St. Scholastica Catholic Church


St. Scholastica Catholic Church Parent/Student Handbook

Philosophy/Mission Statement:

To quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2nd edition, #2223:

“Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children. They bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and disinterested service are the rule. The home is well suited for education in the virtues. This requires an apprenticeship in self-denial, sound judgment, and self-mastery - the preconditions of all true freedom. Parents should teach their children to subordinate the "material and instinctual dimensions to interior and spiritual ones."31 Parents have a grave responsibility to give good example to their children. By knowing how to acknowledge their own failings to their children, parents will be better able to guide and correct them… ”(part 3, sect. 2, ch. 2, art. 4.iii).

At St. Scholastica Parish, our Office of Faith Formation has one simple goal: to assist you, parents and guardians, in fulfilling your mission at home by striving to help your child/children grow in meaningful relationship with Christ, appreciate the richness of our Catholic tradition, understand the tenets, dogma and doctrines of our faith and develop the tools to live a faith-filled life of love in Christ and His Church. To this end, we ask that you, their parents and your child/children commit to the following policies of our parish faith formation covenant:

Fulfillment of promises made at child/children’s Baptism:

  • Parental teaching of the Catholic Faithand virtues to your child.
  • Attendance at Mass:

Regular attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.

  • Monthly family reception of the Sacrament of Penance (Confession)
  • Daily Family Prayer.
  • Family Religious Practices, e.g. Advent Candle, Lenten Sacrifices as a family, Bible reading, Rosary, Stations of the Cross, collection of feed, money, toys or clothes for the poor, grace before meals and prayer after meals, prayer table in the home, Crucifix and holy pictures on the wall, statues of family saints, sacrifice watching TV, etc.

Practice Parish Stewardship:

  • Share your family’s time, talent and treasure. Parish involvement in one or more ministries is strongly encouraged.

Student Admission Policies and Eligibility:

  • Age:K through 12th grade. Kindergarten students must be 5 years of age by September 1st. It is favorable that students be placed in the same grade that he or she attends in school.
  • Registration: In order to register in our CCD program, parents or guardians must be registered parishioners of St. Scholastica Parish.
  • Baptismal Certificates: All students preparing for Sacraments must provide our office with a copy of their Baptismal Certificate for our records. Students will not be officially enrolled in class until this document is on file in the Religious Education Office. We will make a copy for you upon request.
  • Fee Schedule: The fee for 1 child attending is $35.00. Two children is $60.00, three children is $85.00, if paid by August 14th. After August 15th, the fee is an additional $10.00.
  • Additional Fees for Sacraments: First Communion is $25.00 and Confirmation is $45.00 (includes Confirmation Retreat Day in Tampa).
  • Pope John Paul II Catholic School Fees: First Communion is $20.00 and Confirmation is $45.00 (includes Confirmation Retreat Day in Tampa).

Sacramental Requirements:

  • First Reconciliation/First Eucharist: To be eligible to receive these sacraments, children must have been baptized, be in at least 2nd grade and have completed one full year of religious instruction in a Religious education Program, with good attendance. First Reconciliation takes place in February and First Holy Eucharist takes place in May.
  • Confirmation:

To receive Confirmation, students must be at least in the 8th grade and have received Baptism and First holy Eucharist. They must have completed at least 2 years of a Religious Education program immediately prior to the Confirmation year. A Confirmation Retreat is a requirement for Confirmation. Our Confirmation retreat date will be announced and/or posted on our CCD Calendar.Twenty four (24) service hours are also a requirement for Confirmation. The Bishop or his delegated representative usually administers Confirmation in April or May.

Program Policies:

It is our desire to follow the public school calendar, so families may take vacations accordingly. CCD begins on the first Monday after Labor Day in September. For the 2012-2013 school year classes willbegin on Monday, September 10th.The last scheduled classfor CCD is around the third weekend in May. Children are expected to attend CCDon aregular basis. Certainly absences are expected and are excused, if a reasonable effort is made to make up the missed work. We understand that in situations like shared custody; a student may miss as many as every other weekend. In cases like these, arrangements should be made with the teacher to take the following weekend’s assignment home. We will do everything in our power to assist you in helping your children to learn as much as they can about their Catholic faith.

Especially during the years of sacramental preparation, parent involvement is required. For First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, parents are expected to attend 2 meetings throughout the CCD year. The meetings are designed to assist parents in helping their children to understand the Mass and to help them learn the required prayers to be memorized. The meetings also are informational regarding the dates, times and requirements for reception of each of these sacraments. For Confirmation, there are 3 scheduled parent meetings. We also ask for parent involvement in the 1 day retreat that takes place several weeks prior to Confirmation.

