There is a great deal of published material on the impacts of mining on biodiversity and natural ecosystems. Below, a non exhaustive list of guidelines that may be relevant for non-energy extractive activities is provided.
International organizations and NEEI
Good Practice Guidance for Mining and Biodiversity. 2006. International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).
This Guidance provides the mining industry with an outline of the steps required to improve biodiversity management throughout the mine cycle. It is intended to be helpful to mining professionals and specialists.
A review of biodiversity conservation performance measures. 2006. Earthwatch Institute/Rio Tinto.
The report summarises and reviews the key considerations in biodiversity conservation performance measurement,
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Mining and Metals Sector Supplement. Pilot Version 1.0. Incorporating an abridged version of the GRI 2002 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. 2005. Global Reporting Initiative.
The GRI Guidelines are a framework for reporting on economic, environmental, and social performance.
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - HELCOM, Helsinki (1999) Marine Sediment Extraction in the Baltic Sea - Status report.Series: Baltic Sea environment proceedings, ISSN 0357-2994 ; 76.
ICES Guidelines for the management of marine sediment extraction. Annex 10 of the report of the Working Group on the Effects of Extraction of Marine Sediments on the Marine Ecosystem, Ostend, Belgium, April 2003.
Mining and critical ecosystems: mapping the risks. 2003.World Research Institute.
This study provides indicators for ecosystems and communities that are vulnerable to the negative impacts of mining. It is intended to be used by financial institutions and insurance companies as a method of assessing environmentally and/or socially vulnerable areas to mining.
Extractive Industries in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones: Environmental Planning and Management. 2003. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
This publication aims to contribute to planning and management approaches that minimise land degradation and desertification in arid and semi-arid zones as a result of the operation of extractive industries.
Room to Manoeuvre? Mining, biodiversity and protected areas. 2003. Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development Project (MMSD),International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
This paper provides a brief analysis of some of the dilemmas surrounding the issue of whether or not to mine in or around areas of valuable biodiversity.
Good Environmental Practice in the European Extractive Industry: A Reference Guide.2002. Centre PierreTerre, Belgium.
This document presents case studies illustrating a number of good practices employed in the extractive industry.
Sustaining a natural balance: A practical guide to integrating biodiversity into Rio Tinto’s operational activities. 2002.Rio Tinto.
The guidance is designed to help Rio Tinto staff evaluate, assess and manage biodiversity issues on their sites.
Guidelines for mining and sustainable development. 2002. United Nations.
These Guidelines address mining and sustainable development; regulatory frameworks; environmental management; voluntary undertakings; and community consultation and development; as applied to all stages of a mining operation. It also includes a section on small-scale and artisanal mining.
To Dig or Not to Dig? Criteria for determining the acceptability of mineral exploration, extraction and transport from ecological and social perspectives. 2001. World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
The paper describes criteria and indicators for helping to make decisions about the suitability of prospecting for, extracting, transporting, processing and disposing of oil and other minerals in sensitive environments.
Environmental Guidelines for Mining Operations.1998. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), UNEP.
These guidelines present recent examples of sound environmental management practices and regulations from various mining countries worldwide and are designed to assist government and industry, from both developing and developed countries, encourage sustainable mining practices.
European Commission
Guidance document on Article 6(4) of the 'Habitats Directive' 92/43/EEC. 2007. EC.
The document provides clarification of the concepts of: Alternative solutions, Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest, Compensatory Measures, Overall Coherence, Opinion of the Commission. 2007. EC
Guidance document on the strict protection of animal species of Community interest under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC. 2007. EC
The essential focus of this document is on the main obligations under Articles 12 and 16 of Directive 92/43/EEC, which establish a system of strict protection for the animal species listed in Annex IV(a), but allow for derogation from these provisions under defined conditions.
Assessment of plans and projects significantly affecting Natura 2000 sites. Methodological guidance on the provisions of Article 6(3) and (4) of the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC. 2001. EC
This document provides non mandatory methodological help to carry out or review the assessments required under Article 6(3) and (4) of the habitats directive. These assessments are required where a project or plan may give rise to significant effects upon a Natura 2000 site.
Managing Natura 2000 sites: The provisions of Article 6 of the ‘Habitats’ Directive 92/43/EEC. 2000. EC
This document is intended to facilitate the interpretation of Article 6 by competent authorities in the Member States.
