General Outline
Purpose- This plan will provide some basic guidance and procedures, which should be followed in the event a major catastrophe hits Utah County. This plan will provide the leadership from the Stake with actions that hopefully will setup an effective organization that will serve to prevent confusion during an emergency… alleviate suffering, prevent unnecessary death and disease and begin to rebuild our community within the boundaries of our Stake as soon as the disaster is over.
Background- The City of Lehi embraced the 3 Steps To Family & Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness, “Peace through Preparation”
Preparedness- In December, 1998 a booklet was produced by two female members of the LDS Church. This manual implements the concepts of organizing neighborhoods into Groups of Ten Families. These family groups will look out for each other in the event of a major catastrophe. This is a City or Community program, not a church program. The City of Lehi has decided to implement an emergency plan in coordination with the LDS Stakes within the local area. Our Stake has decided to work within the framework of the Church welfare as described in the handbook of instructions for Stakes and Wards. While there is little guidance as to the actual implementation of an emergency plan under the welfare section of the handbook, the responsibility for having an emergency plan is laid squarely upon the shoulders of the Welfare Committee at the Stake and Ward level.
Stake Preparation- The Stake center is located at 2161 West 300 South. The Stake Center Phone number is 801-768-3413. The Stake Center will have some first aid supplies and will act as the Stake Emergency Operations Center (EOC) during an actual emergency. The City of Lehi and the Stake Center will have a minimum of 1 radio and each ward will also have 1 radio in the event phone lines are down. Planning meetings take place the 3rd Sunday of every month to discuss progress within the Wards. Monthly radio checks are done at this time as well.
Leadership (Line of Authority)- The Stake President and his two counselors will be the presiding authority in the event of an emergency. In the event, the Stake President is injured or prevented from being in charge , the normal descent of authority from Stake Counselors to Bishops will be in effect. The agent Bishop would be next in line, if the whole Stake presidency were injured or prevented from functioning in their normal capacity. The Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist would be an assistant to the presiding authority and would act under his direction. In the event the Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist is prevented from functioning in his normal capacity, the Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist beginning with the Jordan Willows 1st Ward through the Willow Park Ward, would take his place. If need be, high counselors would fill in positions as needed. At the Ward level, Bishops and his counselors would preside assisted by the Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist depending on how a Bishop decides to organize his ward. In the event the Bishop or his Counselors were injured or prevented from functioning in their normal capacity, the High Priest Group Leader and his assistants would step in to preside assisted by one or both of the preparedness specialists mentioned above. The Elders Quorum President would be next in line and be assisted by his counselors. The Bishop has the flexibility to organize his Ward as best he sees fit, which would be the most effective in a disaster type situation.
City Level
In the event telephone lines are not functioning, radios will be utilized for communication from City Officials to the Stake Presidents of the LDS Church. The City of Lehi will also act as a governmental authority over the Lehi Utah Jordan River Stake.
In addition, Ron Foggin, the Assistant City Administrator has overall primary responsibility for Emergency Preparation and Procedures in disaster type situation for the City of Lehi. His phone number is 801-708-7100. The City of Lehi’sEmergency Operations Center(EOC)will be at the Fire Station located t 176 N Center St. in Lehi, phone number 801-768-7130 or possibly at the Library at 150 N Center St, phone number 801-768-5800 or 911.
Stake level Duties/Responsibilities of Leadership
Stake President- Is the Presiding authority for the Stake in all matters. He will initially give instructions for setting up a StakeEmergency Operations Center (EOC) in the Stake Center. The EOC will consist of the Stake offices and the High Council Room in the Stake Center. He will try to coordinate with other Stake Presidents by telephone or radio if necessary. All other Stakes are operating on the same frequency as ours. After the Stake EOC has been set up, the Stake President will report to the Lehi City EOC. If telephone lines are down, radios will be used for communication (See Communication Section of this plan for City and Stake Frequencies). The Stake President will receive guidance and plans from the officers of Lehi City, and possibly will have to coordinate matters with the City of Saratoga SpringsEOC. He will then in turn brief the Stake EOC for the actual implementation of those plans.
His duties are summarized as follows:
-Initially give instructions for setup of Stake Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
-Establish communications with the City of Lehi (EOC), receive briefing as necessary
-Brief Stake (EOC) on the Lehi City Plan, will the Stake Center be designated a Red Cross Center?
