St. Petersburg College- Clearwater Campus

SPC 1017- Introduction to Speech Communication Fall 2012

Class Time: 7:00-9:40pm

Instructor: Lisette Bellizzi

Messages: 813.784.8668


Office hours: 6:00-7:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday

Location: First floor of the Library

Required Text: Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth & Harter. (2011). Human Communication 4th Edition, McGraw Hill

ISBN #: 978-0-07-34068-0

Course Description and Prerequisite:

·  Focuses on the basic methods of speech presentation and critical listening. Also, there is a strong focus on research and developing critical thinking skills. Special attention to presentation and practice. Meets speech component of General Education Communication Requirements. The prerequisites to this course are college level reading and writing. This is a 3 credit hour course.

Student Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, the student will be able:

  1. Use both verbal and non-verbal elements in successful speech delivery.
  2. Research and organize oral presentations on topics of your choice. You will also adapt presentations to the parameters of the assignment and the expectations of the audience in informative, persuasive, and other types of presentations.
  3. Learn theories of effective persuasion and demonstrate understanding of those theories in a persuasive presentation.
  4. Understand and apply ethical practices in both research and actual presentations.
  5. Become an effective listener, identifying rhetorical patterns and critically evaluating quality of content and delivery techniques.
  6. Learn principles of effective group communication through exercises and presentations.
  7. Incorporate twenty-first century technology, including visual aids and multi-media, in your presentations.
  8. Meet the Gordon Rule requirement for writing.

Speech Descriptions: There are 4 formal speeches to be presented in this course: The introductory, informative, persuasive and special occasion. You will have other speaking exercises to prepare you to do well on these speeches. The persuasive and informative speeches must be researched with 4-6 legitimate sources and you must provide a bibliography in MLA format.

Attendance Policy and Academic Dishonesty Policy: Although there is no formal attendance policy for the course, you are not allowed to make up work that you have missed.

Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Improving your public speaking skills requires practice. If you do not attend, you will miss the full benefit of practice and the verbal exchange of ideas that happen in class. It is especially important not miss class on a scheduled speech day or on an activity day. An absence on a speech day may result in a grade reduction of 1 letter grade on your speech; furthermore, there may not be an opportunity to make up the missed speech, which can result in a grade of 0 points. A medical emergency is the only excusable absence and proof of the medical emergency must be provided.

BE ON-TIME! Classes will meet for the full time allotted during each meeting. You may not leave after presenting your speech. Please read the Student Handbook section: Academic Dishonest Policy. This applies to this classroom and in short, a grade of “F” may be issued for Plagiarism or Cheating.

Class “maintenance:”

In facilitating our meetings, I may need to cut a discussion short due to time constraint.

You will hear differing opinions in this class. Respect the diversity.

Turn your cell phones on silent or off. Do not text-message during class.

Gordon Rule:

Please see the 2010-2011 SPC College Catalogue for a full explanation of the state requirement known as the “Gordon Rule” in full detail. The Gordon Rule will be met in this class by writing a research paper.

Request for Accommodation:

Any student whose disability falls within the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and requires accommodations should contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities located in SS110. You may also reach the office by phone at (727) 791-2710.


Please respect all of your classmates and the diverse environment in which we work and live. You opinions may differ but respect and is of the upmost importance.

Testing Policy: Tests or quizzes in this course may include, but are not limited to, true and false, multiple choice, essay, matching and application of theory. If you miss a midterm test you may take a “makeup” at a 10% reduction in credit, at a time established with the instructor. The consequences of cheating or plagiarism are the receipt of a grade of “F”. NO MAKE UPS FOR MISSED QUIZZES.

Grading: (There may be other activities and assignments throughout the course that contribute to the final grade make-up.) Be advised that each and every assignment listed below may not be required. Some are options to be assigned at instructor discretion. Any late work will be at 10% penalty per day.

·  Participation and Attendance 10 pts

·  Introduction Speech 10 pts

·  Informative Speech 15 pts

·  Informative Outline 10 pts

·  Persuasive Speech 20 pts

·  Persuasive Outline 10 pts

·  Special Occasion Speech 10 pts

·  Final Exam 15 pts

Voluntary Extra Credit!!! Please ask or see me. Up to 10 pts


Grading Continued: Definition:

100%-90% A Exceptional Performance in All Rated Areas

89%-80% B Better Than Average in Most Rated Areas

79%-70% C Meets Expectations

69%-60% D Below Average Performance

Below 60% F

note: a grade of FX (goes on Record as “F” ) will be awarded if the student stops attending without formal drop paperwork being filed. A grade of W is issued when the student formally withdraws from the class through processes established by the college.

A grade of Incomplete, or “I”, can only be awarded when:

1.  Requested by the student

2.  Approved by the instructor

3.  Confirmed by the Academic Dean

“I” grades are very unusual and will only be given when Unforeseen Circumstances occur. Further discussion of an incomplete grade will be on individual basis.

Competency / Rating of 1—Needs Improvement / Rating of 2—Meets Expectation / Rating of 3—Solid + all of 2 / Rating of 4—Exceptional Performance + 2 and 3
Vocal / Monotone, too loud or too soft, slang, / Good vocabulary, proper volume, tone, no slang / Noticeable inflection, articulate and intellectual development of topic. / Exceptional tone, volume, articulation, vocabulary and structure exceptional.
Presentation / Simply reads aloud. Not ready on the day assigned. Too short or too long. / Stands behind podium, mostly conversational. Demonstrates reasonable directness. Is prepared on the day assigned. / Appropriate movement, style, visual aids and more vivid / Advanced movement and style and conversational in tone. Attention to mood and manner and thinking and feeling. Creative Intro and Conclusion
Speech Content / Known information, nothing “new”. No stimulation for audience. / Evidence of research and adequate support material. Good grammar. / Well researched and solid documentation / Well researched, various sources challenging, new. Makes a genuine contribution to critical thinking.
Organization / Late, limited effectiveness in outline, No thesis statement / Well outlined, clear purpose, and easy main points / Main points, strong thesis, parallel structure, transition / High level of organization and creative transition

Instructional Methods: Methods of instruction in this course include but are not limited to, Service Learning, use of Campus Cruiser, lecture, participation, electronic communication, electronic research, group work, essay and outline writing, guest speakers, video analysis, text book and otherwise authorized required readings if chosen by instructor.

Final Grades: Final grades will not be given over the phone or via email but are available online through Angel after December 21, 2012.

Syllabus Revised 8/2012.