Guide pratique de la législation wallone sur les carrières et leurs dépendaces. YEAR??.Ministère de la Région Wallonne.
This guide presents the Wallonian legislation on quarrying.
Mine Closure Handbook. 2008.P. M. Heikkinen (ed.) et all. Publishers : Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT), Outokumpu Oyj, Finnish Road Enterprise, and Soil and Water Ltd.
The purpose of this handbook is to provide mine operators, regulatory authorities and industry consultants with guidelines relating to planning and implementation of mine closure strategies.
Exploration and Mining in Finland's Protected Areas, the Sami Homeland and the Reindeer Herding Area. 2007. Ministry of Trade and Industry.
This guide describes the conditions for exploration in Finland's protected areas.
Guide Méthodologique pour l'évaluation des incidences des projets de carrières sur les sites Natura 2000. Melki, F. 2007. Biotope.
The guide aims to help operators to implement an evaluation of the impact of their operations on environment. It also aims to facilitate the dialogue between stakeholders and to develop sustainable practices.
Guide de bonnes pratiques. Aide à la prise en compte du paysage dans les études d’impact des carrières et du milieu naturel en Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Tomes 1 and 2. 2006. Direction Régionale de l’Environnement PACA et Direction Régionale de l’Industrie, de la Recherche et de l’Environnement PACA.
Technical guide devoted to the consideration of landscape and natural environment in the impact assessment of quarries in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.
Granulats en Ile-de-France: Mieux prendre en compte la ressource en matériaux dans les documents d'urbanisme. 2005. DRIRE Ile-de-France, France.
The guide aims to provide policy makers with elements to consider the raw material resources and extractive activities in urban planning.
Aménagement écologique des carrières en eaux. Guide pratique. Dasnias, P (Écosphère). 2002. Charte UNPG, Paris.
The objective of the guide is to provide technical assistance and to describe the ecological bases for the ecological recovery of quarries in alluvial environments and on rocky areas, which offer opportunities for the creation of wetlands.
Gestión de residuos en explotaciones mineras. 2008. ANEFA – Asociación Nacional de Empresarios Fabricantes de Áridos (Luaces, C. et al.). Gobierno de La Rioja.
This guide of good practices that can be carried out in this industry sector can help minimize the impacts on the environment of waste management in extraction sites, illustrated with real examples.
Buenas prácticas medioambientales en explotaciones mineras. 2008. ANEFA – Asociación Nacional de Empresarios Fabricantes de Áridos (Luaces, C. et al.). Gobierno de Aragón.
This guide provides some recommendations that may help in the restoration of open pit quarries, taking into account all variables necessary to ensure the success of the action.
Guia de bones pràctiques ambientals a les activitats extractives de Catalunya. 2008. Gremi d'Àrids de Catalunya.
This guide of good practices can help minimize the impacts of quarrying on the environment. The professional sector will find details on good practices that can be carried out in this industry sector, illustrated with real examples, as well as proposals for future actions to move forward on the path of sustainability.
Manual de Restauración de Explotaciones Mineras a Cielo Abierto de Aragón. 2007. ANEFA – Asociación Nacional de Empresarios Fabricantes de Áridos (Luaces, C. et al.). Gobierno de Aragón
This guide provides some recommendations that may help in the restoration of open pit quarries, taking into account all variables necessary to ensure the success of the action.
Explotaciones de áridos y medio ambiente. 2003. ANEFA – Asociación Nacional de Empresarios Fabricantes de Áridos (Luaces, C. et al.). 2003. Generalitat Valenciana.
The environmental good practices with real examples of application are a tool for the aggregates companies to achieve sustainable development objectives.
Guía de Buenas Prácticas Medioambientales en la Industria Extractiva Europea. Aplicación al Caso Español. 2002. Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas, Ministerio de Economía.
This guide reviews environmental practices developed by the extractive industry at the different stages of the extraction process. It also deals with maintenance and rehabilitation of affected zones.
Guidance for good environmental practice at prospecting in protected areas (Vägledning för god miljöpraxis vid prospektering i skyddade omraden). 2007. SveMin.
Guidance for mineral prospectors, but also for politicians and civil servants involved in permit-giving and monitoring of prospecting activities on the national, regional and municipality levels.
