PRESENT: Councillor Mrs. L. Crosby in the chair.

Councillors: Mrs. A. Abbott, K. Allsopp, S. Bolton, P. Bedford, W.S.Q. Cook, D. Moore, E. Nesbitt, Mrs. M. Nesbitt, J. Thompson, J. Waggitt, the Town Clerk, Mrs. K. Evans and the Deputy Clerk, P. Goodman.

Also Present: Press & Public.

Public Participation: None.

Domestics were announced by the Mayor.


RESOLVED to accept all apologies and approve reasons for absence for the following members:

Cllr. Mrs. J. Bolton

Cllr. Mrs. I. Moore

Cllr. G. Derx

It was also RESOLVED to accept a special dispensation for the following 6 months for Cllr. Mrs. P. Pilkington who is unable to attend meetings due to illness. Members agreed to present Cllr. Mrs. Pilkington with a ‘Free Persons Award’ for her long standing involvement in the Town Council. Clerk to arrange.

2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF ANY INTERESTS. Invited by the Mayor and Cllr. Mrs. A. Abbott declared her interest in item 5.

3. TO APPROVE & RATIFY THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: circulated prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED they be signed as a true record after minor alterations have been made to item 5 on the Town Council meeting minutes:

(a)  Town Council meeting held on 19.9.2017.

(b)  Cemetery Committee meeting held on 26.9.2017.

4. TO APPROVE ACCOUNTS AND FINANCIAL MATTERS – Listed on a separate sheet. RESOLVED that press & public be excluded, Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960.

5. TO CONSIDER CEMETERY MATTERS. Nothing to report. Members acknowledged how nice the cemetery is looking. Noted.


(a) Letter of thanks for donation – NEDCAB. Noted.

(b) Letter of thanks for donation – Stainforth Indoor Bowls Club. Noted.

(c) Thank you card – Cllr. Mrs. L. Crosby. Noted.


(a) 17/02509/FUL – Erection of ground floor extension to side of house and canopy roof to the front at Cresta, 21 Finkle Street, Stainforth for Mr. Humphries. No objection.

8. TO REPORT ON POLICE MATTERS. RESOLVED that press & public be excluded, Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960.

9. TO CONSIDER WELFARE GROUND MATTERS. Cllr. D. Moore reported that all teams are working well at the Pavilion and regular committee meetings are being held. There are currently no problems with grass cutting.

Cllr. Waggitt advised that he has obtained some new health and safety signage for the defibrillator and will pass this on to the Clerk.

The Clerk reported that she will ask the electricians to look at the extractor fan in the kitchen which is broken.

A brief discussion was held regarding the running track and members agreed that this is will be a great addition to the village. Clerk and Cllr. Bedford still arranging quotes and details of materials to be used.

10. TO CONSIDER HIGHWAYS MATTERS. Members raised the issue of speeding vehicles on Thorne Road, Princess Avenue, Coronation Road and Measham Drive. Speed limits outside the schools in the village were discussed and the Clerk confirmed that the limits on Church Road are due to be reduced to 20mph as per correspondence with DMBC.

Cllr. Abbott reported the danger of the layby on Thorne Road outside the shops and the Clerk confirmed that this has been reported on many occasion to DMBC with nothing being done.

Cllr. Allsopp informed members of drain covers that have been stolen on the service road at Kingsway. Ward Councillor K. Keegan advised Cllr. Allsopp to contact DMBC on 01302 736000 to report the problem. The Clerk confirmed that she has discussed this with PCSO’s.

A discussion was held over littering throughout the town which is unfortunately an ongoing problem. Some ideas were raised such as going to the school to try and educate the children, and the possibility of taking on the street cleaning rather than using DMBC, although this would have major financial implications. The Clerk agreed to put this matter as an item on the next agenda.

11. TO DISCUSS MAYOR’S CHARITY. The Mayor reported that she has received further donations of £30.00 towards her chosen charity. Noted.

12. TO DISCUSS THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN. Cllr. Bedford, Chairman of the NDP Working Group, reported that meetings have been held where a committee of 5 Councillors, a business and a community representative has been agreed. The whole village will be consulted throughout the process and the Mayor will attend quarterly to meetings.

13. TO DISCUSS FIREWORKS EVENT 2017. The Clerk confirmed that this year’s event will be held on Wednesday 1st November starting at approximately 5pm. Tombola prizes welcome. Noted.

14. TO DISCUSS REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY PARADE 2017. The Clerk informed members that a rehearsal of the cenotaph service will be held on Tuesday 7th November at 2:30pm in the Council Chamber with Rev. Janet Franklin. Cllr. D. Moore to ask Mr. Barton to attend on Remembrance Sunday.

15. TO NOTE XMAS CLOSING DATES 2017. Dates as follows:

Cem Office: 22nd Dec – 3rd Jan

Town Council Office: 21st Dec – 4th Jan


16. EMERGENCY SERVICES COMPLAINT – Cllrs. E & M Nesbitt informed the council of a recent incident involving the emergency services on New Park Estate where the operator came across as rude and abrupt to those residents trying to assist. Cllr. Mrs. Nesbitt asked where she could file a complaint and the Clerk agreed to help her. Noted.

17. CLLR. S. BOLTON – PERMISSION FOR SERG TO USE TC GREENHOUSE IN THE PARK. Following a discussion and a reminder from the Clerk that the greenhouse is currently being used by TC staff, a vote was held as follows:

FOR: 4



Therefore carried and agreed that SERG share the use of the TC greenhouse.

It was noted that there are currently some smashed glass panels in the greenhouse and Cllr. Thompson agreed to provide new panels. Clerk to arrange.

18. TO CONFIRM THE DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – confirmed as TUESDAY 21ST NOVEMBER 2017 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.

There being nothing further to discuss the meeting was closed at 8:30pm.

Signed Mayor ………………………………………………….……21st November 2017