A parish of the R.C. Diocese of Galloway. Charity No. SCO10576
Parish Priest: Fr. Eamonn; Address: 28 Greenock Road, Largs KA30 8NE;

Tel. 01475 672324; Website:; Twitter: @SMarysLargs

A very sincere welcome to all who are visitors to St Mary’s this week. We hope you enjoy your time amongst us.

Response to Psalm: “Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you.”

WEEKDAY MASS: 10am Daily (except Thursday
and Saturday)
Communion Service – 10am Thursday
No Mass (or Communion) Service on Saturday morning except on First Saturday of the month.

The Rosary is said before Mass each day during the week beginning at 9.40am.

Saturday Vigil 6pm; Sunday 10am

Saturday after the Vigil Mass.

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Will take place each Tuesday from 10.30 - 11.30am


PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please remember all the sick for whom prayers have been requested. See the book at Our Lady’s statue.


Tea/coffee in the hall after 10am Mass today.

DO THIS IN MEMORY: The first meeting for the PARENTS of the children preparing for the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion takes place on Monday, 28th August at 7pm in the Church.
The first Celebration will take place the following Sunday, 3rd September at 10am Mass. We have 21 children for the sacraments this year.

WHITHORN PILGRIMAGE: Takes place next Sunday, 27th August at 4pm. on the beach. Mass in the Church in Whithorn at 4.45pm. There will be an opportunity for pilgrims to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Church in Whithorn from 1pm onwards. Please make your own arrangements regarding transport.

WEEKLY COLLECTION: last Sunday: £719.17.

RETIRED PRIESTS FUND: The Annual Collection for the Retired Priests of the Diocese will be taken up next Sunday. Gift Aid envelopes are available on the seats. Please take one and put your donation in it and return next Sunday. Cheques should be made payable to St Mary’s Church.

ST.MARY’S PRAYER LINE – In need of Prayer? Please phone the prayer line 07598 909592.

NATIONAL YOUTH PILGRIMATE TO IONA: Young people aged 14-25 from Scotland are invited to travel on pilgrimage to Iona on Sunday 10th Sept. to visit the Abbey where St Columba and his monks lived in the 6th century. The Galloway group will travel by coach to Oban on Saturday 9th Sept. where they will stay overnight in a youth hostel, travelling on to Iona and returning home on the Sunday. Cost £30. To register and for more information please email Fr Stephen McGrattan at mailto: .

CELEBRATE SCOTLAND is a weekend of faith sharing and celebration designed to appeal to families of all sizes – old and young. It is a Catholic event which is welcoming to our brothers and sisters from all parts of the Christian family. As well as talks and workshops for the adults, there are streams for various age groups up to 21 years old with excellent faith-building activities run by experienced catechists, teachers and youth ministers. There is the opportunity for lively worship, contemplative adoration, celebration of Holy Mass, as well as individual prayer ministry. This year’s theme is “Seek first his Kingdom”, St Ninian’s High School, Giffnock, from Saturday 2nd till Sunday 3rd Sept. For more details and to book see website or phone Ged Farrell on 07793 370910.

LARGS CHURCHES TOGETHER BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: As part of Largs Churches Together and in partnership with the Community Connector for the local area, a bereavement support group has been developed. The support group is for those in the community of Largs, Cumbrae and Fairlie who have suffered loss in the past year. It is a six week programme that allows people who are bereaved to feel that they are not alone in their loss, and, as such, to give them an opportunity to meet with others who are bereaved and who will understand the journey they are now faced with. In addition the programme for the support group allows insight into aspects of dealing with loss and some practical tools to support people through their grief journey. Please note that this is a support group and it is not counselling. The group will run for 6 weeks on alternate Wednesdays from 2.30pm – 4pm, starting on Wednesday 27th Sept. and will be in in St John’s Toch H Hall, Bath Street, Largs. There will be opportunity to discuss loss, thinking about the emotions and the practicalities of being bereaved, with time for tea, coffee and chat. There is no cost for attending the group. If you are interested in attending or would like some more information, please contact Kathleen Rourke Tel.676379.

POLISH MASS: Mass in Polish will be celebrated in St John’s, Stevenston this Friday, 25th August at 7pm.
Fr Krzyszt from Poland will celebrate the Mass.

BENEDICTINE MONASTERY STRAWBERRY TEA: Saturday 26th August 12.45pm – 4.30pm. Tickets will be on stall after weekend Masses £2 Adult 50p Child.