St Marys RC primary school
School improvement
Responsibility Area:To raise standards in science so consistently high progress is being made. / Strategic Lead: Ben Lavin
Subject Leader: Amy Lawlor / Link Governor: Terry shaw
Outcomes: What success will look like for pupils
- Increased rate of progress in scientific understanding in all year groups (greater than 3 points progress each year)
- The teaching of science usesexperiments +practical resources that capture pupils’ imagination and increases enjoyment of subject.
- Increased % of children achieving age related expectations at the end of KS1 at end of KS2 close to national average
- New Science curriculum introduced across school from Sept 2015
- KS1 and KS2 teaching staff are confident with the progression of scientific understanding by using Kaganlearning.
- Staff confidence in assessing and setting targets
Target / Actions / Target date / Monitoring & Evaluation / Funding
1. To improve the rate of progress in science for all pupils, ensuring that 100% of children make expected progress by the end of KS2 / 1.1 Employ Dawn Robertson to lead fortnightly planning delivery, team teach and assessment sessions for each teacher.
1. Classroom environments to reflect the science learning through interactive & dynamic displays and plentiful evidence.
1.4Ensure that KS1 and KS2 teaching staff are confident with the progression of science for highly effective teaching and learning
1.5 Appoint new science coordinator to support drop ins to monitor standards / September 2015
Autumn and after appointment of new teacher
Termly / Overview of long term planning (EYFS & Y1-6)
intervention programmes
SLT feedback from Curriculum team and progress
Lesson observations & work scrutinies
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly / PPG funding for D Robertson support and coaching
£1500 new sciencescheme and CPD
2. To introduce new curriculum requirements in Science from Sept 2015 and ensure high standards in books / 1.1Embed new science scheme across the school and intensive sessions from autumn term 2
1.2Introduce and monitor new science assessment sheet for each child
1.3Planning checked half termly-new coordinator and SLT to ensure curriculum elements being taught
1.4Books checked half termly to check experimental focus and good differentiation in expectations for year group
1.5Peer coaching and use of outstanding teachers -DHT and ASSHT to support weaker staff / September 2015
September October January April June 2016
Stay in October 2015
October 2015
January 2015 / Lesson observations with scientific focus & work scrutinies
Learning Environment walks
Drop ins
Pupils interviews termly
Governors meetings