-Direct movement of personnel and equipment, coordinate with the 1st and 2nd Counselors
1st Counselor in the Stake Presidency- This Counselor will be in charge of coordinating with Bishop’s at the Ward level. He will determine the initial assessment of damage/injuries (see reports) to each ward as soon as possibleeither by telephone, radio or by means of different runners (High Councilmen physically traveling to each ward area/chapel) if possible. All reports should be obtained in the first two hours or so after the disaster. His primary job will be to restore effective communications to all wards by whatever means available. His second primary job will be to determine which wards has been the hardest hit and begin to organize assistance for wards that are functioning almost normally.
His duties are summarized as follows:
-Establish communication with the Bishops at the Ward Level
-Obtain initial assessment of damage from all Wards
-Organize Wards (personnel skills and equipment for the assistance of others)
2ndCounselor in the Stake Presidency- He will be in charge of coordination with the Red Cross for possible use of the chapels as a place of mass feeding of the public if needed, in addition to the schools in the area. This Counselor will also be the point of contact for movement of first aid, food and water supplies into the Stake boundaries. Ward chapels will act as re-supply points after the quantity of supplies has been organized and broken down at the Stake Center (two different chapels) if they are near to the homes of the families. If not, parks could be utilized as a re-supply drop-off points or whatever is arranged with the Bishops. This Counselor will coordinate with the 1st Counselor to determine where the supplies and aid are needed most. If necessary, the Stake Center could be used as a funneling point for parents to meet up with children after a disaster, or parents could be directed to pick up their children from school as they normally do. This Counselor would (might) need to coordinate with principals of schools within Stake Boundaries.
His duties are summarized as follows:
-Establish communication/dialog with the Red Cross
-Determine if the Red Cross will need the Stake Center as a Red Cross Shelter
-Coordinate movement of food/water/first aid supplies within Stake boundaries
-Determine drop-off/re-supply points at the Ward level.
-Coordinate with school principals only if necessary (parents hookup with children)
Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist- This person will be in charge of the operation of the Stake EOC. He will ensure all radios are charged or are charging to initiate communication with the Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialists/Bishops by phone or radio and requests status reports within 1-2 hours after the disaster has passed. (See report section of the plan) This person will keep the 1st counselor informed of the current status at all times. This person will keep a current list of equipment (within the Wards), which can be utilized for assistance. This person will advise the Stake President what is available and where it is being utilized at any given time (i.e., tractors, trucks, generators, etc.). This person will also begin recording how many deaths, injuries and damage to church property has occurred. This person will also coordinate with other Stake EOC’s to see which areas of the City have been hit the hardest and what help may be needed outside our Stake boundaries. In the event there is no power in the area, a generator must be obtained for light and for recharging of radios at the Stake EOC.
This person’s duties are summarized as follows:
-Prepare a Stake Emergency Plan for use in a catastrophe
-Coordinate Stake Plan with City Officials
-Train Ward Emergency Leadership for a disaster type situation
-Set up and run the Stake Emergency Operations Center
-Help establish effective communications/reports from ward to Stake level
-Account and record all deaths and injuries within the Stake boundaries
-Account for all equipment that may be utilized in the Stake boundaries
Ward Level
Preparation before a Disaster
Bishop- Should take the following actions
- Organize the ward as he sees fit under the direction of the Ward welfare Committee or by calling a Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist who will actually do that work. It is critical to call a person who will commit to coming up with some kid of emergency plan and preparation for it.
- The ward would need to be divided into blocks of 10-15 homes with 2 of these homes residents being block captains.
- The Bishop would then meet with the ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist on a monthly basis in the Ward Welfare Meeting to discuss progress being made to date.
Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist- This person is responsible for the following: Preparing the Ward to handle various types of major disasters by education and training the Ward Leaders and Members in a proper emergency procedure, which will be implemented by the use of a Ward Emergency Plan in conjunction with the Stake Plan. The plan should describe how the Ward would organize to effectively help families quickly recover from the disaster. In preparations for the disaster, gather Ward Resource Surveys from each family that will list of personnel skills & equipment that may possess which will help in a disaster type situation. This form is for accountability purposes as well and will be kept confidential in the Bishop’s office. Once collected, fill out a Ward Survey Summary sheet using the formerly mentioned and five a copy to the Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist. Coordinate emergency efforts within the Ward Welfare Committee on a monthly basis. Ensure the radio assigned to the Ward is available to you and charge on a regular basis for monthly radio checks. Encourage each ward household to obtain and rotate 72 hour kits and other emergency supplies.
