St. Mark Catholic School Proudly Invites You to Our Annual

St. Mark Catholic School Proudly Invites You to Our Annual

St. Mark Catholic School Proudly Invites You to Our Annual

Christmas Pageant Celebration

Thursday, December 18 at 6:30pm in the Church

Students in grades PK-through 5th grade will participate. Each grade level will sing songs linked to the re-enactment and scriptural reading of the Christmas story. 5th grade students will play the parts of the main characters in the scriptural account.

Students will report to their classrooms or designated areas no earlier than 6:15 PM. Parents may pick up students from those same areas at the conclusion of the Pageant.

Except for the costumed students in the pageant, attire for the program is simply Sunday Dress or "Festive!"

Please read these important guidelines for audience protocol before, during, and after the Pageant:

MOST IMPORTANTThe Blessed Sacrament will be removed from the main sanctuary during the actual performance. However, all guests and participants must remember that we are gathered in a place of worship, and behavior must reflect the respect due for the sacred place that it is.

Refrain from loud and disruptive talking prior to and during the performance.

Parents must make the commitment to stay for the entire program. (From beginning to end, it is only 45 minutes). Students will be supervised in their assigned area and will be released to parents at the end of the program. Early exits from the pageant result in disruption, disrespect, and disappointment. If you cannot make the commitment to stay the entire time, please decide now that your child will not participate and let their teacher know.

Guests must stay in their seats during the performance. If picture taking is to be done, it must be done from the pew in which you are seated. No one will be given access to the aisles or steps of the altar for picture taking. There will be ample time and space made available for picture taking AFTER the program is finished

Supervision of students: While the various grade levels are waiting to perform, students will wait in their classrooms or assigned area. They will be supervised by their teachers, until it is time to come to the church. After each grade level performs, students will be taken back to the same location and supervised by their teachers until the program has ended.

Middle School students who have younger siblings and who plan to attend the program must sit with their family prior to and throughout the performance.

A Few Reminders:

Maintain respectful and quiet behaviors while in the sanctuary.

Out of respect for all the performers, refrain from leaving the performance early.

Thank you and we hope you enjoy the show!