

Staff Student Liaison Committee

Date: / Tuesday17July 2012
Present: / Claudia PaviaChair of the Student Committee- Student Chair of SSLC
Mambruka AlfadiCardiovascular Science Student Representative
Julia HoughHuman Metabolism Student Representative
Ankita AgrawalHuman Metabolism Student Representative
Iain HugginsHuman Metabolism Student Representative
Jack PearsonHuman Metabolism Student Representative
Lisa TrollopeNeuroscience Student Representative
Karl PattersonNeuroscience Student Representative
Martina DalySchool Graduate Research Committee Chair
Sara WatkinsonPGR Administrator
Apologies: / Monica NeilanCardiovascular Science Student Representative
Daniel CozensInfection and Immunity Student Representative
Svenja DannewitzInfection and Immunity Student Representative
Rebecca LowryInfection and Immunity Student Representative
Lorena Preciado Llanes Infection and Immunity Student Representative
Pranvera SadikuInfection and Immunity Student Representative
David BakerNeuroscience Student Representative
Karima Al-MansooriNeuroscience Student Representative
David BakerNeuroscience Student Representative
Katie RichardsonNeuroscience Student Representative
Sarah OatesOncology Student Representative
Alison GartlandStaff Representative
Welcome and Apologies
The apologies were noted as above.
Minutes of the Last Meeting – 09May 2012
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record.
2nd Year Information Session (Feedback)
A feedback form was circulated to the 2nd year students following the poster presentation day on 12 June 2012. 16 students responded. Most comments were positive with the main complaint being space. It was already know that this would be an issue due to being unable to secure the Octagon Centre for the Research Meeting. It was felt that the 30minutes slots worked well as there were no complaints this year regarding waiting around for examiners.
Some students did feel that there were inconsistencies with the two assessors score sheets. In a few cases the assessors were not consistent with their feedback and the student therefore didn’t feel they had constructive feedback.
It was felt that for some projects a hypothesis was not necessary and therefore students were scored low as this was one of the criteria the assessor was scoring. The students felt it would be helpful for them to have guidelines on what they will be assessed on. It was agreed to provide students with the marking criteria examiners use.
Martina Daly proposed holding the 2nd year poster presentation assessments on the same day as the 3rd Year Presentation Day. This is to boost the participants at the 3rd year presentation day. The students liked this idea as the 3rd year presentation day will become compulsory in the next academic year for first years to attend. The day could be badged as the Medical School PGR Conference. Sara Watkinson raised concern regarding funding. Poster boards are £10 each per day. This would be a total cost of around £300 for posterboard hire.
It was agreed that funding should be obtained to fund the day. Alternative funding sources could be from RIS or small educational grants from companies. The students agreed to contact Dr Colby Eaton whose Departmental students used to organise and fund a similar day, to ask where the students received funding from.
Student Annual Leave
Martina Daly has drafted an annual leave policy. The policy will allow students to have 30 days annual leave excluding those given at Christmas and bank holidays. No more than one month (4 weeks) can be taken at one time. These guidelines are in keeping with those of the Research Councils. If students would like to take more than 4 weeks it will be up to the supervisors discretion but it will not be advised that all holiday is taken at once.
Ian Palmer (IT) is working with Jodie Burnham to create a form and process. This will be launched for the next academic year.
It was asked if a reminder of the remaining holiday days could be send to supervisors so they are aware how many holidays have already been taken by the student in the academic year. This would eliminate queries from supervisors to Jodie Burnham and Carol Fidler.
Staff candidates will use the staff system to book holidays.
Peer Mentoring Scheme
17 students have received training to be a mentor in the Faculty with 3 from last year agreeing to be a peer mentor.
The Medical School is running an opt out scheme where students have to say whether or not they would like a peer mentor.
The maximum number of mentees a mentor will be given is 4. This is the recommended number by central university.
With regards to extending the scheme for PGT students. It was felt that this year it should not be offered to PGT students. It was felt that 20 peer mentors might not be enough to accommodate all PGT and PGR students.
Advertising the scheme to potential mentors was discussed. It was felt that opportunities such as the 1st year presentation days should be used to inform students of the scheme and to get involved.
Any Other Business
6.1 Social
A social trip to Scarborough is being organised for 1st September 2012. Students will be subsidised.
6.2 New Chairman
Jack Pearson and Iain Huggins have put themselves forward as potential candidates to take over from Claudia Paiva’s chairmanship in October 2012. The Committee will have an election to decide on the new chairman.
Dates of next meetings
  • Wednesday 29August 2012, 2-3pm, FU22 (F-Floor)

SSLC Minutes – 17 July 2012