FINAL –December, 2013

Standard Operating Procedure

Subject:Financial Accountability Reports

Issued by:CAO’s Office

Date:December, 2013


The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to:

  1. Reinforce to every faculty and staff of their fiduciary responsibilities for their respective roles in the grants they manage and/or the budgetary unit for which they are responsible for.
  2. Establish an OISE wide protocol for the collection of all signed accountability reports within OISE for submission to the Provost Office.
  3. Maintain consistency of practice across all OISE departments.


  1. UofT Financial Accountability Guidelines

Link to above guidelines:

  1. UofT Financial Accountability Forms

Link to above forms by role:

  1. Various UofT Policies and Guidelines

GENERAL / Policies and Procedures – Governing Council:
FINANCIAL / Guide to Financial Management:
Purchasing Policy:
Travel and Other Reimbursable Expenses Policy:
FIS Management Reports:
HUMAN RESOURCES / Employment policies:

For all other documentation, refer to Human Resources Home:
RESEARCH / Policy on Ethical Conduct in Research:

Research Policies and Procedures:

HEALTH AND SAFETY / Environmental Health and Safety Manual:

Occupational Health and Safety Management System:
Statement of Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Commitment:

INTERNAL AUDIT – Fraud and Financial Impropriety

Roles and Responsibilities:

CAO Office: It is also responsible for the OISE’s overall compliance with UofT’s policies & procedures. The office is also the primary coordinator for the collection of all accountability forms from every OISE department/unit for submission to the Dean and subsequently to the Provost’s office.

Unit Head: The Unit Head is responsible for the units’ adherence to all UofT and OISE policies as outlined in the above referenced policies. The Unit Head is also responsible for ensuring that this SOP is adhered to.

Faculty & Staff: Every faculty and staffthat have financial or administrative responsibilities for a budgetary unit, research grant or contract are required to be acquainted with all UT policies applicable to their duties and responsibilities (see above links). By completing and signing the accountability report, each is certifying that they are aware of the aforementioned policy and are in full compliance of it. Furthermore, she/he is certifying that any conflicts of interest, irregularities, etc. has been disclosed.

Business Officer: The Business Officer is the primary administrative driver for securing the completed accountability forms for every faculty and staff within his/her unit that carry a financial responsibility.


1)Each year, the office of the CAO shall verify the reporting structure for each of the major portfolios (i.e. Associate Deans, CAO office, etc.) with the respective unit heads and or their designate prior to the collection of the Financial Accountability forms.

2)On May 1st of each year, the CAO’s office shall distribute to all departments and units the guidelines and forms relating to Financial Accountability. The deadline for completion is May 31st.

3)Business Officers from each department shall coordinate and secure all the required accountability forms from their respective faculty and staff by the established deadline.

4)Upon receiving completed accountability forms from the departments, the CAO’s office shall present them to the Dean for her review and signature.

5)The CAO’s office will forward the Dean’s completed accountability form to the Provost’s office.

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