Skill Performance CUE Sheet

Name: John Fecich

Skill:Hockey Stick Handling

Grade Level:4-6

Purpose:The purpose of the skill of stick handling is to be able to control the puck and move with the puck because it is most important aspect of hockey.

Preparation Cues:

1)Stand in an athletic position.

2)Place stick in both hands.

3)Place dominant hand lower on the stick, and other hand towards top.

4)At first keeps eyes on ball and see it on the blade of stick.

5)Move ball/puck back and fourth from one side of blade to other.

6)Focus on soft taps from one side to other.

7)Feel ball puck on stick and place head up, looking at where you’re moving.

Transition:The game is going to be made of two teams. The entire class will be one team and the teacher will be the other. After the game is explained January birthdays through April will get a stick and ball from the bin. After that May through September will get a stick and ball from the bin. After that October through December will get a stick and ball from the bin. Once each student has a ball and stick they will line up on the black line and practice moving the ball from one side of their stick to the other, until they look comfortable. Then we will begin our game.

Activity: Jailbreak Hockey

1)Once we completed the warm-up everyone will spread out across the gym.

2)On the designated signal students will begin moving around the gym at various speeds, controlling their ball and stick.

3)There will be designated “jails” or safety areas that will be a box made of cones.

4)The teacher will count to 10 out loud and when the teacher reaches 10 the students must all be in a safety area.

5)There will be 6 designated safety areas, and they can only contain 3 students at a time. Furthermore, once the time restarts the students must each enter a new zone before the time expires again.

6)If each student from the entire class reaches a safety zone and has control over their stick and ball when the time runs out. Then they receive a point. If every student is not in a zone with their ball when the time expires, then the teacher recieves a point. The game will will be played until one of the teams reaches 5 points.

Summary Cues:

Question to the class (check for understanding on how to execute skill):After playing jailbreak are you more comfortable controlling a ball with a hockey stick? What is important to the success of stick handling?

3-take home messages- (what are the 3 most important aspects of your skill that you want your students to remember?)

1)Puck handling is the most important aspect of hockey.

2)Stick handling goes through the different stages and when you gain experience it is easy to see how you have matured.

3)Stick handling and our game incorporate more then just dribbling a ball. For example, the 3 awareness’s are very prevalent.