Natura 2000 in Sweden - manual with general guidelines / Natura 2000 i Sverige- handbook med alläna rad - Naturvardsverket Handbok. 2003. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).
General instructions and guidelines for practical implementation of the national legal framework related to the protection and management of Natura 2000.
Carrières de roches dures. Guide pour la planification des sites d’exploitation.2006. Editors: Office fédéral du développement territorial (ARE), Office fédéral de l'environnement (OFEV), Conférence suisse des aménagistes cantonaux (COSAC), Association suisse des carrières de roches dures (VSH). Commission géotechnique suisse (SGTK).
This guide is intended to hard rock exploitations and it addresses conflicts that may arise from such exploitations.
United Kingdom
A guide to minerals information in the central belt of Scotland. 2008. The British Geological Survey for the Scottish Government.
The guide focuses on mineral information within the central belt of Scotland.
The Appropriate Assessment of Spatial Plans in England: a guide to why, when and how to do it. 2007. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Sandy, United Kingdom.
The RSPB have prepared this guide to set out their view on: when AA is or is not required; what the AA should examine; the level of detail required; and how to use the results of the AA as a key part of the plan-making process.
Planning for the protection of European sites: Appropriate Assessment. Guidance for Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents. 2006. South, G. Department for Communities and local government.
This guide offers advice on how AA may be carried out as part of plan preparation and linked to the sustainability appraisal (SA) process. It is not a legal interpretation of the Habitats Directive.
Getting wetter for wildlife. Guidance on habitat restoration and creation by the Wetland HAP Steering Group.2005. English Nature.
The purpose of this guidance is to increase and improve the sum of wetland achievement in the UK.
Habitat creation handbook for the minerals industry. 2003. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).
The handbook provides best-practice advice for creating a wide range of different habitats.
Biodiversity and minerals – Extracting the benefits for wildlife. 1999. English Nature, Quarry Products Association and Silica & Moulding Sands Association. Published by Entec UK Ltd.
A guide to planning, operating, restoring and managing mineral sites for biodiversity. (
Guidelines for Management of Declared Rare Flora in Mineral Exploration and Mining. 2006. Department of Industry and Resources, Western Australia.
The guide details the management approach required by state legislation and regulation to ensure protection of rare flora.
Code of Practice for Exploration in Environmentally Sensitive Areas. 1995. The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia.
This Code of Practice is intended to promote responsible land-use practices during mineral exploration so as to minimize environmental impacts and preserve future land use opportunities.
Marine extractive activities
Guidelinesfor the establishment of theNatura 2000 network in the marine environment.Application of the Habitats and Birds Directives. 2007. EC
The guide aims to explain the relevant legal and technical concepts needed to underpin the establishment of Natura 2000 throughout the marine area of application of the (79/409/EEC) Birds and (92/43/EEC) Habitats Directives. It covers both the inshore and offshore marine environments.
Aggregate Site Restoration and Enhancement: A policy review. 2004. Bellew, S. andDrable, R (eds.). Prepared by Emu Ltd. on behalf of the British Marine Aggregates Producers Association, The Crown Estate and English Nature.
This document has been prepared with the aim of stimulating debate on thefeasibility and merits of undertaking restoration at marine aggregate dredging sites. Recommendations on approaches to the assessment of when, where and how to restore sites form a central theme of the document.
ICES Guidelines for the management of marine sediment extraction. Marine Habitat Committee. 2003. Report of the Working Group on the Effects of Extraction of Marine Sediments on the Marine Ecosystem, Annex 10.
Marine Mineral Guidance 1: Extraction by dredging from the English seabed. 2002. Department for Communities and Local Government, UK.
Marine Mineral Guidance 1 (MMG1) provides a statement of the Government's policies on the extraction of marine sand and gravel and other minerals from the English seabed.
Marine Monitoring Handbook. 2001. Edited by Jon Davies (senior editor), John Baxter, Martin Bradley, David Connor, Janet Khan, Eleanor Murray, William Sanderson, Caroline Turnbull and Malcolm Vincent. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, UK.
This handbook addresses the principles behind, and the procedures for, monitoring Annex I habitats, and selected Annex II species, within marine SACs in British waters to assess their condition in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Directive and the UK’s common standards for site monitoring.