PRESENT: Councillor W. S. Q. Cook in the chair.

Councillors: P. Bedford, Mrs. L Crosby, G, Derx, D. Moore, Mrs. I. Moore, E. Nesbitt, Mrs. M. Nesbitt, J. Waggitt, the Town Clerk, Mrs. K. Evans and the Deputy Clerk, P. Goodman.

Also Present: PCSO’s and public.

Public Participation:

The Mayor presented a Mayor’s award to Councillors Mr & Mrs Moore for their services to the community and their hard work towards helping the Council at events such as the annual gala and the running of the Pavilion.

Stainforth resident, Mr. Newbitt, attended the meeting to report the problem of excessive amounts of litter and fly-tipping throughout the streets. One particular area of concern is the lane that runs between 16 & 18 Beech Crescent towards Holy Family Catholic School. 8 months ago, with the help of the Clerk and Ward Councillor K. Keegan, the lane was thoroughly cleaned and the hedges pruned. Unfortunately it is now in the worst state it has ever been. Mr. Newbitt also reported problems on Coronation Road, New Park Estate, Burns Villas and Junction Road/Princess Avenue. The Clerk informed members & Mr. Newbitt that she had spoken with Ian Wigglesworth, Senior Street Scene Officer at DMBC earlier in the day who assured her that these areas are going to be cleaned up within the week. Cllrs. D. Moore and P Bedford informed Mr. Newbitt of the newly formed group SERG who hope to alleviate some of these problems in the future, dependant on funding. The Clerk also informed members that she had noticed a similar problem in front of the row of shops opposite Asda, and she has reported this to Ian Wigglesworth. Noted.

Mr. Newbitt also raised the issue of potholes on the footpaths along Kirton Lane, Thorne Road, etc. The Clerk agreed to report this to DMBC as soon as possible.

Domestics were announced by the Mayor.

1.  TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. RESOLVED that the following be accepted:

Cllrs. Mrs. A. Abbott, Mrs. J. Bolton, Mrs. P. Pilkington – illness.

Cllr. S. Bolton, Mrs. J. Harvey, J. Thompson – prior commitment.

2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF ANY INTERESTS. Invited by the Mayor and there were none.

3. TO APPROVE & RATIFY THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: circulated prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED they be signed as a true record:

(a)  Town Council meeting held on 17.1.2017.

(b)  Cemetery Committee meeting held on 2.2.2017.

4. TO APPROVE ACCOUNTS AND FINANCIAL MATTERS – Listed on a separate sheet.

(b) Wednesday Morning Coffee Club – request for donation. RESOLVED that a donation of £200.00 be made to this group.

(c) Stainforth and District Lunch Club – request for donation. RESOLVED that a donation of £200.00 be made to this group.


The Chairman reported that the machine store extension is progressing well, now that the weather is improving. Noted.



Questions were raised over the car wash that is still operating on Church Road without permission, the Clerk assured members that this is being dealt with by enforcement at DMBC. Noted.

(a) 17/00003/ADV – Display of illuminated signage at Carousel 30-32 Church Road, Stainforth for Mrs. N. Gaunt – New Wave Installations Cardtronics UK Ltd. No objection.

(b) 17/00002/FUL – Installation of ATM including modification of the existing security shutter to allow constant use of the ATM (Retrospective) at Carousel 30-32 Church Road, Stainforth for Mrs. N. Gaunt – New Wave Installations Cardtronics UK Ltd. No objection.


PCSO’s Vanessa and Ashley were in attendance at the meeting and provided statistics for the recent speeding ops that have been carried out in the Town. One on East Lane and one on Thorne Road. Vanessa feels that these ops did have an impact on drivers and that vehicles did slow down as a result. Vanessa agreed to continue these in the next few weeks and will liaise with the Clerk regarding Town Councillor attendance.

Cllrs. Mr. & Mrs. Nesbitt thanked the PCSO’s for attending a recent incident on New Park Estate and for arriving quickly to the scene. The Mayor agreed that it was a great sign that people see a police presence within the Town.

Vanessa agreed that she will patrol as much as possible on New Park Estate, particularly on a night time and is trying to deter people from this area by parking the police car on there as and when she can. She also confirmed that she is in the process of trying to obtain a camera for New Park Estate and will let the Clerk know when and if this is done. This will help the police to identify people and aid in issuing Anti-Social Behaviour orders, littering fines etc.

Cllr. Mrs. Crosby thanked the PCSO’s for their work on Princess Avenue involving the confiscation of a motorbike with no insurance etc.

The PCSO’s were thanked for their attendance and left the meeting.


The Clerk informed members that there has been an incident of fly-tipping on the Recreation Ground over the weekend. Mrs Evans confirmed that she has reported this to DMBC and it is being dealt with by the enforcement team, following the finding of a name and address within the rubbish. Noted.

Cllr. Moore requested an extractor fan for the cooker in the pavilion kitchen. The Clerk agreed to purchase one as soon as possible. Noted.

Cllr. Moore also reported that the palisade fencing is in need of fixing and will ask Safety Testing UK to do this once the machine store at the Cemetery is complete. Noted.

10. TO CONSIDER HIGHWAYS MATTERS. Dealt with in Public Participation.

11. TO DISCUSS MAYOR’S CHARITY. The Mayor reported that he has not yet heard from Ron Powell regarding a date for a stall at Asda, Stainforth. Following a conversation prior to the meeting, the Mayor informed members that he would like to hold a tombola at the next Gala Coffee Morning. The Clerk suggested the Mayor write something for the newsletter and Cllr. Mrs. Moore suggest he appeal for food to be donated to the Food Bank as opposed to money. Noted.

12. TO CONFIRM THE DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – confirmed as Tuesday 21st March 2017 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.

There being nothing further to discuss the meeting was closed at 7:20pm.

Signed Mayor ………………………………………………….……21st March 2017