University of Pennsylvania
Staff & Faculty Eco-Reps Program
2013 Application
Why should I apply?
Are you motivated to make your office, lab, or larger Penn community more “green”? Apply to the Staff & Faculty Eco-Reps 2013program to get information, support, and peer problem-solving!
Penn’s Eco-Rep program is the premier place for employees to who want to reduce Penn’s environmental footprint and enhance the workplace by educating and engaging others in more sustainable actions.
Participant volunteersfrom Penn schools and centers meet monthly to share best practices with other eco-reps on how to save energy, boost recycling and reduce our overall environmental footprint. Eco-Reps also get the tools to spread awareness of important sustainability issues and conservation strategies throughout their respective offices and departments through sustainability projects, events, and creative informational campaigns.
The program is managed by sustainability staff in Facilities & Real Estate Services (FRES) and is part of Penn’s Green Campus Partnership( a collection of students, staff, and faculty throughout the University promoting better environmental practices and policy.
What will I do as an Eco-Rep?
- Attend monthly lunchtime meetings (lunch provided)
- Coordinate a Green Team in your department to get support, spread the word, and be a change agent.
- Share your successes with other Eco-Reps and ask for advice on your challenges; use the expertise of the group at meetings and in the email listserv.
- Communicate with your department about sustainability at least once a month.
- Contribute to planning University-wide sustainability events, such as RecycleMania and the Power Down Challenge.
Fill out the attached form, click “save as” and save the file to your desktop. Then you will be able to attach the saved, filled-out version to an email. Send the completed application to Andrea Kreiner, Program Coordinator, at .
Applications are due by 5:00pm on Friday, September 14, 2012. The first meeting will be held at noon on Friday, September 28, location to be announced.
Please NOTE: 2012 Program participants wishing to continue,can email Andrea Kreiner, at .Program runs through August 2013.
(type in column below)1 / Name:
2 / E-Mail:
3 / Phone:
4 / Department:
5 / School/Center:
6 / Building/Floor:
7 / Entity you will represent:(i.e.: office, floor, dept., School, Center, etc.)
8 / How many people
does this represent? / (approx. #):
10. Briefly list your reasons for wanting to participate in the Staff & Faculty Eco-Reps Program:
11. Do you have ideas for sustainability projects that you would like to undertake as an Eco-Rep? If yes, please list.
12. How did you hear about the Penn Staff & Faculty Eco-Reps program?
____Participated in a previous year’s program
____Green Campus Partnership website
____Other, please specify:______
13. Staff & Faculty Eco-Rep Program Expectations:
I understand that, if selected, my name and department will be listed on the Penn Green Campus Partnership website so that others can contact me about sustainability in my area.(If I do NOT wish to have my information listed, please indicate here____).
I also understand that one of the expectations of participation is to communicate with my department (or Center or office, or lab, as applicable) about sustainability issues, events, etc.
I commit to make my best effort to attend a majority of monthly group meetings.Meetings are typically held on lastThursday of each month (schedule varies in summer) at lunchtime, from 12 to 1pm.
I understand that active participation in meetings or via other avenues is a criterion for continued program support, communications, and use of the Eco-Rep designation on my email signature, resume, etc.
Date Submitted:______