St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church

‘I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always.’ John 14:16

Confirmation Candidate Portfolio – Introduction, Page 1 of 4

Note –Please submit all 4+ pagesof your portfolio at one time, stapled together with your essay answers,on or before 10/23.

My name is (full Baptismal name) ______.

I was born in (city of birth) ______on this date ______.

I was baptized at (name of parish) ______on this date ______.

My sponsors for baptism were (names and their relation to you)______


My first communion was at (name of parish) ______on this date ______.


Your family is an important community of faith, hope, and charity formed by God (CCC 2204-5).You and your family spread your “gifts” of faith, hope and charity every day. These are not “material gifts”, but words and actions used tospread Christ’s peace to your home and beyond. Please list all the members of your family, including yourself, and describe one way that each family memberspreads faith, hope, or charity.

Names of Family MembersHow this family member spreads faith, hope or charity








What do you plan to do on your own to help yourself prepare for Confirmation?Take a deep breath, think and pray for a few minutes. Then, complete the following commitment statement.

To prepare for my Confirmation I plan to…






St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church

‘I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always.’ John 14:16

Confirmation Candidate Portfolio – Confirmation Name, Page 2 of 4

Note – Please submit all 4 pages of your portfolio at one time, stapled together with your essay answers, on or before 10/23

Choosing a Confirmation name is an important decision. The Church encourages you to use your Baptismal name (your first name) as your Confirmation name to emphasize the connection between the two sacraments. Whether you use your Baptismal name or choose a new name, it is important that you learn about your name. If you do choose a new name for Confirmation, you should use the name of a Saint. Use the St. Max Confirmation web site and find the section called Saint Name Resources. Here you will find a list of web sites about the saints. When you list information about the saints you are connected to, please include information other than just dates and locations.


Look up your first name. If you can’t find your first name, look up the name it originated from (like Marlene is a form of Magdalen).WhichSaint did you look up? ______

What did you learn about the Saint? (please no dates or places)______


What is the meaning of your first name? ______


Look up your middle name or its origin. Which Saint did you look up? ______

What did you learn about the Saint? ______


What is the meaning of your middle name?______


Look up your birthday. Which Saint is remembered that date?______

What did you learn about the Saint? ______



Look up the date of your Baptism. Which Saint is remembered that date?______What did you learn about the Saint? ______



Look up your favorite Saint. What is their name? ______What did you learn about her/him? ______



The name I chooseto be Confirmed withis (note - this name will be on your Confirmation name tag, in the worship aid and on your Confirmation Certificate) ______

I choose this name because ______


If this is not your Baptismal name, please give the web site where this Saint can be found. ______

St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church

‘I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always.’ John 14:16

Confirmation Candidate Portfolio – Personal Reflection, Page 3 of 4

Note – Please submit all 4 pages of your portfolio at one time, stapled together with your essay answers, on or before 10/23

Dear Candidate,

This part of the portfolio has reflection questions for you to answer. This reflection page has potential to give us wonderful insight into who you are and where you are with your faith and so it is important you take your time with it.Please review this with your family and sponsor to get their input and help. They may provide as much help as you need but the final answers should be in your own words.

While this part of the portfolio will take more time and thought, our prayer for you is that through the process of answering these reflection questions you grow in self-awareness and gain the confidence needed to 'go and serve the Lord' as a fully initiated member of our Church.

Mrs. Doughman and Mrs. Burbrink

1) ESSAY QUESTION – Your answer will be 3 paragraphs about 5 sentences each.

In three paragraphs, explain the Catholic faith to a friend who is not Catholic or who does not know God. Choose three aspects of our faith to describe to your friend, writing a paragraph to explain each.

2) SHORT ANSWER - Please answer both questions below. Please write 3 to 5 sentences for each response.

  1. The Apostles James and John were called the 'sons of thunder', Peter 'the rock', and Jesus 'the Lamb of God'. What is a different nickname that fits you? This should be a nickname that describes where you are with your faith at this point in your life. Please explain your answer.
  2. If you sat down next to God the Father, Son, and/or Holy Spirit on an airplane (of course, they'd switch seats to give you the window), what are the first 3 questions you think they would ask you? Why do you think they would ask each question and what would your answer be.

3) RESEARCH - Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church, find the answers to all 3 of the following questions and note the paragraph # where the answer can be found.

Hint - You may have a Catechism in your home or you can find one by searching online.

  1. Who can be a minister of the Sacrament of Baptism? Please give a 1 word answer and the 4 digit paragraph #.
  2. What are the names of the 3 Holy Oils? Please list 3 names and the 4 digit paragraph # where their uses are described.
  3. Who is the minister of the Sacrament of Confirmation? Please give a 1 word answer and the 4 digit paragraph #.

St. Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church

‘I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate to be with you always.’ John 14:16

Confirmation Candidate Portfolio – Discipleship, Page 4 of 4

Note – Please submit all 4 pages of your portfolio at one time, stapled together with your essay answers, on or before 10/23


The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy illustrate ways to show charity toward others.

Corporal Works of MercySpiritual Works of Mercy

 Feed the hungry Admonish the sinner

 Give drink to the thirsty Instruct the ignorant

 Clothe the naked Counsel the doubtful

 Shelter the homeless Comfort the sorrowful

 Visit the sick Bear wrongs patiently

 Visit the imprisoned Forgive all injuries

 Bury the dead Pray for the living and the dead


Service to our parish or the community that you have done

Please list three individual and/or family services you have done. Using the above lists, identify aCorporal or Spiritual Work of Mercy that describes each service.

Name of Service Corporal or SpiritualWork of Mercy





Service Possibilities after Confirmation when you are Fully Initiated

Please list five talents or gifts that you have that could be useful at St. Max. Then, use a St. Max bulletin OR the parish website ( to find a ministry that uses your gift.

Talent/Gift that could be useful at my parishParish Ministry where that gift can be used







Prayer for Strength and Perseverance as a Disciple

Write a prayer asking for strength and perseverance to join a ministry at St. Max that would use one of the talents or gifts you listed above. Note – your service may be in a ministry you served in in the past, the present or hope to join in the future.______