Records are kept in the parish office that include the information you supply to us on the annual registration forms, attendance records, written records regarding discipline problems and records for dates and locations of reception of sacraments. These records are confidential. Parents, especially when moving to a different parish, can request copies of their children’s records. In cases involving non-custodial parents, this parish abides by the provisions of the Buckley Amendment. In the absence of a court order to the contrary, we will provide the non-custodial parent with unofficial copies of records. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the catechetical leader with an unofficial copy of the court order. One of the requirements for reception of a sacrament is a court certified copy of the custody section of the divorce decree.

Classroom Attendance:

Students will be allowed a total of five (5) absences for the duration of the program. Upon the sixth absence, a student will not be recommended for promotion to the next grade level, or in the case of 2nd grade or 8th grade will not be conferred for the current year and the child will be re-enrolled in grade 2 or 8 for the next year. Five absences denote that 25% of all classes and activities have been missed. Students preparing for sacraments will be required to make up all work missed.

After three absences, a conference may be requested with the parent (s), and the program administrators regarding absenteeism and effects upon the student’s progress. At this time, a recommendation may be made based upon the individual family circumstances.

Classes begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Students not in class when it begins will be marked tardy. Three late entries into class will count for one absence. It is a courtesy to fellow classmates that everyone arrive ready to begin class on time.


Photographs of (a) student (s) will not be taken or displayed unless permission has been granted on our consent and waiver form filled out during registration.


We strive to keep communication open between catechists and parents. If there is a problem, that a catechist or parent needs to discuss, every effort will be made to schedule an appointment at a convenient time for both parties. In the unlikely event that a solution cannot be arrived at; appointments may be made with the Director of Religious Education, by calling the parish office.

Behavioral Expectations:

  • Discipline: Every effort is made to instill the love of God in our children during class. Volunteer catechists will handle routine classroom discipline problems involving unruly behavior. Situations beyond their control will be handled by the DRE.
  • Catechists: We are very fortunate to have such a talented staff giving their time, talent, and love to our young people. Teaching takes hours of planning, studying, training, and implementing. They have entered into a partnership with you, their parents to develop their children’s faith formation. They need your support and prayers.

Off-Site Activities:

Sometimes, activities are planned that will take place at a location other than at St. Scholastica Church. In such cases, in order for your child to participate in the activity, parents or legal guardians must sign permission slips. This is a method of protection for you, your child, our parish and the Diocese. A samplepermission form is provided at the end of this document.

Health and Safety Issues:

Our Catechists, Youth Ministers and aides are instructed yearly in the Diocesan provided “SAFE ENVIRONMENT” training and in “HARASSMENT” Policies. These policies are included at the end of this manual. Both of these training programs are designed for the protection of our youth and volunteers.

In the unlikely event of a fire, evacuation routes are posted in all of the classroom pods. In the event of a tornado or other weather issue, appropriate emergency action will be taken. The teachers and aides have all been instructedin proper evacuation and emergency procedures. In case of any emergency involving your child/children, you will be notified as soon as possible. We will check emergency contact phone numbers on the registration forms, so please be sure that they are accurate.

Use of Grounds and Facilities:

CCD begins promptly at 6:30 pm and ends at 7:45 pm. We appreciate your cooperation and help in this area. We will never leave a child unattended on the grounds, so that should an emergency arise and you are late, an adult will stay with your child/children at all times.

Hurricane Plan/Program Cancellation:

Should a tornado watch or warning, tropical storm or hurricane watch or warning be issued for our area, Faith Formation Classes will be cancelled. It will be considered the responsibility of the parents to seek out this information. You will receive an e-mail from the Director of Faith Formation as soon as the decision to cancel the Faith Formation classes is decided. The decision to cancel classes will be based on the Citrus County School System’s decision to cancel public school classes. Because the decision to cancel classes will be made in advance, it is important to remember that the decision to close will stand firm, regardless of how beautiful the weather may turn out to be. It’s better to err on the side of caution than to create confusion or subsequent regret.

Right to Amend:

Because situations may arise that are not covered by this Handbook, we retain the right to amend this handbook for just cause only. We will inform you promptly of any changes that are made.

Agreements Signed by Parents and Students:

For everyone’s protection, we ask that you and child/children sign the enclosed statement agreeing to be governed by this handbook.

Harassment Policy for Non-Employment Situations in Schools/Centers, Parish Religious Education and Parish Youth Ministry Programs of the Diocese of St. Petersburg.


