St Nicholas Church: Equipping God's people to care for His creation

Prayers – February 2017

“For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In this hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.” (Psalm 95:3-5)

Please thank God that: In November the UK became the 111th country to ratify theParis climate agreement, which aims to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change by cutting carbon emissions

Please pray for the following:

Our church

1.  Creation Care Lunch: that a speaker will be found for this year’s lunch who will inspire and encourage us in caring for God’s creation.

2.  Land: together with the Fabric and Furnishing Committee the Creation Care Committee is addressing the enhancement of the amenity and ecological potential of the New Churchyard.

3.  Eco Church: designed to encourage churches to express their care for God’s world in their worship and teaching; in how they look after their buildings and land; in how they engage with their local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of their congregation. An application for an award will be made shortly.

Diocese and beyond

1.  Diocesan Policy: discussion by the Bishop’s Council of the Motion of the Sevenoaks Deanery Synod calling on the Rochester Diocese to explain its environmental strategy.

2.  Bishop of Tonbridge: the appointment of the new Bishop whose role will include taking a lead on the church’s responsibility for the care of creation.

3.  U.K.Government: the environmental dimension of Brexit could be sizeable as governments are more willing and able to address challenging environmental issues working together rather than independently, not least because it removes fear of being undercut by competing industries in other countries.

4.  Our Connected Church Project: in the Diocese of Marsabit, Rev. Jeremiah Omar reports that 70% of the livestock are dead from drought – a disaster for the many nomadic communities in the area. Rt Rev. Bishop Qampicha Daniel Wario, Bishop of Marsabit, Kenya, has appealed to the Barnabas Fund for help to provide food aid to save the lives of the most vulnerable Christians in the worst affected areas.

Time to Take Action?

Food Aid Appeal on behalf of the Anglican Church of Kenya and the Church of Uganda (

If you would like to make a gift, please direct your donation to00-1313 Project Joseph Fund.

“It is a noble calling to co-operate with God for the fulfilment of his purposes, to transform the created order for the pleasure and profit of all. In this way our work is to be an expression of our worship, since our care of the creation will reflect our love for the Creator.” John Stott.

With grateful thanks for your prayer partnership with us in Creation Care and the Gospel,

may the Lord bless you always, make his face shine upon you & give you his peace.