Serving Norwood, Walpole, and Westwood650 Nichols Street

Norwood, Massachusetts 02062


781-769-9362 Fax

December 17, 2015

Dear Second Grade Families,

As I reflect on the year to come, I want you to know that I fully appreciate just how special this year is for your Second Grader. With Reconciliation and Communion on the horizon for your children, my hope is for these to be the beginning of a lifetime of openness to Jesus - his grace, peace, and ready forgiveness.

During the first few months of the coming year, we have many important activities scheduled. Here is a chronology of events:

January & February

January 10 / 9:30am / 2nd Grade Class Mass followed by parent and student programs.
*Sign-ups for First Eucharist*
Tuesday, Jan 19 / 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm / First Reconciliation rehearsal in the Church
Jan 24Jan30 / 1:00 pm or 2:30 pm / First Reconciliation, followed by reception in Hall
February28 / 9:30am / Mass followed by parent and student programs.
*Banner kits distributed, due April 7*


Mon, Tues, Thurs March 7, 8 & 10 / 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm in the Church / Stations of the Cross
NOTE: All Second Graders in Sunday classes are invited, with a grown-up, to attend any of these services. Weekday classes will attend as a class.
March 17 / Leave in RE Office / First Communion Prayer Wall pictures due##


Week of April 3 / During class / First Communion review and practice
April 7 / Leave in RE Office / Banner Kits due
April 9 / 4:30 pm / Mass followed by First Eucharist Supper (Catered dinner in Church Hall)
April 12 / 4:00 pm / First Eucharist song rehearsal

End of April/May

April 26 or April 27 / 4:00 pm or 5:00 pm / First Eucharist rehearsal:
4/26@ 4:00 pm for 5/1 @ 11:00 am
4/26 @ 5:00 pm for 5/1 @ 9:30 am
4/27 @ 4:00 pm for 4/30 @ 4:30 pm
4/27 @ 5:00 pm for 4/30 @ 10:30 am
April30 or May 1 / First Eucharist:
4/30 @ 10:30 am or
4/30 @ 4:30 pm or
5/1 @ 9:30 am or
5/1 @ 11:00 am

I am also including with this mailing a copy of “My Own Mass booklet”. With this, your child will be able to easily follow along with Mass each week. I hope that this will help your child become more familiar with Mass and as a result come to love and to appreciate the beauty of ourEucharistic celebrations.

I look forward to continuing to work with you and with your children. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or suggestions, with the above information or with anything, please either stop by the office to see me, call me, or email me (). I am happy to hear from you!

God Bless,

Kathy MacKenzie


##St. Timothy’s traditionally dedicates a wall in the Church Hall for our First Communion Prayer Wall. For this, a picture of your child is displayed along with his/her first name. Parishioners are then invited to sign our First Communion Prayer wall as a promise to pray for your son or daughter as they prepare for their First Communion. If you would like, please send a photo of your child (a candid or a school picture (3x5) works well) to the Religious Ed Office by Thursday, March 17. If you prefer not to include a picture, I will supply a generic clip-art picture of a boy or girl making First Communion above your child's first name.

Important First Penance Information

First Penance rehearsal is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19 at 4:30pm in the Church. Each child must be accompanied by an adult.

Below is the date you chose for First Penance. Please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the service. There will be a small reception in the Church Hall following the service.

Child's Name: ______

First Reconciliation date/time

Sunday, January 24 at 1:00 pm____

Sunday, January 24 at 2:30 pm____

Saturday, January30at 1:00 pm____

Saturday, January30 at 2:30 pm____

Please verify that the spelling of your child's name provided above is correct. If not, please let me know.

As always, please call or email me with any questions.

Peace and God Bless,

Kathy MacKenzie
