Friday, 20 October 2017

Dear Parents and Carers

Shoe box appeal

Yesterday, the children learned about how to create a shoe box gift to send to Operation Christmas Child. The box needs to contain useful items such as a toothbrush, soap, washcloth, gloves, school supplies, small toys or sweets and it should have a label saying if it is for a boy or girl and approximate age range. There is a suggested donation to be included of £5. If you are unable to complete a full box, it would be lovely if you could donate 1 or 2 small items so we can make up some boxes to be donated from us as a whole school. Please could your child bring their completed shoe boxes or items in by Friday 10th November.

Headlice and Worms

We have been informed by some parents that their child has headlice or worms. Please check your child regularly for symptoms and treat appropriately as soon as possible. If you would like advice or support with this, please contact the school nurse. Her number is available from the school office.

Halloween Disco.

The PTA will be holding their Halloween disco on Monday 23rd October from 5.30-6.45 for all KS1 Children and then 7.00-8.30 for all KS2 children. Fancy dress optional the scarier the better!! The cost will be £3.50 per child to include hotdog, crisps drinks and goodie bag. Parents are not required to stay with the children so why not go and do a bit of early Christmas shopping!

Bishop’s Buns

This event will be held on Wednesday 25th October 2017 immediately after school. Please support this event by baking or buying cakes to bring in to sell. Please could your child bring their cake donations on the Wednesday morning.


Please could you ensure that when dropping off or picking up your child/children from school that you are parked responsibly and considerately. We have had several issues recently with children and parents not being able to walk on the pavements to get to school. Parking is a big issue around school and we would appreciate parents/carers being vigilant when dropping off/collecting from school. Please also be mindful of residents that live in the area by not blocking driveways, pavements and parking on the yellow lines. The PCSO will be completing random checks both in the mornings and afternoons in the upcoming weeks.


Please could you make sure that your child has the correct school uniform on at all times. This includes all black shoes and small, discreet hair bobbles/ bands. The children also need their full PE kit as soon as possible in school along with their trainers as we use them every day. Thank you for your support in this matter.


Jennifer Shoulders


Diary Dates for this upcoming term

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
23.10.17 / Netball Club 3.25-4.30 / Dance class 3.25-4.30 / Bishops Buns
No dance class today / Tennis club 8.00am
Basketball 3.25-4.30 / Break Up
Dance class 3.25 – 5.00
Half Term

School reopens on Monday 6th November at 9.00 am


Tennis Club: This will take place on Thursday mornings before school on the above dates. To join Tennis club, please ask Mrs Montgomery for information.

Netball Club: This takes place on Monday after school. Any child in Key Stage 2 is welcome to attend this club for free.

Dance Class. This takes place on Tuesday after school till 4.30.

Basketball: This will take place Thursdays after school. More information can be obtained from Mrs Montgomery.

Petite Acting Academy: This takes place on Fridays after school. A letter about this club has been sent home with children from Reception to Year 4. All the information is on the letter, including how to book and pay for a place for your child.

Dance Club: This takes place on Wednesdays after school and is free to join. We will be holding auditions for the upcoming performance in November – they just need to turn up to the dance club for the first week and we will let you know if your child has been successful.


Bishop’s Buns 25.10.2017

School Closes (27.10.17) Normal time of 3.25pm.