The Diocese of St. Petersburg requires that each parish, Catholic school or early childhood center establish and adopt this policy that prohibits any form of harassment by any individual. The Diocese of St. Petersburg strives for the establishment of a Christian, professional and supportive educational environment for all persons engaged in or involved with religious education programs, schools and early childhood centers, and parish youth ministry programs in non-employment situations. No parish, school, or early childhood center will be responsible for off campus harassment, unless it occurs at a parish, school, or early childhood center-sponsored event.

Purpose of the Policy:

This policy intends

  • That each individual is free from physical, psychological or verbal intimidation and harassment in the schools, early childhood centers, religious education and youth ministry settings.
  • That each individual involved in schools, early childhood centers, religious education and youth ministry programs maintain and further develop attitudes and behaviors which express respect for others and are reflective of each person’s God-given dignity.
  • To encourage a heightened sensitivity toward behaviors that others may find offensive and intimidating, whether these behaviors refer to race, religion, color, gender, sexualorientation, national origin, age, marital status, familial status, veteran status or disability.

This policy is not intended to otherwise limit the expectation of staff, children, students, and volunteers to engage fully in the traditions of teaching, celebrating, participating in and being formed by the Catholic faith, including but not limited to curriculum, catechesis, the Sacraments, other liturgies, worship services and ministries.

Explanation of Harassment:

Harassment can result from a single incident or from a pattern of behavior involving verbal, written or physical conduct or communication.

Harassment encompasses a broad range of behaviors, which could include, but are not limited to:

  1. Physical, mental or verbal abuse.
  2. Insults, jokes, or derogatory slurs based on one or more of an individual’s protected status(es)
  3. Unwelcome sexual advances or toughing.
  4. Implicit or explicit requests for sexual favors.
  5. Unwanted sexual comments (serious or humorous)
  6. Unwanted sexually suggestive telephone calls, letters, e-mail, etc.
  7. Comments or jokes based on issues of modesty and developing social awareness.
  8. Unwanted forced involvement in activities (e.g., physical, religious, etc.)
  9. Coercion of religious styles or personal beliefs upon a participant.
  10. Intimidation in front of a group or forced personal sharing in groups.
  11. Inappropriate media or music use which would violate this policy.


The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected to the extent possible, but will be consistent with legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.

Policy of the Diocese of St. Petersburg for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults


The Diocese of St. Petersburg is committed to the well being of those served by the Church. The People of God have a right to be able to trust those who minister to them in God’s name. The violation of this trust through any sexual abuse by Church Personnel is a source of great pain, for those involved and for the entire Church community. The Diocese published its first policy for the protection of children and youth on June 10, 1991, which required both employees and volunteers, who work with children and youth in any parish or Catholic School program to complete written employment applications for service with accompanying references. The following year on April 15, 1992, the diocese required background screening and fingerprinting of all employees who have the care, responsibility, and or supervision of children and youth.

In July of 1997, the Province of Miami required all dioceses to add vulnerable adults to the protected classes of children and young people. Background screening, reference checking, fingerprinting, and written employment and volunteer applications were now required of those wishing access to children, young people, and vulnerable adults. In June of 2002, the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) adopted the Charter for the Protection of Children and YoungPeople (Charter), which required background screening and Safe Environment Program training for all who may have the care, responsibility, and or supervision of children and young people. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) obtained recognition for the Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Policies dealing with allegations of sexual abuse of minors by priests or deacons in November of 2002. The Diocese of St. Petersburg revised its policy to comply with the Charter and the Essential Norms during December of 2002. The diocese publishes this revision of its current policy in response to a revision of the Charter in 2005 and as part of a continuing commitment to its gospel and pastoral responsibilities. This revised policy in combination with procedures and guidelines provides for the implementation and enforcement of a safe environment for our children, youth, and vulnerable adults.


  1. Policy to Protect. The Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg will make every reasonable effort to prevent sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults, and to respond promptly to all allegations of abuse where there is a reasonable belief that abuse has occurred. As such, the Diocese of St. Petersburg will comply with all obligations of civil and canon law and will promote healing where it is needed, provide education, training and guidance when it is appropriate, and endeavor to prevent any sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults with firm justice and mercy towards all. No person, including clergy, who has been determined to have engaged in sexual abuse of a minor or vulnerable adult, will be allowed to remain in active ministry. Such actions violate Christian principles and are outside the scope of duties and employment of all church personnel. The diocese will not tolerate such behavior. This policy applies to all diocesan entities to include parishes, schools, early childhood centers, contractors and vendors and associated activities within the diocese.

Care will always be taken to protect the rights of all parties involved, particularly those of the person claiming to have been sexually abused and the person against whom the charge has been made. When the accusation has been proved to be unfounded, every reasonable step will be taken to restore the good name of the person falsely accused.