St Matthews Elementary PTA 2016-2017 Standing Rules

1. The PTA Board will consist of the elected officers, standing committee chairman, non-voting team leaders, the principal, the SBDM liason and a teacher liaison.

2. The Executive Committee consists of the elected officers of the organization: President, all Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. The principal will also serve on the Executive Committee.

3. The officers’ duties are as follows: President, Secretary, Treasurer, VP Membership, VP Communications, VP Fundraising, VP Volunteers, VP Activities, VP In- School Activities.

4. The standing committees will be: School Wide Fundraising Chair, New Student Liaison, Room Parent Coordinator, and Spirit Wear Sales.

5. Non-voting team leaders will be determined each fall by the Executive Committee and President. The current list is: Silent Auction, Playground, Store Cards, Dinner Nights Out, Box Tops, Back to School Picnic, Fall Festival, Father-Daughter Dance, March Madness, Spring Picnic, Public Relations, Directory, Timely Tips, Newsletter, Hospitality, Tiger Fun Fest, Earth Day, KY Kids Day, Health Screenings, Music Programs, Accelerated Reader, Clothing Assistance, Reflections, Year Book,SBDM Liaison, and Teacher Liaison. The PTA calendar of events is developed by the president and principal in July of each year. Other Board members may participate at the president’s discretion.

7. A calendar of events, including PTA Board and General Meetings, will be distributed no later than the first Board meeting of the year. Changes to that calendar should be cleared with the president and the principal at least 2 weeks prior to the original event date with the exception of changes due to weather.

8. The president will be notified if a member cannot attend a meeting.

9. Voting members of the PTA Board (elected officers and standing committee chairmen) are encouraged to attend all Board meetings. Non-voting members are invited to attend all Board meetings and are encouraged to attend the meetings leading up to their program or event.

10. Every member of the PTA Board will submit a Plan of Work to the president on the appropriate form; the Executive Committee will approve all Plans of Work. Plans of Work will be completed and submitted within two (2) weeks of the first Board meeting of the year.

11. Board members will maintain a Procedure Book and will turn over all materials to the president upon completion of their term (before the final Board meeting of the year). A Procedure Book is a binder and/or folder containing the approved Plan of Work for the Board position as well as a timeline, budget, notes, etc. pertaining to completion of the Plan of Work.

12. Any materials to be sent home to the student body or distributed to the staff must be approved by the principal and the president prior to copying and distribution. This includes all materials that carry the name of the St Matthews PTA in any fashion.

13. The president and two other Board members may go to state and district meetings, conferences and awards banquets at the PTA’s expense.

14. A book will be purchased for the St Matthews Elementary library, for an amount not to exceed $20.00, in remembrance of the death of:

a. a PTA Board member, or a member of their immediate family (mother, father, spouse or child)

b. a St Matthews Elementary staff member, or a member of their immediate family (mother, father, spouse or child)

Inside the book will be placed a nameplate reading: “In memory of deceased person’s name, date” and a note will be sent to the appropriate party to notify them of the gift.

14. A card will be sent in the event of other deaths in the St Matthews Tiger family, as well as for hospitalizations, births and retirements.


1. After elections are held in the spring, a Financial Review Committee will be elected by the outgoing Executive Committee. The Financial Review Committee shall consist of not less than three (3) members and always an odd number. The outgoing and incoming Treasurers will not serve on the committee, nor will any check signers from the year being audited. Immediate family members of the aforementioned individuals may not serve on the FR Committee.

2. All outstanding bills and approved receipts should be turned in to the Treasurer, for payment or reimbursement, prior to the end of the school year. The books will be closed at the end of the fiscal year (June 30), and remain closed until the Financial Review is completed.

3. The Financial Review Committee will complete the Financial Review by June 30 of each year. The Committee will file its report and turn over the books to the incoming Treasurer at the conclusion of the Financial Review.

4. The Budget Committee will be chaired by the Treasurer. Either three (3) or five (5) Board members will serve on the Budget Committee, including the incoming President and Treasurer. The Committee will be named in May and will conclude their work by June 30 of each year. The budget will be developed in consultation with the principal. A budget will be presented at the first Board meeting of the year for approval. That approved budget will then be presented at the fall General Meeting for the approval of the PTA membership.

5. The appropriate tax returns will be filed with the IRS after the completion of the Financial Review and at least two weeks before the IRS deadline (currently Nov. 15).

6. A startup fund for the next school year will be left in the PTA accounts at the end of each year to enable the incoming Board to conduct necessary business at the beginning of the school year. This amount will be at least $2000 for operating and necessary expenses, plus enough to cover any outstanding debts.

7. When making necessary purchases for PTA programs and activities, Board members should use the tax-exempt letter/certificate whenever possible. (The PTA number should be used, not the school.) Also, if a purchase falls outside the budget, it must be preapproved by the President and Treasurer.

8. Any Board member or committee that receives or handles money will count the money on hand at the school, in a secured area, with two people present at all times. One of those two individuals should be a bonded officer of the St Matthews PTA. Arrangements for counting and depositing money should be made ahead of time with the Treasurer. Money should never be left unattended in an unsecured area.

9. Before school starts each year, the Treasurer, President and one other officer will be added to the signature card for the association’s checking account.

10. The President and Treasurer should sign all checks. If the President is unavailable, the third officer on the signature card may sign but only if the payment request form has been approved by the President.

11. When seeking a reimbursement, Board members should attach a receipt (or copy thereof) to the appropriate form and complete that form before submitting it to the Treasurer. All receipts and bills for an event or program should be submitted to the Treasurer within two (2) weeks of the event or program.

12. When a cash box is needed for an event or program, a request must be given to the Treasurer at least 4 business days before the event or program. When the cash is obtained from the bank, it must be counted by the Treasurer and a receipt given to the Board member who went to the bank.