Energy for Life Connection

507 N. Blackman Avenue

Duluth, MN 55811

(218) 591-2104

Bulk Herbs by

Stacey Quade, COTA/L-CHTP

Order Form

Please complete the order form, then call or email Stacey to receive shipping and shop costs (see note at the end of this form), then send a check or money order to the address above. For questions on orders, availability of herbs, special blends, or custom orders, please contact Stacey Quade at (218) 591-2104.

Source Key: F = Frontier-US, PB = PB Botanicals

AGRIMONY / Agrimonia eupatoria / STACEY's / 2.00
ALFALFA / Medicago savita / F, PB / 2.00
ANGELICA / Angelica archangelica / STACEY's / 4.00
ANISE-HYSSOP / Agastache foeniculum / STACEY's / 2.00
ASHWAGANDHA / Withania somnifera / PB / 2.25
ASTRAGALUS / Astragalus membranaceus / F / 2.50
BARBERRY ROOT BARK / Berberis vulgaris / F / 2.00
BAYBERRY ROOT BARK / Myrica pensylvanica / F / 3.50
BERGAMOT / Monarda fistulosa / STACEY's / 3.00
BILBERRY LEAF / Vaccinium myrtillus / F / 2.00
BIRCH POLYPORE / Fomitopsis betulina / STACEY's / 2.50
BLACK HAW / Viburnum prunifolium / F, PB / 3.00
BLESSED THISTLE / Cnicus benedictus / F / 1.65
BLUE VERVAIN / Verbena hastata / STACEY's / 2.50
BONESET / Eupatorium perfoliatum / STACEY's
F / 2.00
BORAGE / Boraga officinalis / STACEY's
F / 3.25
BURDOCK / Arctium minus / STACEY's
F / 2.50
CALAMUS ROOT / Acorus calamus / STACEY’s / 2.50
CALENDULA / Calendula officinalis / STACEY's
F / 3.50
CASCARA SAGRADA / Rhamnus purshiana / PB / 2.00
CATNIP / Nepeta cataria / STACEY's / 3.00
CHAGA / Inonotus obliquus / STACEY's / 6.00
CHAMOMILE / Chamomilla matricaria / STACEY's / 3.00
CHAPARRAL / Larrea Tridentata / STACEY's
PB/F / 2.00
CHASTE TREE BERRY / Vitex agnus castus / F / 2.00
CLARY SAGE / Salvia sclarea / STACEY's / 3.50
CLEAVERS / Galium Aparine / STACEY's
F / 2.00
*specifically for the Four Winds Cleanse. Contact Stacey for details. / 11 herb detox blend / STACEY's / 3.50
COLTSFOOT / Tussilago farfara / F / 1.58
CORNSILK / Zea mays / F / 1.02
COMFREY / Symphytum officinale / STACEY's / 2.00
CLAMP BARK / Viburnum opulus / F, PB / 4.75
DANDELION LEAF / Tarxacum officinale / STACEY's
F / 3.00
DANDELION ROOT / Taraxacum officinale / STACEY's
F / 3.00
DILL / Anethum graveolens / STACEY's
F / 2.00
ECHINACEA(tops) / Echinacea purpurea / F / 2.00
ECHINACEA ROOT / Echinacea angustifolia / F, PB / 4.00
ELECAMPANE ROOT / Inula helemium / STACEY's / 3.00
ELEUTHRO ROOT / Eleutherococcus senticosus / F, PB / 2.00
ELEUTHRO POWDER / Eleutherococcus senticosus / F / 2.00
ELDER BERRY / Sambucus canadensis / STACEY's
F / 2.50
ELDER FLOWER / Sambucus canadensis / F / 3.00
EYEBRIGHT / Officinalis / F, PB / 2.75
FIGWORT / Scrophularia nodosa / PB, MRH / 2.00
GOLDENSEAL LEAF AND POWDER / Hydrastis canadensis / F / 11.00
GOTU KOLA / Centella asiatica / F / 1.84
GRAVEL ROOT / Eupatorium purpureum / STACEY's / 3.75
GROUND IVY / Glechoma herderacea / STACEY's / 2.50
HAWTHORN BERRY / Crataegus ssp. / STACEY's / 2.00
HAWTHORN LEAF / Crataegus ssp / STACEY's
F / 2.00
HYSSOP / Hyssopus officinalis / STACEY's / 2.50
HOPS / Humulus lupulus / STACEY's
F / 4.00
