more restrictive management
  • Consider validity of having to have Ag before wildlife
  • Agricultural Tax Exemption
  • Education of Realtors

Compiling BMP Incentives / Agricultural Lands /
  • TSS
  • Nutrients
  • E. coli
  • # of Animals in Water
  • Erosion
  • Grazing mismanagement
  • Riparian mismanagement (such as watering livestock in the stream)
  • Conservation programs & BMP incentives
  • Audience: Ranchers
  • Tell them that the programs exist: Lonestar Healthy Streams, USDA, TSSWCB, Agrilife, TSSWC District.

Agriculture Matrix Annex: This is of the concern of the Ag Subcommittee, but outside of the Agricultural realm and should be championed by a more appropriate Subcommittee.

Table 2. Agriculture Committee non-agriculture goals, indicators, causes and management objectives

Preliminary Goal / Geography (Location) / Indicators / Cause or Source of Impact / Management Objective / Education
Fertilizer & Lawn Chemicals in an Urban Setting / Residential Lawns /
  • Nutrient spikes
  • Atrazine spikes
  • Pesticides
  • Oil and grease
  • Agriculture chemical use in Urban and Rural settings
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Grease and Oil Leaks
  • Lawn Maintenance Education
  • Lawns are sometimes outlawed
  • Soil test incentivizing
  • Incentives for planting native grasses
  • Lawn Management Educations
  • HOA and State Laws to get involved (green lawn requirements)
  • TPWD/CAD lunch explaining rules

II. Culture Subcommittee

Table 3. Culture Committee goals, indicators, causes and management objectives

Preliminary Goals / Geography
(Location) / Indicators / Cause or Source of Impact / Management Objective / Education
Evolve an Ethical Ideal & apply it through the Educational Outreach / Entire Watershed / Adopting an Ethical Ideal / -Current Ethics on Watershed
- Disconnection between persons & environment
-Antiquated Environmental Ideals / -Defining existing Ethic (Collective Awareness)
-Develop Ethical Ideals/Standards
-Apply to Edu. Outreach / -Respect
-Covenant ( 2- way promise) (co-existence)
Increase awareness / Entire Watershed / -All Water Qualities Parameters
-Attitude Surveys / -Disconnection between persons & environment
-No Consequences
-No Incentives / -Digital Boards to show WQ spikes
-CFS @ University Dr.
-Give Personhood to the River
-Educational Outreach
-Course for having a water subscription
-Consequences & Incentives / -Teachable moment
“You should do this & this is Why”
-Show benefits
-Show how to Conserve & Protect
-Youth Environmental Programs
-University Seminar
Balance of environmental sustainability and economics as priorities / Developed Areas & Those slated for Development; Including Sites that are deemed Unsuitable for Development by the City of San Marcos / All / -Degradation of the Ecosystem / -Reevaluation of past engineering choices
-Retrofitting with LID features
-Instillation, Monitoring, Regulating, & Effectiveness of BMPs
-Volunteer Group to Help Enforce / -City of San Marcos
-Construction Co.’s
-General Public
Water Conservation / -Entire Watershed
-Spring Shed / -Flow
-Conservation Infrastructure/ Household Management
-High Water Use Lawns
-Water Use Data from Meters / -Disconnection between persons & environment
-No Consequences
-No Incentives / -Consequences/
Incentives that are meaningful for all constituents
-Cost Increased by Tiers
-Installing Rainwater Collection
-Reduction of Water Use is Rewarded / -Local Government
-Agriculture & Industry
-Well Owners
-COSM Utility subscribers
-Business, Home, University

III. Economic and Development

Table 4. Economic and Development Committee goals, indicators, causes and management objectives

Preliminary Goal / Geography (Location) / Indicators / Cause or Source of Impact / Management Objective / Education
Minimize per capita per acre watershed impacts while accommodating population growth. / Entire Watershed /
  • Algae Growth,
  • TSS,
  • Hydrocarbons, supporter
  • E. Coli
  • Total Phosphorus
  • Nitrogen
  • Impervious Cover
  • Development patterns and sprawl
  • Strategic denser development. Reduce incremental effect of more people as much as possible.
  • Audience: County, City, engineers, planners, developers, public

Increase knowledge of water quality impacts. / River and tributary creeks, confluence with Blanco /
  • Algae Growth, TSS, TDS, Hydrocarbons, E. coli, Pharmaceuticals, Nitrogen, Phosphates
  • Lack of monitoring data
  • Increase monitoring activity and data within watershed to accurately measure impacts.
  • Collect, analyze, and publicize data to the public.

