Staff Development Priorities

Instructional personnel are ultimately responsible for the use of technology in the classroom; however, it is important that effective professional development is available to teachers as they work to integrate technology into instruction. Maggie Niess, John Lee, and Sara Kajder (2008) argue that ongoing learning and development are the “keys for assuring educational reform that adequately prepares students to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century” (p. xiv). Therefore, teachers “must consistently engage in learning about new and emerging technologies…(and) how to teach both about and with the new and emerging technologies” (p. xiv). This means that instruction must be adapted to both facilitate the skills that our twenty-first century learners need to be developing and incorporate emerging technologies (Mehlinger & Powers, 2002). Providing a thoughtful staff development plan will ensure that teachers have the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to make the most of this important tool.

Instructional personnel must show proficiency in the Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel (TSIP). These technology standards set forth those competencies identified by the Virginia Department of Education and required for certification.

1. All instructional personnel will certify competency of the Technology Standards for Instructional Personnel.

Professional, licensed staff will be encouraged to acquire and demonstrate competency in the following skills within three years of initial employment or for license renewal:

1. Operate a computer system and utilize software.

2. Apply knowledge of terms associated with educational computing and technology.

3. Apply productivity tools for professional use.

4. Use electronic technologies to access and exchange information.

5. Identify, locate, evaluate, and use appropriate instructional technology-based resources (hardware and software) to support Standards of Learning and other instructional objectives.

6. Use educational technologies for data collection, information management, problem solving, decision making, communications, and presentations within the curriculum.

7. Plan and implement lessons and strategies that integrate technology to meet the diverse needs of learners in a variety of educational settings.

8. Demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal issues relating to the use of technology.


A portfolio comprised of evaluation checklists along with applicant and student models is maintained at each school site. A teacher/staff self-assessment checklist is available to guide applicants in appropriate staff development and may be used by an instructor to verify competence.

While the majority of instructional personnel within the division have certified competency of these standards, it is important to continue to support new teachers and reluctant users in the completion of these standards. It is equally important to provide additional opportunities for teachers to progress beyond the minimal standards to a level where technology is infused into the classroom along with sound instructional practices to enhance the learning process and improve student achievement. Along with local funding, the Enhancing Educational through Technology grant will provide many opportunities to teachers to assist them in certifying mastery of the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS*T).

2. HCPS teachers will have the opportunity to certify mastery of the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS*T)

Professional, licensed staff will be encouraged to acquire and demonstrate competency in the following:

1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity.

2. Design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments.

3. Model digital-age work and learning.

4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility.

5. Engage in professional growth and leadership.


Teachers compile an electronic portfolio of artifacts demonstrating mastery of the standards. Rubrics designed by the JMU Partnership for 21st Century Skills are used to evaluate the artifacts and verify certification. The project is funded through the SVTC EdTech Grant.

3. HCPS teachers will have the opportunity to participate in professional development designed to promote the effective integration of technology to enhance learning.

Results from a survey implemented in the spring of 2009 revealed that teachers are using more technology, with 29% responding that technology had changed the way that they teach. Teachers indicated that they wanted additional professional development and/or support for the technologies that are available for use in the classroom. Time continues to be the greatest concern for teachers, with access to technology and comfort level also listed as barriers to technology integration. Project TEACH was developed to provide time during each staff development day for teachers to learn new technologies and design learning activities that they can use in the classroom. Activities are shared in the TEACH Clearinghouse.


·  Provide time for teachers to explore technology, collaborate with other teachers, and develop activities/lessons to use with their students

·  Develop a clearinghouse of ideas, activities, and resources that use technology to support instruction

·  Enhance learning through the use of technology


Teachers submit activities to the TEACH Clearinghouse. Observation of increased or improved teacher use of technology is noted.

Strategies and Status for Achieving Professional Development Goals

Strategies / Status
Provide local technology staff development for instructional personnel on the effective integration of technology / A block of time during each staff development day is available for Project TEACH. ITRTs are available in all schools to provide direct help for teachers as they integrate technology. Additional training sessions are offered throughout the year.
Provide funding for instructional personnel to attend state and regional leadership conferences on technology (VDOE, NTTI, VSTE) / Each year, a group of teachers attending Summer Tech Camp is selected to attend the EdTech Conference. ITRTs alternate between the ETL, VSTE, and EdTech conferences. The EdTech grant provides the opportunity for teachers to attend NTTI.
Commit a percentage of the technology budget to staff development (current industry recommendation is 30%) / Currently, 6% of the technology budget is targeted for staff development.
Provide learning opportunities that enable all school staff to become independent technology users / Training sessions are offered throughout the school year. These include Project TEACH, Summer Tech Camp, Technology Integration class, ITRT Roadshows.
Provide training opportunities for new teachers and reluctant users to assist them in meeting the TSIP requirements / Along with the training sessions, an ITRT is available at each school to provide direct assistance to new teachers and reluctant users to help them meet the TSIP requirements.
Provide training on effective technology integration for administrators / Training sessions are provided during the administrative training each year.
Fund positions of technology director and technology supervisor / The position of director and supervisor are in place.
Establish and fund the position of full-time technology specialists for each school / Elementary technology specialists are in place. A stipend position of site coordinator is currently available at middle and high schools.
Participate in the planning and implementation of the NCLB EdTech Grant / HCPS is an active member of the SVTC consortium that manages the grant.
Encourage staff participation in the training opportunities offered by the NCLB EdTech Grant / Teachers participate in NTTI, NETS*T certification, and other opportunities provided through the grant.

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