Identification sheet

Tick off the macroinvertebrates in the table and then total the pollution index.

Using macroinvertebrates to estimate the health of freshwater
Very sensitive
/ caddisfly larva (10)
/ / mayfly nymph(10)
Total for very sensitive=
/ water mite (6) / / beetle larva (6) / / dragonfly nymph (4) / / water strider (4)
/ nematode (4) / / whirligig beetle (4) / / damselfly nymph (4) / / amphipod (4)
Total for sensitive=
/ flatworm (3) / / freshwater mussel (3)
/ Total for tolerant =
Very tolerant
/ midge larva (2) / / mosquito larva (2) / / diving beetle (2) / / water scorpion(2)
/ backswimmer (2) / / boatman (2) / / bloodworm (2) / / pond snail (1)
Total for very tolerant =

Pollution index total =

When you reach a total you can work out the health of the stream from the table below.

Pollution index / Health of stream
0-20 / poor
21-35 / fair
36-50 / good
more than 50 / excellent

The health of the lake was______.

  1. Select a place to sample that is easy to recognise and is not dangerous.
  2. Dip the net through the water and the water plants. Use a long slow sweeping action.
  3. Search for 15 minutes (use a stopwatch or watch with a timer)
  4. Fill the ice cream container or tray with water from the lake.
  5. When you catch any macroinvertebrates place them in this container.
  6. Look under any rocks in the water, remember to replace rocks.
  7. Look for organisms on the surface of the water.
  8. Disturb the bottom of the water to stir up any macroinvertebrates.
  9. When you have caught some macroinvertebrates separate them into different species (types) using the ice cube tray.
  10. Identify the species using the Identification sheet on the next page.
  11. Tick off the macroinvertebrates in the table.
  12. The pollution index is in the table. Work out the pollution index for the lake.
  13. Select macroinvertebrates to take back to the lab for microscopic examination.
  14. When you finish carefully return the other organisms to where you found them.

Science @ the lakes