This person’s duties are summarized as follows:
-Organize the Ward into 10-15 house families and establish 2 Block Captains within each family.
-Establish 1 or 2 meeting places within the Ward boundaries that people and supplies can be gathered.
-Obtain Ward Resource Surveys for each household and compile a list of all resources on the Ward Survey Summary and give to the Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist.
-Educate all members of the Ward in obtaining and maintaining a 72-hour kit for each member of their family.
-Maintain a working radio, with monthly radio checks coordinated from the Stake Welfare Committee
-Maintain communications with the Bishop and Ward Welfare Committee on your progress.
Actions To Be Taken In A Disaster
After personal welfare of their families are provided for, the Bishop, his Counselors, and the Emergency Preparedness Specialist would meet together at the Ward Building to begin assessment and help for families within the ward boundaries. The Bishop could then implement whatever plan he has in place and to assess the situation carefully or as best they can and report to the Stake as they are able to do so by means of telephone or the Ward radio. Collection of information can then be assembles as reports for the Stake. The Stake needs three basic reports: 1) Number of Injuries. 2) Number of Deaths. 3) Damage to Church Property. This report will be given by the Agent Bishop of the meetinghouse.
The Bishop would then assemble members who have been hit LEASTby the disaster to help those who have been hit HARDEST. Bishops should also be ready to contact members of the Ward who own critical kinds of equipment and tools which could be utilized to help other members within the Ward and or other Wards within the Stake, as directed by the Stake President or 1st Counselor. As a minimum, members of the High Priest Group or Elders Quorum should be organized into 5 basic teams: 1) Search and Rescue. 2) Communications. 3) First Aid. 4) Child Care. 5) Food, Water, and Temporary Shelter. (2-3 people should comprise each team)
Family Level
Preparation prior to a Disaster
- Have an emergency plan. Develop, maintain and practice a written, comprehensive plan for emergencies.
- Each family member will need a personal 72-hour kit. This kit should comprise of food, water, clothing, personal documents etc. (see attachment for items)
- Each family should have a first aid kit large enough to cover all their needs. This may include required prescriptions.
- Begin a collection for food storage items, (work toward establishing a 3 month supply, then work to increase supply one month at a time and try to achieve 1 year of food storage. Fortify home base with food, water and other essentials to care for the needs of residents.)
- Each family should fill out a Resource Survey and family data sheet and return to the Bishop or Ward Emergency Preparedness Specialist. This information is kept confidential and will only be reviewed by a member of the Bishopric, Welfare Specialist, or Emergency Preparedness Specialist in the event of an emergency.
- Prepare to shelter-in-place. Evacuation might expose a population to a greater danger than “staying put.”
- Know your home. Learn how to operate electric circuits, natural-gas controls, main water valves, outside air vents, etc.
- Take inventory. Inventory items of special value and importance. Know their convenient location.
- Equip your car/ keep gas tank on the top half!
- Prepare to go powerless. Prepare the home to remain secure and reasonably comfortable during short or extended periods.
- Plan for pets .
- Figure financial contingencies. Maintain a small cash reserve. Anticipate and plan for the interruption of income because of loss of employment, illness or even the unexpected death of a breadwinner.
- Remember your health. Plan for medical needs during a time of extended emergencies. Emphasize critical, life-supporting medications and supplies.
- Remember those with special needs. This may include someone outside your home who may need your assistance.
Actions to be taken in an actual Disaster
Each individual family accounts for all members and ensures safety measures are taken for their security, first aid and well being. Once this is accomplished, the husband and or wife are to report their family status to the Block Captains. Depending on the family situation, either the husband or wife may be expected to help in whatever plan the Ward has for assisting other Ward Members.
Reporting Line of Authority
- Each family will first report to their Block Captains.
- Each Block Captain will report this information to the WardEmergency Preparedness Specialist.
- The Emergency Preparedness Specialist will report the information to the Bishop/1st Counselor (within 1 hour of the disaster) and then to the Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist (within 2 hours of the disaster)
- The Stake Emergency Preparedness Specialist will assemble all the Wards information and report to the Stake Presidency on the current status of the families within the Sake. He will then report to the City of Lehi.
Information to be Reported
-Number of deaths within the family/group
-Number of seriously injured within the family/group