St Mary S Catholic Primary School

St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School

Science Policy

Mission Statement

Jesus is at the centre of all that we do


At St. Catherine’s School we encourage all our pupils to look at the world as scientists. We believe that they should develop the confidence and curiosity to ask questions, and to appreciate their own new discoveries and those of their peers.

We want the children to leave our school with the skills and knowledge to use and apply science in their everyday lives.


Science is taught as a core subject in its own right. We aim to:

·  develop a positive attitude in caring for the environment.

·  develop skills in reasoning and logic.

·  deepen the pupils’ knowledge and understanding through practical skills used in scientific investigations.

·  develop the pupils’ skills of planning and carrying out an activity and then recording and interpreting results.


All classes are using the Tom Robson Scheme of Work which is based on the National Curriculum 2014 and which covers the different subjects across the years to ensure coverage and progression from Reception to Year 6.

Teachers will use the SOW to identify what they have to teach and when.

Science skills are planned and taught each week.

We teach Sc1 skills explicitly in individual lessons and encourage pupils to practise them with the context of an investigation.

We teach the knowledge required to understand biology, chemistry and physics as set out in Tom Robson

Assessment is in accordance with National Curriculum requirements using assessment wheels to identify areas of weakness.

Scientific work of an appropriate level will be available to each child, whatever their age, ability, sex or ethnic origin.

We remind pupils to regard both their own safety and that of others (ref. School Health and Safety Policy).

The children in St. Catherine’s use ICT to support their learning in science e.g. data logging, microscope, modelling programs.


We assess our children by talking to them and asking questions, by looking at their work and by observing them carrying out practical tasks.

Knowledge and Understanding levels are monitored and recorded throughout the unit and at the end of the unit on an overall assessment sheet.

The science co-ordinator monitors progress at the end of each topic by talking to three children from each class and questioning them about the topic covered and monitoring the end of unit level assessment sheets.

We plan for further development based upon what we have found out about the child by evaluating planning, lessons and outcomes.

At the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, children are assessed, using teacher assessment.

We celebrate the pupil’s success by

- verbal and written comments

- giving stars, stickers or house points

- sharing detail with parents.

The science co-ordinator’s role is detailed in the allocated teacher’s job description.

Co-ordinator’s name – Claire Wright

Review date: July 2015

St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School (Academy) Swindon, registered in England and Wales under 08132338 , registered office address, Davenwood, Stratton St Margaret Swindon Wiltshire SN2 7LL