St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School

School Advisory Council

Minutes: November 27, 2012


Suzanne Bacot Father Smith Janiece Evans-Page

Kathi Park Andy Crider John Garvey Claudine Humphries

Bill Wray Paula Allgood Gilberto Aguilar Michael Jonte


Claudine Humphries passed out the agenda.


Minutes approved from October meeting.

Pastoral Council December meeting attendee Claudine Humphries

Principal report: Suzanne Bacot

Reminder to Save the Date: Accreditation Activities

Welcome Dinner on Jan. 22, Grand Ballroom: Pastoral Center. 5:30 p.m. Social Hour, 6:00 pm Dinner (SAC members invited to attend)

Wed/Thurs: Classroom visits

Friday: School Mass at 8:30 am (SAC members invited to attend)

Exit interview around 12:00 pm (SAC members invited to attend)

Accreditation team report will be received in the spring and incorporated into Strategic Plan.

Registration: Open House on Feb. 5, (SAC members to attend)

Enrollment concerns: Constant Contact is an e-mail tool used by the parish. It was suggested by Mrs. Bacot that the school implements a plan to showcase the school in parish publications.

Christmas Pageant on Dec. 20: Guard-ian Angels will be used again to keep the aisles clear. Ray Reed will contact volunteers.

Technology Committee: Michael Jonte

Technology listed in Domain 5 as an area of needed strength per Suzanne Bacot.

The last technology audit was 7 years ago. Laptop carts would facilitate integration of technology into the curriculum. Money is needed. Michael Jonte volunteered to pursue funding ideas: grants/donors.

Technology should be added to the Strategic Plan.

Finance Committee: John Garvey

Enrollment is down by 53 students from last year. As a result, instead of the $67,000 surplus that was expected there will be a $215,000 deficit.

Choices for recovery:

Dip into surplus, raise tuition, market the school and increase enrollment

Regarding Marketing:

Discussion on marketing led to agreement that SAC members will meet independently to come up with marketing suggestions for Development Director. Meeting will be on December 16.

Regarding Facilities:

Gilberto Aguilar made note that in working in the school kitchen during the Carnival there were a number of items that are in need of repair.