HORSETAIL / Equisetum spp. / STACEY's / 2.00
KELP FRONDS / Nereocystis luetkeana / PB / 10.00
LABRADOR TEA / Ledum greenlandicum / STACEY's / 3.50
LADIES MANTLE / Alchemilla vulgaris / STACEY's / 2.00
LEMON BALM / Melissa officinalis / STACEY's / 3.50
LEMON VERBENA / Aloysia triphylla / F / 3.00
LINDEN FLOWER / Tilia cordata / STACEY's
F, PB / 3.50
LOBELIA / Lobelia inflata / F, PB / 5.24
MACA ROOT POWDER / Lepedium meyenii / PB / 2.75
MARSHMALLOW / Althaea officinalis / STACEY's / 3.00
MEADOWSWEET / Filipendula ulmaria / STACEY's
PB / 2.75
MILK THISTLE POWDER / Silybum marianum / F / 2.00
MILK THISTLE SEED / Silybum marianum / F / 2.00
MINT / Mentha ssp. / STACEY's
MONARDA / See bergamot / STACEY's / 3.50
MOTHERWORT / Leonurus cardinca / STACEY's / 2.50
MULLEIN / Verbascum thapsus / STACEY's / 2.25
NETTLES / Urtica dioica / STACEY's / 2.50
OAT STRAW POWDER / Avena sativa / STACEY's
F/PB / 2.00
CUT and SIFTED / Avena sativa / STACEY's
F/PB / 2.00
OREGENO LEAF / Origanum Vulgare / F / 1.53
OREGON GRAPE / Mahonia aquifolium / PB/F / 1.52
PASSION FLOWER / Passiflora incarnata / F / 2.07
PAU D'ARCO / Tabebuia impetiginosa / F / 0.93
PLANTAIN / Plantago major / STACEY's / 1.94
PRICKLY ASH / Zanthoxylum
clava-herculis / PB/F / 3.25
RED CLOVER / Trifolium pratense / STACEY's / 5.00
RASPBERRY LEAF / Rubis idaeus / STACEY’s / 2.50
SAW PALMETTO LEAF / Serenoa repens / F / 1.87
SELF HEAL / Prunella vulgaris / STACEY's
F / 2.50
SOLOMONS SEAL / Polygonatum biflorum / STACEY's
F / 8.5
SKULLCAP / Scutelaria laterflora / STACEY's
F / 4.25
SLIPPERY ELM / Ulmus fulva / F / 3.25
SPILANTHEUS / Rhus Typhina / STACEY's / 2.14
ST JOHNS WORT / Hypericum perforatum / STACEY's
F / 2.50
STEVIA LEAF / Stevia rebaudiana / F / 1.51
STONE ROOT / Collinsonia canadensis / PB / 2.50
SUMAC / Rhus typhina / STACEY's / 3.00
SWEET ANNIE / Artemesia annua / STACEY’s
PB / 2.00
THYME / Thymus vulgaris / STACEY's / 2.00
TEASLE / Dipsacus fullonum / STACEY’s / 6.00
TURKEY TAIL-RHUBARB ROOT / Rheum palmatum / F / 1.93
USNEA / Usnea spp. / STACEY's / 3.00
UVA URSI LEAF / Arctostaphylos uva ursi / STACEY's
F, PB / 2.00
VALERIAN ROOT / Valeriana officinalis / STACEY's
F / 4.00
WOOD BETONY / Stachys officinalis / STACEY’s / 2.00
WORMWOOD / Artemisia absinthium / STACEY's
F / 2.00
YARROW / Achillea millefolium / STACEY's / 2.25
YELLOW DOCK / Rumex crispus / STACEY's
PB/F / 2.50
WILD YAM / Dioscorea villosa / PB/F / 3.75

Order Total : ______

Shop Fee: (Completed by Stacey) ______

NOTE: Please note the prices listed are for the herbs only and do not include the time it takes to prepare your your order for you. I try to be as efficient as I can when filling these orders. Your shop fee is based on my hourly rate of $35 per hour, and the percentage of time taken to prepare, fill, and deliver your order.

*Because shipping and shop costs can vary for each order, please provide your contact information below so that you may be contacted about these costs. You may also contact Stacey to inquire about these costs in advance.

Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone Contact:______email address:______