Baytown Township – Meeting Minutes – July 7 2014
Board of Supervisors Meeting – July 7, 2014
Chairman Kent Grandlienard called the July 7, 2014, Supervisor’s Meeting to order at 7:00 pm, Baytown Community Building, 4020 McDonald Dr. N., Baytown. Members present: Kent Grandlienard, Ron Fredkove, John Fellegy, John Hall, and Mike Amundson. Also present Dave Magnuson, Attorney, Marsha Olson, Treasurer, and Connie Fredkove, Town Clerk.
Approval of Minutes and payment of bills
Ron Fredkove moved to approve the June 2, 2014 minutes as published seconded by John Fellegy. All in favor, motion passed.
John Fellegy moved to pay the June 2014 bills and accept the deposits as read, seconded by John Hall. All in favor, motion passed.
Mike Amundson moved to close the St. Croix Prep. Fund seconded by John Fellegy. All in favor, motion passed.
Resolution 08-2014 – Gambling License for Bayport Legion – Washington County Fair
Mike Amundson moved to approve Resolution 08-2014 application made by American Legion Post 491 Bayport for a Gambling License to conduct pull-tab activities for July 30-August 3, 2014 at the Washington County Fairgrounds, seconded by Ron Fredkove. All in favor motion passed.
Resolution 09-2014 – Morning Dove Court North name change
Ron Fredkove moved to approve Resolution 09-2014 “that the street shown on the Plat of Baytown Estates as Morning Dove Avenue Court North is hereby changed to Morning Dove Court North, seconded by Mike Amundson. All in favor, motion passed.
The town clerk will prepare a certified copy of the resolution and file it with the County Recorder of Washington County and proved a copy of the resolution with proof of filing to the proper officials of Washington County.
Manning Ave Project
Mike Amundson - Washington County will be revisiting the Manning Ave Project and will be working directly with the residents. A possible public meeting will be held in September, 2014. The project is a benefit for Baytown township.
Osgood Ave update – Dave Magnuson
Ron Fredkove and Mike Amundson met with the Gorecki’s and Jim Studenski. Mr. Studenski filed the following report: “Mr. Gorecki was at the meeting and is requesting changes to the road alignment. Information has been send to MSCWMO to confirm if we can eliminate portions of the ditches. This will reduce the grading impacts and eliminate the need for temporary easement”. John Fellegy will follow up with the MSCWMO at their monthly meeting on July 10, 2014.
Discussion was held about the road dedication. Slop work on the east side of the road is a problem. We have to wait until we hear from Mr. Studenski and the MSCWMO.
Supervisor reports/announcement
Ron Fredkove – Trees have been removed on Osgood Ave. Junker Tree Service did the work.
John Fellegy – Regular monthly meeting will be this week, July 10, 2014.
Kent Grandlienard – A letter was sent to Mr. Dale Curtis, concerning the water from the storm. St. Croix Prep. have been approached to build an aquatic center by a private party.
Mike Amundson – Ten days ago completed the seal coating approx. $35,000.00. Spray patching is being done on Northbrook. The Culvert issue on Northbrook hasn’t been taken care. Future expansion of 30th, will be in the works before 2017.
John Hall – reviewed the insurance documents for the township. He recommended that the policy should be on an occurrence, not a claims made program. Country Insurance has been our company since the building was built, John will call our agent.
New Business
Mike Amundson moved to hire Diane Meitz at $13.00 per hour, Deputy Clerk, hours to be determined by Clerk, seconded by John Hall. All in favor, motion passed.
Old Business
Baytown Building Permit Discussion
John and Ron spent sometime getting information from other townships. A revised contact was presented by Dave Magnuson with updated Permit Fee Distribution (exhibit a).
Ron Fredkove moved to approve a new exhibit to the current Agreement for Building Inspection Services. as follow:
Permit Fee DistributionFees will be as set forth in the Uniform Building Code 1997 Edition.
Permit Valuation / Township / Valley Inspection / State of
Services / MN
Reroofing, Residing, Windows, HVAC / $25.00 / $75 / $5.00
existing buildings - Permit $105.00
$150,000 / 35% / 65%
More than $150,000 / 65% / 35%
effective immediately July 7, 2014, seconded by Mike Amundson. All in favor, motion passed.
Ron Fredkove moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mike Amundson. All in favor, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Submitted by
Connie Fredkove
Connie Fredkove
Baytown Township Clerk
Next Meeting:
Board of Supervisors Meeting – August 4, 2014 – 7:00 PM
Primary Election – August 12, 2014 – 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM