St. Nicholas at Wade withSarre Parish Council
Draft Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at the Pavilion, Bell Meadow, St. Nicholas at Wade on Tuesday 11th July 2017.
Present: Councillors Bryant (Chairman), Ms. Cheniston, Evans, Field, Radclyffe, Searle & Ms. Smyth.
Also Present: Councillor Crow-Brown (TDC) and Roy Wade (Interim Clerk) and eleven (11) members of the public.
Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors Ms. Dawson and Gregory (KCC).
A declaration of interest was made by Councillor Evans in respect of planning application TH/17/0730 Huckleberry Farm, Councillor Evans left the chamber during the discussion and voting on the item.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2017, as slightly amended (one word change suggested by Cllr Cheniston), be approved and signed by the Chairman.
The Chairman, Councillor Bryant reported upon the following:
Appointment of Interim Clerk – Thanked Roy Wade for undertaking the duties of Clerk to the Council until the newly appointed Clerk Ms. Sara Archer takes up her duties on 24th July 2017. The Chairman also thanked Councillor Ms. Smyth for being part of the interviewing process for the applicants for the post of Clerk;
St. John’s Green – the lease agreement was still awaited but once received the Parish Council will be asked to give permission for the placement of an antique agricultural harrow and that James Lamont had agreed to help in this project;
Spraying of Graffiti – the Chairman expressed his concern that graffiti had been sprayed on the footbridge over the Thanet Way and on the planters in Canterbury Road. The planters had been re-sprayed and would continue to be re-sprayed until the perpetrator gave up this anti-social behaviour. The Community Warden will be asked to put in place measures to remedy the damage to the footbridge,
Quiz Evening – Manor Hall – The Chairman and his wife had attended the quiz night and he thanked Annette Paul and all of the helpers for making the evening so enjoyable and successful,
Village Celebrations on 30th July – the arrangements to include a mini rustic Olympics and a Villagelitter pick squad initiative.
The Village Web Site – the site had attracted 5000 visits since its launch in March and he hoped that Members were pleased with the web site.
The Interim Clerk had no further items or correspondence to report upon.
SARRE - Councillor Radclyffe – Undertaking the maintenance of hedges and litter picking in the Village as required. Councillor Ms. Smyth thanked the two residents of Sarre Court who had been seen had been seen scraping and sweeping the footpath in Ramsgate Road.
St. Nicholas at Wade – The Chairman expressed his continuing frustration at the dog fouling situation and the offensive smell coming from the bins in Bell Meadow..
Councillor Crow-Brown – (i) Rural Regeneration Meeting – Paid tribute to Councillor Field for his speed watch initiative,
(ii) TDC (a) was affected by staff shortages; and (b) action had been taken to remove travellers from Jacky Bakers, and
(iii) The Princess of Wales Royal Regiment – a territorial unit was now established at Manston.
The Chairman asked for an update on the future of Manston
Councillor Crow-Brown responded on the Riveroak presentation and that another party had expressed an interest in Manston.
No councillors were in attendance to report.
No officers were in attendance to report.
The Interim Clerk to contact the officers and request that they submit a written report if they are not able to attend meetings.
70/17-182020 vision
Council received the report of the Chairman on ;
(a)An update, tabled at the meeting, on the Parish Council’s three year strategic plan. The update identified 6 areas and that each Member would be asked to take ownership of a specific area. It was suggested that Members hold an informal meeting to agree the way forward,
(b)Councillor Searle has inspected various playgrounds within Thanet to formulate ideas. Mssrs. Wicksteed will be visiting the Village on 13th July to advise on possible designs for the playground. .The Chairman indicated that there would need to be a meeting to discuss costing and any grants available for the project. Finally Members were advised that the tree stump will be removed at no cost to the Parish Council; and
(c)Councillor Field reported on the speed watch initiative and that discussions would be held with the congestion outside the School and in Bridge’s Close. Discussions had been held with Kent Highways and the Education Authority and a further report would be made once suggested proposals for the future traffic management of the area had been proposed.
Mr. McMahon – (i) at the last meeting Councillor Crow-Brown congratulated TDC on its litter picking initiative and yet despite the condition of Court Road having been reported nothing had been done.
Councillor Field responded that the 40 gallon tank in this are contained hazardous waste material and details had been passed to Cllr. Crow-Brown for action.
(ii) Mr. McMahon asked why there were no public toilets within the Village.
The Chairman responded that there was a public toilet in the Church but accepted this was not ideal. The Rev Karen Gooding was in attendance and she made the point that the church are trying to encourage young people to attend church and the use of the public toilet in the church would not be encouraged. The Chairman also reminded Council that the provision of a public toilet was contained within the 2020 vision document and that he would investigate the feasibility of building an extension to the Village Hall to provide a public toilet with an external access to avoid having to go through the main hall.
Mrs. Higginson – Asked where the leaflet which had been delivered throughout the Village had come from and the Chairman responded that it had come from him.
RESOLVED: That the public be excluded from the meeting in respect of the following item to allow Members to consider 2 applications for co-option to the Parish Council and the possible disclosure of personal information.
The Chairman reported that 2 applications had been received as follows:
Mr. Lee Ageros3 Chalk Pit Cottages Sarre; and
Mr. Brian Davison4 Chalk Pit Cottages Sarre.
The Chairman also reminded Members that although there were 2 vacancies one related to Sarre and the other to St. Nicholas at Wade.
The applicants were interviewed by Council and outlined what they could bring to the Parish Council.
RESOLVED: That (a) Mr. Lee Ageros be co-opted to the Parish Council to represent the Village of Sarre; and (b) applications be again invited to fill the vacancy for St. Nicholas at Wade.
Council considered planning application TH/17/0730 – Variation of condition 4 for the change of agricultural land to land for the keeping horses and the erection of 2 stables and tack room to allow for alterations to stable block.
It was agreed that no objections be raised to the application.
73/17-18 FINANCE
Council received the following:
(i)June Bank reconciliation
(ii)Transfer between the Parish Council’s bank accounts,
(iii)Schedule of payments for July,
(iv)Details of the budget update; and
(v)Consideration of quotes for the removal of tree stump in Bell Meadow.
RESOLVED: That the reports and details be noted and that
(A)A transfer of £10,000 be made between the Parish Council’s current account to the deposit account.
(B)That the schedule of payments be approved for payment; and
(C)That no action be taken in respect of the cost of the removal of the tree stump in view of the report made under 70/17-18 above
Time concluded: 20.45