Compare the economic value between clean and polluted water. / Entire Watershed /
  • Tube Rentals, Tax Revenues, Costs of Cleanups and Remediation, Ecotourism Jobs
  • Need for cost benefit analysis. A lack of quantification of economic value of clean water
  • Determine the economic impact of clean versus polluted waters.
  • Publish economic study to inform Audience: policy makers, city officials, developers, businesses, chamber of commerce.

Reduce negative impacts of stormwater runoff from new and existing development. / New & existing development /
  • Algae Growth,
  • TSS,
  • Hydrocarbons,
  • E. Coli
  • Total Phosphorus
  • Nitrogen
  • Impervious Cover
  • Unmitigated impervious cover, specifically: Fertilizers, Wastewater, Litter, Vehicular Leaks, Construction Sites, Poor lawn care or poor landscape design
  • Prevent NPS pollution through education. Mitigate through BMPs, LIDs, and retrofits. Capture runoff from public roadways, for example.
  • Education materials on lawn care application, vehicular maintenance, etc. Audience: County, City, engineers, planners, developers, public youth, homeowners, vehicle owners, city workers, construction workers.

Promote responsible and sustainable eco-tourism (Including: Hunting, zip lines, tubing, fishing, camping, hiking, boating, swimming, birding, geocaching, biking, triathlons & racing) / Entire Watershed / Bank Erosion, TSS, Litter, E. coli, Wildlife censes, Acres of habitat preserved, Number of Park Ranger Issued Violations, Number of people recreating / Increase in usage of river, lack of regulations, and or lack of enforcement of existing regulations, lack of stewardship, apathy, no accountability, no understanding of consequences / Conservation Easements
Enforcement of rules
Clean ups
Identify capacity of people that can recreate / Audience: direct education to patrons, or via vendor education; park rangers; public; hotel patrons; Chamber of Commerce; Visitor’s Bureau

IV. Parks and Land

Table 5. Parks and Land Committee goals, indicators, causes and management objectives

Preliminary Goal / Geography (Location) / Indicators / Cause or Source of Impact / Management Objective / Education
Reduce water quality impacts from recreational users / River and riparian areas
(developed public parks) /
  • Ammonia
  • Coliform Bacteria
  • Total Suspended Solids
  • SMGA’s Natural Area Monitoring efforts
  • Pet Waste
  • Human Excrement
  • Charcoal, trash, litter
  • Dogs and People disturbing fine sediment in water
  • Provide more waste, recycling, and compost receptacles
  • More pet waste stations
  • Extend bathroom hours (to sunset during peak season)
  • Discourage recreation in bare-silty areas
  • Signs pointing towards restrooms
  • Sign discussing effects of excrement in water
  • If compost-have representative explain composting

Reduce runoff containing fertilizers and pesticides / Entire Watershed
-Public Developed (COSM and University)
-Private Ag
-Private Developed (lawns) /
  • Algal blooms
  • Low Dissolved Oxygen
  • Eutrophication
  • Elevated Nitrogen and Phosphorous
  • Pesticides
  • Agriculture in urban and rural settings
  • Fertilizers applied to private lawns
  • Fertilizers applied to landscaping in public areas
  • Lawn maintenance education by HOAs
  • Discourage water-intensive landscaping plants that require fertilizers.
  • Landscaping incentives such as COSM pay for removal of grass
  • Soil-testing incentive
  • Install stormwater gardens
  • Vegetation filter strips
  • Lawn Management initiatives
  • HOA programs
  • Promote permaculture workshops and fertilizer education for local farmers

Reduce erosion and the transport of sediment / Entire watershed
-riparian corridor
-barren natural areas /
  • Increased erosion
  • Decreased Infiltration
  • Elevated Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
  • Minimal vegetation
  • Murky water
  • Natural bare soil
  • Overgrazing of rangeland
  • Erosion from trails
  • Invasive plants with poor roots displacing natives
  • Recreation: high-traffic areas exposed soil
  • Erosion on river edge due to lower flows and receding water
  • Plant native species or lay mulch over bare areas
  • Install berms/wattles in areas to filter runoff
  • Plant native trees, grasses, and thorny species to deter recreation access
  • Fence-off highly eroded areas
  • Terrace steep bare areas
  • Trail maintenance
  • Promote city-wide berm building workshops that educate people about their function and ideal placement.
  • Post signs to educate people why recreation access is limited to certain areas

