St. Petersburg College



MAC 1140 Section # 4683
Online Instruction
0540 Spring 2018

View How to be a Successful Student (Syllabus Addendum)whichprovides details about success factors and links to the most current version of fluid information, such as the academic calendar.

This course is designed to introduce you to concepts that will help you prepare for Calculus. You will be introduced to these topics using a computer package called MyMathLab.


Name:Jennifer MacQuarrie



Instructor Web Page:



Name:Mr. Jimmy Chang

Office Location:St. Petersburg/Gibbs Campus, SA215B

Office Phone Number:727-341-4305



Name:Lisa Borzewski

Office Location:Seminole Campus UP 337B

Office Phone Number: 727-394-6170



Mathematics Department:


Course Description: This course is intended for students whose major requires the completion of some or all of the calculus sequence. Major topics include: polynomial, rational and other algebraic functions, their properties and graphs; polynomial and rational inequalities; exponential and logarithmic functions, their properties and graphs; piecewise-defined functions; conic sections; matrices and determinants; sequences and series; mathematical induction; binomial theorem and applications.

Course Goals & Objectives

1. The student will evaluate various types of mathematic functions by:

a)Determining the properties and graphs of polynomial functions.

b)Determining the properties and graphs of rational functions.

c)Determining the properties and graphs of exponential functions.

d)Determining the properties and graphs of logarithmic functions

e)Graphing piecewise-defined functions.

2. The student will apply the properties of conic sections by:

a)Graphing circles.

b)Graphing an ellipse.

c)Graphing a hyperbola.

d)Graphing a parabola.

3. The student will apply critical thinking and problem solving strategies by:

a)Solving and graphing polynomial and rational equations and inequalities

b)Solving systems of equations using matrices and determinants.

c)Determining specific terms of arithmetic and geometric sequences and sums of series.

d)Using mathematical induction to prove a given statement

e)Using the binomial theorem to expand binomials

f)Solving application problems that involve solving a system of equations

g)Solving application problems that involve exponential and logarithmic growth and decay.

Prerequisites:MAC 1105 or appropriate score on mathematics placement test or program administrator approval. May be taken concurrently with MAC 1114.

Availability of Course Content:All course materialswill be available at the beginning of the course. Students can work ahead.


Required Textbook:MyMathLab Access Code (Pearson Higher Education)


IMPORTANT: Students MUST purchase the access code with the ISBN listed above. Other access codes will NOT work. This access code includes access to the etext.

You DO NOT need to purchase any additional publisher material for the course.

OPTIONAL PRINTED TEXTBOOK:Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, 7th Edition, Sullivan & Sullivan (Pearson Higher Education)


Calculator:TI-83 or TI-84 plus is strongly recommended. The TI-86, 89, INSPIRE and TI-92 are NOT PERMITTED.

View theTextbooks site.

View theLibraries site.


View Free Tutoringsite.

View theAccessibility Services site.

View theAcademic Support site.

View theOn-Campus and Online Support site.

View theStudent Services site.


Course Dates:View the Academic Calendar.

Drop Date:View the Academic Calendar.

Withdrawal Date:View the Academic Calendar.

Financial Aid Dates: View the Financial Aid Dates.


View the college-wide attendance policyincluded in How to be a Successful Student.

The policy notes that each instructor is to exercise professional judgment and define “active participation” in class (and therefore “attendance”), and publish that definition in each syllabus.

For this class, attendance is defined as logging into the MyCourses course at least twice each week and completing assignments on time. Students who have NOT completed ALL assignments by their respective due dates will be classified as not actively participating and may be dropped from the class.


Each student course grade will be determined on the following basis:

  • Homework (Practice): 10%
  • Quizzes: 15%
  • Unit Tests: 15%
  • Proctored Midterm Exam: 30%
  • Proctored Final Exam: 30%

A:90-100%B:80-89%C:70-79%D:60-69%F:0- 59%

ASSIGNMENTS:Please view the weekly schedule in the Begin Here module which lists the due dates for each assignment

Homework (Practice) Assignments 10% of final grade:

Each Section contains Homework Assignments that MUST be completed by the due date. Failure to complete the Homework assignment by the due date will result in a 0% for that assignment (No Exceptions). You may use your book and your notes while working on the Homework. If you have difficulty with a problem, there are several tools available for each problem (Help Me Solve This, Video and Textbook). You are only allowed 3 attempts per problem. You are also encouraged to seek help from your professor and/or one of the tutoring resources that are available.

Quizzes 15% of final grade:

There are quizzes that cover a number of Homework (Practice) sections that MUST be completed by the due date. These quizzes are timed. Students not completing the quiz by the due date will receive a zero (0). You may take the quizzes a maximum of 2 times. Your highest score will be recorded.

Unit Tests 15% of final grade:

Students will be taking four (4) online Unit tests according to the Class Schedule. These tests (1 attempt) can be found in MyMathLab. Students MUST receive the appropriate score (70%) on the Review for that Test prior to being permitted to take the test. It is your responsibility to complete those tests by the deadline designated by your instructor (please refer to the Class Schedule). A student missing the test deadline for ANY reason will receive a zero for that test. No make-up tests, no exceptions! Each Unit Test is timed.

