St. Sebastian Parish Pastoral Council
Regular Meeting –26 May 2016
IN ATTENDANCE: Father John Valencheck, PastorTodd Dekatch, Chair
Candy Bates, Vice Chair Patricia Clark-Varga, Past Chair Cynthia Cook, Secretary Jim Dietrich, Member
Chris Montana, MemberBrandon Foster, Member
Kathy Dietrich, MemberChris Peters, Member
Bob Rybka, Member
EXCUSED:Members Rob Sveda, Katherine Leckrone
Call to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Council Chair, Todd DeKatch.
Opening Prayer: Brandon Foster
Pastor’s Report by Father Valencheck:
- Seminarians Mr. David Stavarz and Mr. Brian Petro will be living in the St. Sebastian rectory for the summer.
- The Diocese of Cleveland has recently recommended some changes to the Catechesis.
- We will be replacing the roofs on the Junior High School and on the preschool building.
- There will be a special Mass marking the Feast of Corpus Christi.
- People are starting to register to take home the special traveling Vocations Cross kit.
- The Saint Julie Billiart School of St. Sebastian Parish should be able to take possession of their building (the former Christ United Methodist Church) in late June or early July of this year.
- The Ohio State Department of Education has been cooperative and helpful with the establishment of the new school.
- Saturday is mulch Saturday around the parish grounds and everyone is encouraged to come and pitch in.
- Among the outdoor summer activities which will take place at the parish is the Jazz and Wine Festival.
- The Academy of Culture and the Arts is organizing an electric guitar camp.
- Lynn Frey-Steward is planning a Gregorian chant camp.
Old Business:
- The minutes from the April 28, 2016 meeting were approved by unanimous vote.
- The next Parish Council meeting will take place on June 30, 2016. Prior to the meeting a Welcome Dinner for the new Council members will take place beginning at 6 p.m..
- Father Valencheck encouraged Council members to continue considering ways to mark the 90th Anniversary of the parish.
- Candy Bates will ask Michelle Huber to attend a July or August meeting to discuss the Anniversary activities already underway.
Pulse of the Parish:
- A suggestion was made to highlight the stories of the stained glass windows in the church. Louise McNulty will be consulted about a possible item in the bulletin.
- Some parents at this year’s First Communion expressed concern that the religious education curriculum needs to present more in-depth information about the Catholic faith.
Commission Reports:
- Spiritual Life/Faith Formation:
***From Cathy Sivec, Director of Religious Education:
Faith Lodge - Father Valencheck and I are restructuring this ministry for next year and may consider doing a Theology on Tap program.
RCIA - Done for the summer, will resume in September
Baptism - The next class will be Monday July 11, 2016 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in Byrider Hall with Fr. Leonard.
First Reconciliation - Next year’s First Reconciliation date will be Saturday February 11, 2017 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in the church
First Communion - Next year’s First Communion Mass will be Saturday April 29, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in the church
Confirmation - We do not have a date from the Bishop’s office at this time.
We did plan out the rest of the Confirmation calendar. It was mailed home today to the PSR students and sent home in the day school 7th grade report cards
CLOW- CLOW is done for the summer. We plan to resume on September 11, 2016
PSR - Last day of PSR was May 22nd and we finished with May Crowning, Living Rosary and a Family Social in Z Hall. PSR will begin next year’s classes on Sunday September 11, 2016. The program will be moving in a different direction. More details to follow.
Young Adult Group - Just completed their first book and picking the next one for the group to read and discuss.
Youth Ministry -
*Steubenville High School Youth Conference is July 22-24
*VBS will be July 25-29 in Zwisler hall from 8:30-Noon
*Junior High Summer Camp will be August 1-5 for 7th and 8th graders
***From Melane Francis, PSR Director:
- PSR:
- Anne Anderson, our 4th Grade teacher has left the program.
- This year we had 120 students in the program and they completed 4 service projects.
- Applications and registration paperwork for the upcoming school year will be sent out to families in August.
- Spiritual Life:
- Bookrack:
- Several years ago, Edward Moore, a gentleman from Cuyahoga Falls, began donating free Divine Mercy leaflets to our parish, as well as to others in the area. This past March, he wrote to say that his health would no longer allow him to keep up this ministry. Pat sent him a thank you letter on behalf of the parish and had a Mass offered for his intentions here at St. Sebastian during the last week of March.
- Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites:
- The St. Sebastian group is planning to participate in a retreat to take place following Memorial Day.
- Parish Life:
- Archivist
- Mary and Ann Loftus hope to return to their parish archives work sometime in June. They would be happy to have a member of Parish Council visit the archives with them and show them the collection, including the photos.
- Social Justice:
- ....And Justice for All
- Several local parishes discussing USCCB’s “We are Salt and Light”
We Are Salt and website was created by US Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide ideas and resources as a catalyst for both the New Evangelization and the continuing development of vibrant communities living the Gospel in the United States. It is based on the US Bishops document “Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish” which offers a basic resource for pastors, parish leaders, and all Catholics seeking to strengthen the social ministry of their local community.
- Respect Life Committee:
- The Mother’s Day Carnation sale was a great success and the flowers were sold out!
- School:
- HASA - Ana Borges (President)
- Walk-a-thon earned over $16,000 and will cover all annual expenses.
- Last newsletter will go out the 2nd week of June.
*** The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday, June 30, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in the meeting room of Forest Lodge.