Control Invasive/Exotic species / *Plants-entire watershed
*Animals- green space, undeveloped public/private, developed areas with sporadic undeveloped land /
  • Increased rate of erosion
  • Decreased infiltration
  • Increased TSS
  • Elevated E. Coli
  • Ratio of exotic to native vegetation
  • SMGA’s Natural Area Monitoring efforts
  • Lack of wildfires
  • Planting exotics in riparian areas
  • Lack of eradication efforts
  • Feeding deer
  • Overpopulation of feral hogs
  • Plant species of concern include:
-Ash Juniper, Ligustrum, Mesquite, Huisache, etc. /
  • Prescribed burning in rural areas
  • Cut down invasive plants and replace with native grasses and trees
  • COSM discourage/ prohibit feeding deer
  • Agrilife Extension Programs
  • Permaculture workshops
  • Prescribed burn workshops

Preservation of Sensitive Recharge Areas / Undeveloped Public and Private /
  • Without protection: increased TSS and E. Coli Bacteria
  • Minimal/no filtration of stormwater runoff
  • Proximity to urban areas, increases the amount and various types of nonpoint source pollutant loadings
  • Provide incentive for preservation
  • Recharge enhancement filters to reduce debris entering sink holes/caves
  • Conservation Easements
  • Provide Conservation toolbox
  • Approach landholders with large plots over sensitive areas

V. Water Quality and Quantity

Table 6. Water Quality and Quantity Committee goals, indicators, causes and management objectives

Preliminary Goal / Geography (Location) / Indicators / Cause or Source of Impact / Management Objective / Education
Mitigate Impacts from Storm Water Runoff / -Recharge Zones
-Urban Storm conveyance system
-Along waterways
-Public Parks (City Park)
-Home lawns
-Athletic Fields / -Turbidity
-Total Suspended Solids
-Coliform Bacteria
-Sediment Depth in River bottom
-Health of Native Flora/Fauna
-Pesticide/ Hydrocarbons Content (Organic Compounds)
-SMGA’s Natural Area Monitoring efforts / -Construction
-Fertilizer/Pesticide Use
-Depleted Soils
-Impervious Cover
-Scour / -Product use Transparency
-Consolidation of Chemical use records
-Consider Expansion of Impervious Limits
-Completion of all MS4s in Watershed
-Land Conservation
-Water Quality Monitoring for Organic Compounds / -Training of Public Employees (GBRA education program)
-Residential Landscape education
-Commercial Landscapers/ Contractors/Developers
-Training in LID
-NEMO Training
-Awareness Campaign
Identify and Reduce Faulty Septic/ Sewage Lines / -City
-Private / -Coliform Bacteria
-Emerging Contaminants / -Faulty/aging systems
-Lift stations
-Improper Construction
-Lack of Maintenance
-Poor design / -Participation in SSO program
-Continue certify inspection requirements
-Continue to Reduce Inflow and Infiltration Program / -Education for proper maintenance for septic systems
-Education on more effective septic systems
-Promote oil and grease campaign
-Waste Water Awareness Campaign
Identify and Reduce Trash Buildup/Litter/Illegal Dumping / -City (abandoned lots)
-Dumpsters (near and around river and parks)
-Build-up in river / -Litter
-Public Complaints
-SMGA’s Natural Area Monitoring efforts / - Residents
- Storm water systems
-Lack of education, enforcements, maintenance crews
-Wildlife (pulling out trash) / -Educational Programing
-Bag Ban
-Regular maintenance in parks
-Increase Receptacles (Recycling)
-Increased Volunteer opportunities
-Coal disposal bin
-Increased signage
-Increased enforcement (fines, rangers, etc.)
-Incentivize can pick-up / -Impacts of Litter
-Print Media advertisement
-School programs
-Business investment (fast-food, grocery)
-Incentivize youth to clean up
-Public school community service
-Maintenance crews increase park clean-up
Reduce Impacts from Recreational Use / -River
-Green spaces
-Golf Courses/ Athletic Fields / -Erosion (foot paths)
-Wildlife and Vegetation
-SMGA’s Natural Area Monitoring efforts / -River Use (In water and banks)
-Residents, Tourists, students
-Re-creators / -Adequate Parking
-Designated Access points (restrictions)
-River Barriers and signage
-Increased vegetative buffer zones
-Regulation on tuber business
-Increase clean-up crews on and around river / -Enforcement (fines and rangers)
-Media Campaign
-Schools, Universities
-Education through businesses
-Internet access for conservation efforts
-incentivize conservation innovation (businesses, university, schools)
Protect of Recharge Area and Features / -recharge zones
-Contributing zone / -decreased water quality or contamination in aquifer
-increased impervious cover in recharge zone / -Inappropriate Development projects
-Waste water and septic / -Improve city land development code (building criterion for recharge feature protection)
-Increased prioritization of Karst features (geology)
-Finding and purchasing open spaces in recharge zones
-Increased inspections, water quality testing about ground water / -Citizen and local officials of city and county about importance of recharge features
-Importance of enforcement (waste water and septic issues)
-Signage (“Entering Recharge Zone”)
-Education on proper disposal (oil, chemicals, etc.)
-Increased awareness of hazardous waste disposal locations (Rx)
- Signage in green spaces and on trash receptacles about inappropriate contents
Identify and Reduce Erosion / -River Banks / -Sedimentation
-Eroded banks / -Storm water
-People (Parks users)
-Impervious cover / -Revegetation of river banks
-Appropriate Parking, Pathways (Designated access)
-Restricting recovery zones
-Hydrologic concerns and development projects (Improved BMPs)
-new retention ponds for existing impervious cover (financing)
-Regular inspection or identification on eroded areas / -Signage (restricted access)
-More engagement between city and university (officials)