Proctored Midterm Exam 30% of final grade:

Only if all MML lessons (Homework and Quizzes) assigned to date in the online curriculum and the Unit Tests are completed will you be allowed to sit for the Midterm Exam. For all students, the Midterm Exam must be taken by the scheduled date according to the Class Schedule. This exam is timed and MUST be proctored (supervised) at an educational facility near you or through PROCTORU. If you are taking the exam on one of SPC’s campuses, you MUST make a reservation ( A student missing the exam deadline for ANY reason will receive a zero for the exam. No make-up exams, no exceptions! All Accessibility Service’s students must provide appropriate documentation if they need special arrangements for testing and must make arrangements for their testing. The Midterm Review, located in MYCOURSES, should be taken a minimum of 2 times. Your score on the Midterm Review should be at least an 80% in order to maximum your opportunity for success on the Midterm Exam.

Proctored (Cumulative) Final Exam 30% of final grade:

The Final Exam is Cumulative (covers Modules 1 – 5). Only if all MML lessons (Homework and Quizzes) assigned to date in the online curriculum and the Unit Tests are completed will you be allowed to sit for the Final Exam. For all students, the Final Exam must be taken by the scheduled date according to the Class Schedule. This exam is timed and MUST be proctored (supervised) at an educational facility near you or through PROCTORU. If you are taking the exam on one of SPC’s campuses, you MUST make a reservation ( A student missing the exam deadline for ANY reason will receive a zero for the exam. No make-up exams, no exceptions! All Accessibility Service’s students must provide appropriate documentation if they need special arrangements for testing and must make arrangements for their testing. The Final Exam Review, located in MYCOURSES, should be taken a minimum of 2 times. Your score on the Final Exam Review should be at least an 80% in order to maximum your opportunity for success on the Final Exam.


What is expected of every student?

  • Thoroughly read the syllabus and abide by the contents of the syllabus.
  • Act in a civil and respectable manner in addressing classmates, faculty and staff.
  • Log into MyCourses at least 3 times per week.
  • Take an active role in each course, participating fully in class discussions by posting to the discussion board on a weekly basis.
  • Read and respond in an appropriate manner to all faculty emails and class discussion.
  • Be responsible for raising any questions or seeking clarification about all course materials and assignments.
  • Submit assignments on time and complete assessments by the posted dates.
  • Have constant access to a computer and the internet.
  • Immediately seek assistance with assignments and all technical issues.
  • Complete the Student Survey of Instruction.
  • Become familiar with the College’s Academic Honesty Policy.
  • Understand that failure to comply with the Academic Honesty Policy may result in disciplinary action.

What can students expect from their professor?

  • The professor will establish and maintain, with your involvement and help, a safe, comfortable learning environment in which your opinions and thoughts are valued.
  • The professor will make meaningful assignments designed to broaden your knowledge and help improve your ability to problem solve utilizing the critical thinking skills developed in the study of Mathematics.
  • The professor will respond to all emails within a 48 hour period during the normal business week (M – F).
  • The professor will post grades in a timely manner.


SPC has outlined expectations for student behavior and interaction for online discussions, email, and other forms of communication.View the Student Expectationsin How to be a Successful Student.


View the Academic Honesty Policy.


Copyrighted material within this course, or posted on this course website, is used in compliance with United States Copyright Law. Under that law you may use the material for educational purposes related to the learning outcomes of this course. You may not further download, copy, alter, or distribute the material unless in accordance with copyright law or with permission of the copyright holder. For more information on copyright visit:


The Student Survey of Instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.



View the MyCourses Minimum Technology Requirements.

Minimum Technical Skills:Students should know how to navigate the course and use the course tools (email, discussion, gradebook, etc.). Students also MUST become proficient with MyMathLab and the tools contained within the program.

MyCourses tutorials are available to students new to this LMS and are located at the beginning of the course. Most features on MyCourses are accessible on mobile devices, although it is recommended that you use a computer for quizzes, tests, and essay assignments.


  • MyCourses (Brightspace by Desire2Learn) Accessibility
  • Google (YouTube) Accessibility


  • MyCourses (Brightspace by Desire2Learn) Privacy
  • Turnitin Privacy
  • YouTube Privacy
  • Minitab


Technical support is available via the Technical Support Desk.

MyMathLab Technical Support:


The St. Petersburg College website at is the official source of college information regarding the status of the institution. Other important information will be communicated via SPC Alert, local media outlets, and the college toll-free phone number 866-822-3978. All decisions concerning the discontinuation of college functions, cancellation of classes, or cessation of operations rest with the President or his/her designee. The College realizes that it is possible for a significant natural disaster to compromise SPC campus facilities sufficiently to disrupt the delivery of classes on campus/campuses for an extended period of time, and is planning ways our operations can continue following such an emergency.

So, in the event that a hurricane or other natural disaster causes significant damage to St. Petersburg College facilities, you may be provided the opportunity to complete your course work online. Following the event, please visit the college website for an announcement of the College's plan to resume operations.

Further, in the event of such a disaster, the instructor will continue using the Learning Management System (LMS) of MyCourses for continuation of all required learning and instructional activities in this course, including the issuing of graded online assignments and expectation of student completion of those graded assignments.

Therefore, in order to keep up with all activities in this course during and after a natural disaster, please plan to continue this course by maintaining online access to MyCourses in lieu of meeting in a classroom—possibly through duration of the course’s regularly scheduled end date. We will finish this course in MyCourses, as directed by your instructor online, and your instructor will use all graded assignments—both online and formerly on-campus—to assess and issue your final letter grade for this course, as normally planned, despite occurrence of the natural disaster.