SMWI Stakeholder Work plans

Work plans of information that the Stakeholders would like to see gathered and in what format.

I. Agriculture

Topic/Concern: Preservation of agriculture and undeveloped land

Table 7. Data regarding preservation of agriculture and undeveloped land

Information to be gathered / Layout/Format (Map/Graph/Table/Narrative / Responsible Party / Source
Where /
  1. Tributaries
  2. With Buffer zone
  3. Recharge Zone/Features
  4. Undeveloped land
(Do not publish landowners on a map) / MCWE / --
Causes / Open space is threatened by development and growth / -- / -- / --
Results / Open space must be protected to keep impervious cover low / Narrative / MCWE / USDA conservation land TPL
BMPs / Flood plain land is more “bang for buck” / -- / -- / --
Data Gaps / Land owners on map (However, DO NOT PUBLISH)
Green print map did not show priority of Sink Creek / -- / -- / --

Other Resources: People are already working in this GBR trust, TNC. TPL, GLO, USDA conservation lands; Developmental value is offered by the programs

Topic/Concern: Brush management

Table 8. Data regarding brush management

Information to be gathered / Layout/Format (Map/Graph/Table/Narrative / Responsible Party / Source
Where / Open space, Ag lands, lots for sale/vacant and private parklands / Look for early aerials
Look @ current aerials
Look @ parcels overlay / MCWE
USDA / Plant ecology @ Pollard properties (case study)
Causes / Juniper, Huichash and Mesquite reestablishes itself in disturbed soil (overgrazed) fire suppression / Narrative / MCWE
Brien Koch /
  • USDA
  • Brush management region L, & EAA
  • Water supply enhancement TSSWCB

Results / Grasses infiltrate, and filter and the trees don’t.
Water runs off, soil runs off / Narrative / Brian Koch
TAMU Extension / USDA
Brush Busters Program
BMPs / Varying levels of Brush mgmt.
Prairie restoration /
  • Table
  • Before and after photos
Ellen Waller / USDA
Native Am seed Co.
Data Gaps / N/A / -- / -- / --

Other Resources: N/A

Topic/Concern: Wildlife and Feral Hog Control

Table 9. Data regarding wildlife

Information to be gathered / Layout/Format (Map/Graph/Table/Narrative / Responsible Party / Source
Where / Hog: map in riparian and modeling / Map / MCWE / Plum Creek watershed
Deer Plum Creek
Causes / Hog in water rooting up soil, gut bacteria is bad for humans / Table / MCWE / USDA Plum Creek
Results / E. coli
Population explosion / Table / MCWE / USDA
BMPs / Management
Trapping/Hunting / Table / MCWE / USDA
Data Gaps / N/A

Other Resources: Agriculture resources look @ Geronimo, Plum Creek and Alligator Creek -> (Nitrogen, nutrients) Leona aquifer source of nitrogen

II. Culture

Topic/Concern: Water conservation

Table 10. Data regarding water conservation

Information to be gathered / Layout/Format (Map/Graph/Table/Narrative / Responsible Party / Source
Where /
  • Entire Watershed
  • Citer Water
  • Wells
  • Map infrastructure
  • Map within city water usage map aquifers and wells
/ -- / --
Causes / Ethics, stewardship and cultural / -- / -- / --
Results / Low flows @ spring / -- / -- / --
BMPs /
  • Awareness/existing education/xeriscaping choice of lawn type
  • Leaking Infrastructure
  • Regulation/Drought restriction
  • Incentives
/ --
Data Gaps / N/A / -- / -- / --

Other Resources: N/A